
People Opposing Globalisation


Added on  2023-06-04

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Political Science
People Opposing Globalisation_1

People Opposing Globalisation
Globalisation is understood to be as the process of interaction and integration among
individuals, firms and governments all around the world. With the advancements in
communication and transportation technology the pace of the globalisation has increased.
Globalisation has favoured many people, individuals and firms and has helped them in
increasing their reach across the borders.1 In economic terms, globalisation includes goods
and services as well as economic resources of technology, data and capital. Politically it
includes making world a global village. In Spite of several benefits that it provides to
everyone there are still many individuals or groups that oppose globalisation. There are
several aspects of looking at this Globalisation.
In terms of economy, people are opposing globalisation as it results in large amount of job
losses. This can be attributed by the fact that because of globalisation market gets open for all
the people from any parts of the world to seek job. This results in the less numbers of people
getting job from the local areas. Companies hire the best of talents at cheapest of cost from
different parts of the world so as to fulfil the talent pool. This is happening all around the
world and hence many protests have been raised by the people in this regards. For example
Multinational IT companies in US are hiring large numbers of talents from the Asia and this
has increased the unemployment among the local American Citizens. Along with this what
globalisation does is to promote bigger companies to do business in different parts of the
World.2 This supresses the local market in terms of two things first the range of products and
second cheapness. This is the reason why most of the time local people protests against the
bigger companies having large amount of resources. They generally utilise their resources to
1 Coker, Globalisation And Insecurity In The Twenty-First Century: NATO And The Management Of
2 Lim and Tsutsui, "Globalization And Commitment In Corporate Social Responsibility: Cross-
National Analyses Of Institutional And Political-Economy Effects," 69-98.
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gain competitive advantage over their rivals. Apart from this, the local people are also
concerned about the company utilising their resources too rigorously and it creates a
problems related to sustainability.
In many countries it is also seen that government buys lands from villagers or native people
for giving it to the big business firms so that they can start business on it. This often led to
people raising protest against the globalisation. The case becomes worse when the companies
or governments are not able to give the equivalent amount of compensations to the local
people.3 Many people understand the reason that due to globalisation, the interdependence of
the economies on each other has increased. This increase in the interdependence also leads to
situations where if economic turmoil happens in one part of world gets reflected back in other
part. This takes the autonomous nature of the economy and hence is opposed by people. After
Globalisation it was seen that each country started to help others in terms of the monetary or
relief funds. This made them in debt which they could not weaver may lead to financial crisis.
The perfect example of it is the European Union where each and every support other
countries but at the same time it does not let smaller countries to come up.
Inflation is also caused by the globalisation up to certain extent. This is because there are
many products that are not manufactured in a country but to fulfil their needs they are
importing it from other nations. Import prices certainly depend on the prices of the
commodity in the exporter country and the tax that is applied on that commodity.4 The best
example of it is the petroleum prices. This leads people to raise protests against the increased
prices. Another important aspect of not accepting the globalisation is that it allows products
from outside of the country in huge numbers by the process of import. This becomes a
3 Featherstone, "Towards The Relational Construction Of Militant Particularisms: Or Why The
Geographies Of Past Struggles Matter For Resistance To Neoliberal Globalisation," 250-271.
4 Auer and Mehrotra, "Trade Linkages And The Globalisation Of Inflation In Asia And The Pacific,"
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problem when the internal resources of the country or the products that are made inside the
nation are not able to get utilised at the optimum level. The local suppliers or farmers often
get annoyed by this and it reduces the internal production capacity of any nation.
In social context, most of the time, people and groups are concerned about the cultural values
that globalisation brings with itself. Companies generally bring culture of the country from
their parent nation to the host nations. It is not that just companies bring culture with them but
the media also plays a vital role in this. Media creates a sense of lifestyle or fashion that is
adopted by the local people.5 This tends to destroy the original cultural values and practices
that exist in the society. This is very high in the case of fashion as traditional wardrobes have
been replaced by the western ideas. For example most of the countries especially that were
under colonial rule are now following the culture of their colonial ruler. The long term
influence of the outside culture always tends to overcome the local culture. This effect can
also be seen in terms of festivals that were previously celebrated in any country. Changes can
be easily seen in the market especially in the entertainment industry. The art and drama which
has a reflection of the society also tends to change slowly. The western concepts become
superior and the cultural art gets vanished. For example the concepts of Hollywood are now
taking over all the other entertainment industries in various other parts of the world. Due to
this interference, the local touch starts to get vanished or sometimes the art that they portray
also hurts the sentiments of people from other culture and hence leads to conflict.
Globalisation with the help of technology and transportation has empowered companies to do
trade across borders. This has ultimately resulted in making few people highly rich and the
control of the powers have accumulated in these few people only. It is also reducing the
knowledge of the people regarding their tradition customs, practices and values. This is
5 Matusitz and Payano, "Globalisation Of Popular Culture: From Hollywood To Bollywood," 123-
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