
Relationship Between Pollution, Quality of Life, and Food Waste


Added on  2019-10-01

4 Pages646 Words167 Views
Relationship Between Pollution, Quality of Life, and Food Waste_1

PART B: RELEVANT KNOWLEDGE/CONCEPT/FACTS AND DATAThere are three concepts examined which are related with the questions which arementioned in first part. These are pollution, quality of life and food waste.The first impact is of pollution. Pollution is being regarded as presence of suchsubstances in environment which has harmful and negative impact. In this context, it can be saidthat air, water and soil are being consider as three basic type of pollution (Johnravindar and et.al.,2018). However, among these in Hong Kong air pollution is being regarded as one of the majortype of pollution. It is contributed mainly due to power plants, marine vessels and motor vehiclesetc. Moreover, there are around 7 million people live in city and each people have their ownvehicles. The given thing will lead to the condition like air pollution. Thus, the given thing iscausing negative impact on the people of society. This is because; different forms of pollutiongive rise to the varied type of diseases. The diseases make the survival of human in the worddifficult. Thus, it is necessary that government of nation should take effective action towards thesame if it really wants to save mankind in future. On the other hand, quality of life is another important concept which is examined in theprevious section. Quality of life is being defined as general well being of an individual andsociety. It basically involves life satisfaction which comes from family, physical health,education and religious belief etc. However, on the other hand quality of life in social aspectmeans the level of satisfaction which an individual gains from the people who are living insociety. In this regard, it can be said that the problem of food waste affect the quality of life of anindividual who are living in society. This is because, food waste brings different other problemssuch as pollution (Li & Li, 2017). The different forms of pollution have varied impact on thehealth of people who are living in society. For example, if some people are living near the foodwaste landfills. Then, in the given situation they will constantly have the rotten food smell intheir area. The given type of thing will make their life difficult. Thus, due to this they will feelhighly dissatisfied and discouraged. In addition to this, food waste is third most important concept in the given study. Inaccordance with the given context, on the basis of analysis it is examined that there are around100-300 tons of food wasted in Hong Kong. These foods are basically disposed on the landfills.In this context, it is also assessed that in the year 2012 there are around 9278 tonnes food wastedisposed in landfills. Here, hospitality firms are the major source of food wastage. This is the1
Relationship Between Pollution, Quality of Life, and Food Waste_2

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