
Role of Leadership, Structure, and Culture in Effective Transitional Changes


Added on  2023-01-13

15 Pages2247 Words33 Views
Leadership Management
People In Organisation
Role of Leadership, Structure, and Culture in Effective Transitional Changes_1

Table of Contents
Question 1........................................................................................................................................1
STRUCTURE, CULTURE AND LEADERSHIP...........................................................................1
Role of leadership which may exist within the Johnson of Whixley and how the structure and
culture of business may support effective transitional changes.............................................1
Question 2........................................................................................................................................5
MOTIVATION AND EFFECTIVE TEAM....................................................................................5
Role of Leadership, Structure, and Culture in Effective Transitional Changes_2

Within the organisation, people plays an important role as they will lead company's
success or failure by contributing efforts towards the accomplishment of objectives. Employees
are considered as an essential aspect because they offers their valuable knowledge towards the
success of a firm and attain objectives in a most effective manner (Mayo, 2016). In order to get
meaningful outcomes manager of a company needs to be motivate and encouraged to their
employees and develop team oriented environment as well as formulates appropriate strategies
for supporting transitional changes by considering organisational culture, structure and
leadership approaches. For detailed understanding, Johnson of Whixley is chosen which is the
largest commercial nursery business in Europe. In this report the role of leadership and the
influences of structure, culture and leadership approaches is explained which will support
effective transitional changes. Along with this, ways of building effective teams through the
motivation is also discussed and analyse some team development attributes for the company's
Question 1
Role of leadership which may exist within the Johnson of Whixley and how the structure and
culture of business may support effective transitional changes.
Leader is a person who have capability to influence the behaviour and attitudes of others
towards the organisational performance. In order to become an effective leader they require to
know about some leadership styles that is used differently on the varied situations (Maduenyi,
2015). This will help in managing the organisational changes and it is a foundation of a culture in
order to empower workers for achieving the objectives and mission of company. Within the
context of Johnson of Whixley leadership is used in setting up a vision of firm, motivating
workers, building morale, guiding employees and so on.
Role of leadership within the Johnson of Whixley:
The leadership plays an important role in context of Johnson of whixley. It refers to
influencing the growth of company by influencing their employees in an effective manner. This
also includes some leadership style from which they can create a vision and mission of given
Role of Leadership, Structure, and Culture in Effective Transitional Changes_3

organisation. They have ability to maintain interpersonal relation with in organisation so that
target goals can be achieved. There are some roles of leadership which are described below.
Formulating strategies:- the work of leader is involve in company to develop an
effective plan and strategies which can help the organisation in appropriate manner. The
role of leaders includes to outline important goals and aims of organisation so the
followers can take effective steps towards goals (Mohelska and Sokolova, 2015). With
the help of this, profitable strategies can be implemented in business operation which
leads to increase in high productivity of an organisation.
Effective communication:- this is important factor that required in an organisation
among leaders. The leaders need to build effective communication between employees so
that ideas or plan can share to all employees on a daily basis which raise profitability of
the company (Wigfield, 2015). The leaders can built communication through various
meeting and activities as it helps in bringing change in an organisation.
Bring innovation:- the main role of leaders is to bring new and innovative ideas with in
the company so growth can be increased. They also need to bring some changes in their
plan so that implementation of innovative plan can be successfully placed.
Structure of Johnson of Whixley and how it may support effective transitional changes:
Organisational structure defines that how several business activities are directed for
accomplishing the goals and objectives. It includes coordination, task allocation, supervision as
well as provide directions for accomplishing targets in an effective way (Islam, Jasimuddin and
Hasan, 2015). There are several types of organisational structure that is adopted on the basis of
complexity and nature of businesses. With respect of Johnson of Whixley, flat organisational
structure is followed for performing tasks in an effective way. Flat organisation has less number
of management layers between the executives and employees as it is simple and easy to interact
directly with the top level of manager or leader. It can be convenient to perceive company's
layout at a glance whether it is for planning personal changes, on boarding or something else. It
can be shown as follows:
Role of Leadership, Structure, and Culture in Effective Transitional Changes_4

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