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Professional Development Across Disciplines


Added on  2020/07/22

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This assignment focuses on the multifaceted nature of professional development, drawing from nine scholarly articles spanning disciplines such as counseling, teaching, nursing, and international higher education. Key topics include identity development, group processes, personal histories, reflection, action research, peer assessment, and strategies for enhancing student learning outcomes. By examining these diverse approaches to professional growth, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of how practitioners can continuously evolve within their respective fields.

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TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Approaches to self managed learning...............................................................................1
1.2 Ways in which life long learning in personal and professional context could be
1.3 Evaluation of benefits of self managed learning to the individual and firm....................3
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................3
2.1 Evaluation of present skills and competencies with professional standards....................3
2.2 Identification of own development needs and activities to achieve them........................5
2.3 Opportunities of development to achieve present and future needs.................................5
2.4 Personal and professional development plan on the basis of needs.................................6
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................7
3.1 Process and task required to implement the personal development plan.........................7
3.3 Critical reflection on own learning against original aims................................................8
3.4 Changes in Plan of personal development........................................................................8
TASK 4............................................................................................................................................9
4.1 Resolving the problems of workplace..............................................................................9
4.2 Implementation of learning styles....................................................................................9
4.3 Strategies for time management.....................................................................................10
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Personal development can be considered as improvement of potential as well as skills
individual in order to achieve success within personal life and workplace. It is a continuous
process in which an individual can develop his knowledge and competencies by using different
ways of learning (Personal Development and Human Potential, 2017). In this report, for the
development of personal and professional life of individuals self managed learning is considered.
Various approaches are determined which are used by TESCO to provide self managed learning
to employees. Analysis of life long learning process is considered to encourage learning of
individuals at workplace. At last, various solutions are identified for work based problems.
1.1 Approaches to self managed learning
Learning is part of work and life which increase the knowledge of individual in work life
as well as personal life. Individual will gain learning at workplace through training which is
provided by firm. In this context, there are several approaches which helps an individual to
managed its learning and built ability to enhance skills through learning. Increase in
technological advancement has provided the challenges to individuals and firms and also
provided positive impact by enhancing their knowledge and operations. Approaches which are
suitable for the individuals are described below:
Coaching: In this, organizations will appoint a trainer which provides learning to
individuals. Managers in the firms will provide report to trainers which has to be
followed to increase the skills to accomplish job. It is a suitable method as individual will
learn though practical experience of work shared by coach and they will also ask
questions to clearly understand the work (McNiff, 2010). For example: TESCO use this
method to provide training to their workforce to enhance their skills so that they can work
more efficiently.
Seminar: Various seminars are conducted by firms to provide learning to individuals at
workplace. In this approach, individual will manage its learning by participating in
seminars which are beneficial for them and provides experience to present their ability
(Busse, Aboneh and Tefera, 2014).
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Internet: In this, individuals increase their learning by using different websites. It is a
suitable method as it is cost effective and save time of individuals as well as firms.There
are some learning style which are used to provide learning to individuals in the firm.
In this, Kolb's learning model is discussed which includes the learning styles such as:
Diverging style: It is suitable for individuals who are able to learn through observation and
gathering information about the work. Learner will gain the knowledge by observing the work
accomplished by others (Hadar, L.L. and Brody, D.L., 2013). This style is used by the managers
of TESCO by providing opportunities to observe the other employees.
Converging style: In this style, it is beneficial for the development of personnel who will learn
by solving the practical problems. For example: Managers will assign task to individuals to
resolve the problems like products quality, reduction in sales etc. which will develop their
knowledge at work.
1.2 Ways in which life long learning in personal and professional context could be encouraged.
For the development of personal and professional life of an individual, it is necessary to
follow the ways to encourage part of learning. Continuous learning process helps individuals in
achieving an expertise in work which he has to perform regularly. In this context, TESCO has
used various ways to provide a life long learning and develop personal as well as professional
life of employees (Olsen, 2015). An individual always strive to learn to new things to increase its
quality of performance at workplace and achieve desired goals of life. It has been recognised that
managers of TESCO has determined a vision to increase brand reputation through the
development of employees.
To encourage, the continuous learning an individual will depend on making the short and
long term goals which boost him to control his skills and potential. It will help to increase the
scope of life long learning. Analysis has determined that challenges and work pressure increase
ability of individual and encourages him to participate in continuous process of learning. In this
scenario, Individuals in TESCO can set challenges for themselves that will motivate them to
focus on continuous learning. Creation of a healthy competition at workplace among the
employees is also a better way to increase competencies (Moon, 2013). Healthy competition at
workplace is considered as significant for personal development and also for development of
relationship as well. There these ways will be beneficial for encouraging the lifelong learning.

