
Personality Traits Analysis Report


Added on  2020-03-02

21 Pages4535 Words165 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Running head: PEOPLE AND ORGANISATIONTeams and GroupsName of the Student:Name of the University:Author Note:
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1PEOPLE AND ORGANISATIONTable of ContentsPart 1: Literature Review: Teams and Groups................................................................................21.0 Introduction................................................................................................................................21.1 Concept of Team........................................................................................................................21.2 Types of Teams..........................................................................................................................31.3 Theories of Team Role..............................................................................................................41.3.1 Belbin’s Team Role Analysis.................................................................................................41.4 Summary....................................................................................................................................5Part 2: Personality Diagnostic Tools...............................................................................................62.1 Competency Skill Judgment through Johari Window...............................................................62.2 Competency Skill Judgment through Thomas Khilman’s Conflict Questionnaire...................62.3 Analysis of Big 5 Test...............................................................................................................7Part 3: Action Plan...........................................................................................................................9References......................................................................................................................................10Appendix........................................................................................................................................13
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2PEOPLE AND ORGANISATIONPart 1: Literature Review: Teams and Groups1.0 IntroductionExploring the literature review of a chosen subject is the integral part of a particularresearch project. In this study, the study would discuss the effectiveness of teams and groupswithin an organisation. It is notable that the working in teams or groups is essential to generatenew ideas and improve the organisational cohesiveness. The obtained ideas from the theoreticalbackground developed in this literature section would present the insightful knowledge about thesubject matter. Based on the identified conceptual ideas, the further section of the study wouldpresent the evaluation of the personality judgment. The identification of the weakness would beaddress in the personal development plan. 1.1 Concept of TeamAccording to Britton (2015), teamwork depicts the idea of working together towards acommon vision or organisational goals. The team development directs the individuals toaccomplish the business objectives. The effective team building allows the common people toattain the fruitful and uncommon results. On the other hand, De Jong, Dirks and Gillespie (2016)defined that the effective teamwork is formulated when the team members work collaborativelyto execute a set of activities. They can easily interact with others face-to-face and muchfrequently (Meslec & Curşeu, 2015). The contribution of the individual member from differentcultural background brings the innovative business ideas. The cohesiveness maintained in theteam activities is quite appreciating to accomplish the determined goals (Hoch & Kozlowski,2014). The self-managed teams are always adaptive towards changes, willing to take more
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3PEOPLE AND ORGANISATIONresponsibilities, and focused on exploring the innovative procedures. The individuals associatedwithin a group understand the assignments and have the clear values and goals. They have theopen communication skills and they operate within the basic climate of trust. 1.2 Types of TeamsThe recent research on the team development process identifies the various classificationsof the teams into some of the categories. Daspit et al., (2013) opined that teams are categorizeddepending on the functional differences. Some of these specific categories are: Virtual teamsWork teams groupTask forcesProject TeamsCommittees and Cross-functional teamsHigh performance teamsIn previous times, the teamwork was operated in a face-to-face environment, regularmeetings, and postponing interventions (Ruch et al., 2016). However, it is notable that due to theemergence of the globalization and global competition level, the companies have improved thebusiness techniques and operational methods. It has created an environment where the teams arescattered logistically and they have been operating in the same time zones. The virtual teams thuscan communicate with each other through virtual network (Colbert, Barrick & Bradley, 2014).The development of the information technologies has also transformed the organisationalfunctionalities. The high performance team is associated with the individuals who have been
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4PEOPLE AND ORGANISATIONperforming well and contributing to the profitable parameter of the organisation. Hence, thecategorization of the team is necessary for the organisational development process. 1.3 Theories of Team RoleThe extensive research based on the team development process is providing theknowledge about the theoretical concept. This section of the study would discuss the theory-based analysis of the organisational teams performing the different roles. The theoretical analysisis presented below:1.3.1 Belbin’s Team Role AnalysisIn developing the conceptual knowledge about the team role within an organisation,Belbin’s team role theory is much helpful. He has conducted the extensive research on the teamperformance process (Mathieu et al., 2014). Finally, he has identified that nine specific roles arenecessary to build up to form a complete group. The absence of any of these roles would notformulate the group activity. In analyzing the team role model, it is necessary to establish thetendency to contribute, behave, and interrelate with others in a significant way (Beer & Vazire,2017). The theory enables the development of the self-knowledge by communicating andcoordinating with each other. The synopsis of Belbin’s role is divided into three clusters, such asaction oriented, people oriented and cerebral roles. The implementer, shaper, and completer-finisher belong to the group of action-oriented team. On the other hand, the team worker,coordinator, and resource investigators belong to the people-oriented group. Finally, the plant,specialist, and monitor evaluator are included to the cerebral roles.
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5PEOPLE AND ORGANISATION‘Plant’ is the group of people who are much imaginative, creative, and unorthodox. Theyusually take the active participation on resolving the difficult problems. They even communicatewith others with much efficiency. On the other hand, the mature, confident, and goodchairperson is the group of people who always take part in the active decision making process.The implementers are the reliable, disciplined and much efficient to clarify goals and objectives.The monitor evaluators are the ones who undertake the strategic decision accurately. Thecomplete-finishers are often reluctant to delegate and they search for the omissions and errors(McAbee & Connelly, 2016). Therefore, it is notable that the contribution of the people withdifferent skills is beneficial enough in developing the team cohesiveness. It is notable that due tothe emergence of the globalization and global competition level, the companies have improvedthe business techniques and operational methods. It has created an environment where the teamsare scattered logistically and they have been operating in the same time zones. Accordingly, themismanagement of the team can lead towards failure to achieve the organisational goals. 1.4 SummaryThe literature study provides the theoretical ideas about the team and group development.It is noticeable that the employee efficiency helps in accomplishing the organisational goals andobjectives. The development of the theoretical ideas in this literature section determines that theteam development or group cohesiveness is essential for managing the complex organisationalfunctionalities. Based on these ideas, the further section of the study would discuss thedevelopment of personality tests. The obtained ideas from these tests would be helpful enough instructuring the personal development plan further in this study.
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