
Partnership Working in Health and Social Care: A Comprehensive Analysis


Added on  2024-06-11

13 Pages4872 Words255 Views
Executive Summary..................................................................................................................1
Introduction............................................................................................................................. 1
Section A...............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Explain philosophies and concepts of working in partnership in health and social care.1
1.2 Partnership relationships within health and social care.................................................2
Section B............................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Models of partnership working along the health and social care sector........................3
2.2 Review legislation and organizational policies and procedures for partnership working
in health................................................................................................................................4
2.3 Difference in working practices along the health and social care sector........................4
Section c............................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Outcomes of partnership working for the use of service professionals and
organizations........................................................................................................................ 5
3.2 Barriers to partnership working......................................................................................6
3.3 Strategies to improve partnership working in health and social care.............................7
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Executive Summary
There are main four philosophies of partnership that involves empowerment, respect,
independence and making informed decisions. These philosophies if addressed properly can
help in formation of effective partnership. In given case Mr Ian was provided with care from
two different agencies at different times but the partnership between these agencies lacked
in establishment of these philosophies and proved to show negative outcomes. Practicing
empowerment will give power to the individuals at health and social care to make decisions
wherever possible in given case as the patient is chronic alcoholic interruption of healthcare
individuals to help him make decisions for his health is important and is missing in this case.
Making informed decision is also a concept that will improve healthcare facilities for user
and enhance the partnership. Different relationships also build while forming partnership in
healthcare. These relationships can be between the patient and the care provider, health
care professionals and even different organizations working in partnership. The rapport of
these partners working together should be good to enhance the partnership concept and
increase quality of care. Models of partnership involve three basic models that are unified,
coalition and hybrid model. Hybrid model is mostly advocated model in healthcare
partnerships as it is easy to access and easy to follow. Legislative framework of the policies
and procedures that are followed at an organization allows partnership and helps in forming
partnership in healthcare. Anti- Discrimination Act, Care Standard Act and other policies are
implemented to ensure partnerships in healthcare. Different working practices also presents
threat to partnership working, these practices may differ in ways and style of working within
Partnership Working in Health and Social Care: A Comprehensive Analysis_2

organization and conflicts can arise among the partnership organizations in order to manage
collaborative working. Partnership is proved to be very beneficial in healthcare not only for
service user but also for healthcare professionals and organizations. It provides better
quality services, more customer satisfaction, development of professional knowledge and
even organizational increment in reputation and publicity. Lack of communication may
present as a major problem in establishment of effective partnership. As in given case lack
of communication between the staff of two agencies proved to be the cause of failed
partnership. There are lot of aspects that has to be improved in order to enhance the
effectiveness of partnership and provide positive outcomes from it. Proper supervision and
leadership is important in team work to guide every individual for their respective roles and
avoid role confusion or duplication.
Partnership is defined as working in collaboration to one another to achieve proper and
cumulative results for the desired aim. In health and social care the partnership and team
work is one of the most important aspects as it enables the health and social care to provide
effective and efficient services to the user. The collaboration of different healthcare
providers, different agencies and organizations with one another regarding the well-being of
the patients is necessary and it allows positive outcomes. This report aims to highlight the
key philosophies of partnership working, legislative and regulatory aspects of partnership
working, models of team work and outcomes of partnership working in health and social
care. The later part of report also described different working partnership practices,
relationships formed by practicing partnership in health and social care, hurdles in effective
team work and recommendations and strategies to enhance partnership working in health
and social care. The report also takes into consideration a review of the case study that was
an example set to be chosen to review the importance of partnership working in health and
social care for the safety and well-being of the service user.
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Section A
1.1 Explain philosophies and concepts of working in partnership in health and
social care.
Partnership is defined as the sharing of a common interest and working together to achieve
the same goal. This definition applies on the partnership among the agencies, organizations
and even healthcare professionals in health and social care. The nature of partnership
depends on its duration and the objectives of the parties involved in it. As in health and
social care the common aim of the partners as a team is to ensure safety, health and well-
being of the service user and all the partners whether it be the organizations, agencies or
the professionals work together to achieve this common goal. Different philosophies are
addressed while the partnership theme is advocated in health and social care. There are
four major philosophies for working as a team this includes empowerment, respect,
independence and making informed decisions (Glasby and Dickinson,2014). Empowerment
is the tool by which the health and social care unit achieves access towards the power to
think, make decisions and reform the conditions as they feel right for the working of health
and social care for the service user (Rice, 2018). As in given case study Mr Ian was mentally
capable of making his sound decisions but due to chronic alcoholism he was unable to make
firm decisions in this situation the healthcare staff has power to enable him make right
decisions regarding his health and well-being. Another philosophy for working in partnership
is the respect towards one another and the patient. Even as the code of conduct for medical
and nursing issues respect for patient is one of an important aspect that enables proper
relationship between patient and the healthcare system other than that respect for the
partners in partnership working is important because it enables every individual to respect
their partners and address their dignity. It allows them to work efficiently together and
without any interpersonal issues. Independence is one aspect of health and social care that
enables the partners in a team to be independent of their thoughts and put forward the
opinion they have regarding the care plan and scheme (Weller, Boyd and Cumin, 2014).
Partnership working will be effective when every individual will work independently plus
cumulatively with the independence of speech and independence to work. Making informed
decision is the type of philosophy that greatly enhances the partnership working in health
and social care. If the team works in partnership they should have the quality to make
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