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1.3 Evaluation of benefits of self managed learning to the individual and firm.
Benefits to the organization
Most important benefit for the organization is that they will achieve a responsible and
qualified personnel who are capable of managing and handling the key position so that
important and crucial tasks could be assigned to them. In this scenario, TESCO will get
employees are dynamic and consist of vast knowledge and experience from various fields. Thus,
firm can depend upon them and also provide them opportunity to become a part of decision
making process. Further, if firm has the large number of workforce who have an attitude of self
managed learning then their ability will rise as they can develop their brand as leader of the
market (Brody and Hadar, 2011). It will result in high innovation and most significant is that
they will prove their product as innovative. It has been considered that these employees act as
role model for other individuals and increase their involvement towards self managed attitude of
learning. Therefore, these are some particular benefits that will be enjoyed by the firm.
Benefits to the individuals.
Major benefit of continuous learning to the individuals is that can achieve their personal
objectives which they have targeted in the particular phase of life. It is beneficial for them in
increasing their competitiveness by learning different aspects of work. This process of
continuous learning will help them in getting key positions in the firm. In this scenario, this
process will beneficial for the individuals working in TESCO and increase their analytical skill,
marketing skills and technological skills etc. it has been recognised that most important aspect is
rise in growth rate of individuals working in TESCO. It will minimize the margin of errors
within the work life as well as personal life (Hamza, 2010). Hence, these are improvements
which could be considered in the personal and professional development of self managed
2.1 Evaluation of present skills and competencies with professional standards
Professional skills Present level of skills
Present example Directions for
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Presentation skills
Excellent presentation
skills as I have a good
knowledge of the concept
and better
communication skills.
Mock test
Listening skills 3
Due to Good listening
skill, I make effective
Concentration in
the training and
understanding the
core concept.
Communication skills
I have Better
communication skills
which help me in giving
presentation in seminars.
Reading books
and journals
Leadership skills
I have performed better
in the group task which
was assigned to previous
Referring the
managerial skills
Planning and
It is a difficult task for
me to manage the time
and face some difficulties
in accomplishment of
task at a particular time
Learning time
Taking guidance
from superiors.
From the above table, it is clear that the individual has good communication skills,
presentation skills, listening skills but there are some weak points of individual such as planning
and organizing skills and leadership skills. In order to improve the skills the individual will
follow some directions such as reading the books and articles, improve its management skills.
Individual will take the guidance from its superior. It is necessary for the individuals to develop
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their managerial skills by continuous learning at workplace (Desimone , 2011). Improvement in
these skills will enhance the competency of individual to increase the quality of performance and
achievement of personal objectives.
2.2 Identification of own development needs and activities to achieve them
It involves analysis and assessment of employees ability to develop an understanding of the
present and anticipated gap between in skills and knowledge. It has been recognised that this
analysis can be done at individual and organisational level. In this case, the analysis is done to
identify the own development needs which has to be achieved for the personal development. It
has been recognised that there are two significant things: knowledge and skills. Skills: In this, there are lot of skills which I have to improve in order to achieve an
expertise and potential to accomplish the job. Improvement of skills is necessary in the
personal as well as professional life (Shortland, 2010). I have several needs like
analytical, communication, leadership and managerial skills etc. In order to achieve them
I will develop an ability of research and download multiple journals of different leaders. I
will attend the workshops related to work and through this I will develop by capabilities
of communication and leadership.
Knowledge: In order to perform and accomplish each and every task, knowledge is
required. I will to build my carrier in the field of HR. From this point of view the major
development is knowledge. For making the career in this field there is a need of
understanding of core and relevant information about the human resource management.
In order to develop my knowledge I will attend the seminars related to field and also
understand the concept of HR. I will develop my knowledge through working as an
internal in a firm (Bauer, 2010). I will read all the laws which provides an understanding
of the rights and management of human resources at workplace. All these activities will
give me core knowledge to build career in the field of HR.
2.3 Opportunities of development to achieve present and future needs.
For the development of profession in field HR and meet the current and upcoming needs there
are opportunities of development. In this scenario, various sources are utilized for development
of knowledge and skills.
Institutions: For the achievement of current and future goals I have self analysis through
which I have identified the needs of various skills such as strategic planning, participative

