
Hilton Hotel's Information Management Systems


Added on  2020-02-14

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Information SystemManagement
Hilton Hotel's Information Management Systems_1

Table of ContentsABSTRACT.....................................................................................................................................3INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS........................................................................................................4Meanings of Cloud Computing, Big Data and Mobile Platform:..............................................41 Benefits of Cloud Computing: ................................................................................................42 Challenges of Cloud Computing:.............................................................................................53 Adoption of Big Data: .............................................................................................................54 Benefits of Big Data:................................................................................................................65 Challenges of Big Data: ..........................................................................................................76 Mobile and Digital Platform: ..................................................................................................77 Benefits of Mobile Data:..........................................................................................................88 Challenges of Mobile Data:.....................................................................................................89 Problems faced by Hilton: .......................................................................................................810 Solutions for those problems: ................................................................................................911 Emerging trends in big data and cloud computing and mobile platform: .............................912 Opportunities and Challenges: ............................................................................................10CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.............................................................................10REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................11Appendix........................................................................................................................................131 Cloud Computing business model-.......................................................................................15QUESTIONNAIRE.......................................................................................................................16
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ABSTRACTThe project reviews and provides the overview of Information System Management and theimpact of cloud computing, Big Data and Mobile data on the organisation. The study is based onthese three technological aspects and their impact on Hilton Hotel. Throughout the study theresearcher has found several things such as benefits and challenges of cloud computing, big dataand mobile data and also discussed the key areas for future research.INTRODUCTIONInformation system is a software that provides assistance in analysing and organising thedata's of companies. Information system provide solutions for the problems (Laudon andLaudon, 2011). It helps in achieving the organisational objective by better decision making andhelps in taking competitive advantage from the rivals. Cloud computing is an environmentcreated in user's system from an online application store on the cloud and run through a webbrowser. It allows users to create, configure and customize online applications. Big data is a termfor data sets, it describes structured, unstructured and semi structured data that has prospective tobe given for information. Mobile platform is a platform that allows a business to rapidly build,test and deploy mobile apps for tablets or smartphones (Abdillah, 2014). Hilton Hotel is a global brand that provides services in hotels and resorts. It was foundedby Conrad Hilton in 1919. Hilton provides hotel services in more than 84 countries spanning 6continents. Marriott International and Ereved groups are the major competitors of Hilton Hotelworldwide. Hilton currently trades at $21.5. It has the highest market capitalization of $24.31billion—compared to its competitors including Marriott International’s $20.61 billion (Bilbao-Osorio, Dutta and Lanvin, 2013). In recent times there was a direct impact of cloud computingand mobile platform on Hilton. The company is creating brand awareness by using mobileplatform and online applications. This research is carried out with the rationale to identify theactual issues related to information technology management in Hilton hotels and understand thereason behind the scenes and to critically analyse the situation and thereby develop appropriatesolutions to major problems in Hilton hotels relating to information technology.
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FINDINGS AND ANALYSISMeanings of Cloud Computing, Big Data and Mobile Platform:1) Cloud Computing: The simple meaning of cloud computing is to access and store important information through theinternet, rather than accessing from your own system. It is a platform that provides facilities toaccess the important information from any part of the world with the use of internet (Borghoffand Pareschi, 2013). It is a general term for the delivery of hosted services over the internet.Google drive, Apple iCloud, Amazon cloud drive are the main examples of cloud computing.Dropbox, Box, Sugar Sync are the hybrid services and Instagram can be seen as cloud computingas well. The need of adopting cloud computing has arisen to overcome the information systemrelated issues faced by Hilton Hotel. With assistance of this system, various departments canconnect with the computer and share their data. Public, private and hybrid are the main types of cloud computing. The hotel has adoptedPublic clouds and Hybrid cloud. Public cloud provides assistance in providing the besteconomies of scale and these clouds are also inexpensive to set up because the service providercovers the costs such as hardware, applications and bandwidth costs. Hybrid cloud helped inmaintaining the control of an internally managed private cloud. These Hybrid clouds can beexpensive and provides modest economies of scale. It is beneficial in case of hurricane warnings,blackouts, scheduled maintenance windows and other predictable outages. It can be said thatcloud computing is types of computing that relies on sharing computing resources rather thanhaving local servers or personal devices to handle applications. It is comparable to gridcomputing where unused processing cycles of all computers in a network are harnessed to solveproblems too intensive for any stand-alone machines. With assistance of cloud computing, Hiltonhotel can improve performance, because computers in a cloud computing system boot and runfaster because they have fewer programs and processes loaded into memory and reducedsoftware costs. The main advantage of cloud computing is the lower computer cost. Hilton hotelcan manage its work and high level tasks at a low cost.1Benefits of Cloud Computing: The main advantage of cloud computing is the lower computer cost. The users do notneed a high-powered and high-priced computer to run cloud computing web-based applications.
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Since applications run in the cloud, not on the desktop, PC does not need the processing poweror hard disk space demanded by traditional desktop software. The other benefit of cloudcomputing is improved performance and reduced software costs. Computers in a cloudcomputing system boot and run faster because they have fewer programs and processes loadedinto memory. According to Pearlson, Saunders and Galletta (2016) Instant software update andimproved document format compatibility are other features of cloud computing.The users can perform several tasks like managing and scheduling, building anddeploying applications by accessing on cloud services. It also provides accessibility oncomputers, laptops, smartphones and tablets. These are the business management techniques thatprovide solutions to the users. The pool created by cloud administration supplier is accessible byeveryone. It is called as resource pooling. The benefits include on demand self service, broadnetwork access, rapid elasticity, resource pooling and measured services. The resources allocatedby the department, changes instantly and quickly as per the public demand. The other benefits ofcloud computing are such as massive scale, homogeneity, virtualisation, low cost software,resilient computing, geographic distribution, service orientation and advanced security. As per the view point of Baiju (2014) The key benefit of cloud computing is that it iseasily accessible for the individual to store the data and file and can be accessible from anywherewith the usage of internet connection. On the contrary to this they have also argued that it do notconcerned with the security of data and information as the hackers would hack or torn the datathat are stored on the cloud computing (Baiju, 2014). along with this, another characteristics ofcloud computing is the rapid elasticity Clouds are transparent to users and applications, they canbe built in multiple ways such as proprietary open sources, branded products, software andhardware.2Challenges of Cloud Computing:The main challenge for Hilton Hotel is the lack of technical knowledge in the employees.The hotel didn't have a reliable internet connection too. Cloud computing requires a constantinternet connection. It cannot work without the access of internet. If the user has the internetconnection but it is too slow, then cloud computing will not be able to work properly in slowspeed internet (Davenport, 2013). Theoretically, the data saved on cloud are secured but there areminor chances that the data can be lost anytime due to technical failure. Each and every cloud
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system uses different API's and different protocols and it can be happen that it shows error whenclient run applications between cloud based systems.2) Adoption of Big Data: Big data is a term for data sets, it describes structured, unstructured and semi structureddata that has prospective to be given for information. It provides assistance to companies as theycan improve their operations and able to take decisions quickly (Sittig and Zuckerberg, 2010.).This data, when captured, stored, and analysed can help a company to gain useful insight toincrease revenues, improve operations and able to retain customers. Big data is a volume of datamainly used by the vendors. Petabytes and Exabytes are the examples of Big data that areconsists of billions and trillions of data of people.In order to provide technical support to the organisation, the role and importance of Bigdata is increasing day by day. The adoption of big data requires a systematic and focusedapproach that allows organisations to derive the maximum value and support. The Big datafocuses on three Vs such as Volume, Velocity and Variety (Borghoff and Pareschi, 2013). Thesethree helps in defining Big data. The uses of technologies can only be confined by the way these3 V's has defined. The adoption of Big data program requires proper strategic and criticalplanning and it will carry heavy penalties in case of failure in adoption of the program. Itrequires right framework to enable the adoption of big data program. The adoption of Big Dataincludes factors such as Data discovery, Analytic s discovery, tools and technological discovery,infrastructure discovery and last but not the least is the implementation of the framework. Hiltonhotel also needs to follow the above framework in order to adopt the big data for theorganisation. Big data includes social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, It includes blogs,comments, personal documents, Email etc. Big Data includes traditional business systems suchas data produced by public agencies, commercial transactions, credit cards etc. It also includesinternet of things such as fixed sensors such as traffic sensors, webcam, pollution sensors andsurveillance videos, mobile sensors such as satellite images, cars and mobile phone locations anddata from computer systems such as logs and web logs(Bulgurcu, Cavusoglu and Benbasat,2010). 1Benefits of Big Data:The main benefit of Big data is the cost reduction. It is a cloud based analytic and provideassistance in gaining a competitive advantage from the rivals. Functionality and price
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