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management and personal development. I have identified various institutions which
provides the knowledge to develop these skills. It will develop the knowledge of various
laws which are prevailing in the country (Maskit , 2011). Hence, this will provide an
opportunity to develop the career in this field.
Books: To achieve the goals I have an opportunity to develop the skills through reading
the E books which are easily available on internet. I will about the approaches that used
to manage the used to manage the work force in the organization.
Internet: Through the use of internet I will acquire the knowledge about the current
issues related to the field and also acquire the knowledge about the development in the
field of human resource. It will provide an opportunity to manage learning while working
in the company. It will also develop my knowledge about the various strategies which are
to followed by the market leaders to retain qualified workforce within organization.
2.4 Personal and professional development plan on the basis of needs
In order to become a professional human resource manager, I need to do a operation
management and diploma in labour law. In this, importance of these courses are mentioned
Diploma in labour law: There are many institutions in UK that provides the knowledge of this
course and provides the practical training on the application of this course in the field (Lago,
2010). I will take admission in a college or institution. I will gather knowledge about various
laws that are to be followed in the HRM. I will develop my skills of managing the people and
analysing the needs of development of workforce. This course will provide capabilities and
competencies to get the job in manufacturing industries which consist of large number of
Operations management: For building the career, I will do an internship in a manufacturing
industry and achieve the practical knowledge about employees are managed in the organization.
It can be said that in business environment human resource managers have a responsibility to
reduce the cost of company by introducing various strategies (Gibson, Dollarhide and Moss,
2010). In internship program I will learn about operation and strategic planning which helps in
achieving the goal of becoming an HR professional. After completion of my internship program
I will get the jobs like Assistant manager, HR journalist, operation manager etc.
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3.1 Process and task required to implement the personal development plan.
While developing a plan for personal development and professional development an
individual need to follow a process of planning that will in attaining the desired and positive
results (Hopkinson, 2014). Implementation of this plan includes various task that are interlinked
with each other. Individuals needs to perform these activities at several steps of planning. These
stages are as follows:
Initial stage: It includes the task of defining the key objectives for which this plan has to
be developed by individual. In the previous analysis I have mentioned that my main
objective is to become an Qualified HR manager. In order to achieve this objective I will
take admission in an institution that provides the learning of labour laws and regulations.
Further, I will complete my internship from a reputed organization in manufacturing
Key activities: In this stage, I have to identify activities that are to be perform for the
implementation of plan. Here I will also assess my current financial and non- financial
condition for taking a proper decision. For the selection of appropriate institute I will
accomplish research about cost charged and level of knowledge provided by the
Prioritizing: From the above analysis, I will prepare a list of this institution and analyse
ranks which are provided by other individuals to these institutions. On the basis of
evaluation and my monetary and non monetary priorities. I will take admission in
selected institute for study. For the purpose of internship.
Task: In this stage, for learning all things in proper manner and acquire a deep
knowledge of all the skills and topic I will determine lot of activities that are instant to
follow for completing the study in effective manner. Hence, for the purpose of internship
I will follow the same activities.
3.2 Undertake and documenting the planned activities.
For successful completion of study an individual has to focus on some activities that are
as follows:
Participation and involvement: Activities in the learning of laws are interlinked with
each other. So I will participate in all the activities such as case study, problem activities,
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management tests and seminars. In order to prioritize the activities I will make a schedule
of learning on the document.
Scheduling of work: I will distribute my work in proper schedule and define time for the
task as per priority with which I will perform accomplish each activity.
Time management: In this, I will learn about time management as it requires a lot of
time in planning the activities in learning. I will accomplish all activities in specific time.
3.3 Critical reflection on own learning against original aims
Attending the class: It will difficult for me to attend the classes as have to complete
internship and it will not possible attend both at single time. So There is requirement of
Organizing: I have successfully distributed task in several aspects and also accomplished
the sub task properly.
Management of time: I will manage my managed my time properly and as per set
priorities. I have completed all the activities on time.
Preparation of notes: It was a difficult task for me to prepare the notes due to some reasons like
lack of interest and time.
Smart study: Amendments in laws and developments in the field of HR has facilitated aspects
of learning new things.
3.4 Changes in Plan of personal development
Critical evaluation has determined that there is a need of some changes in the process of
plan and as per the mentioned problem I will make changes to make plan more effective and
helps in achieving objectives (Nofziger and, 2010.). These changes are mentioned below:
Participation in the class: It is determined earlier that I will face difficulty in attending
the class because I have to complete the internship also in specific time but absenteeism
can be reduced by doing some efforts. At the time taking the decisions I will analyse the
intensity of the condition. I will manage the time and try to make changes in the time of
internship or taking in alternate days.
Preparation of notes: It is a difficulty for me to make the notes due to lack of time and
interest. But this problem can resolved through working on the holiday and leaves. It will
refer also refer the notes which are available on internet.

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4.1 Resolving the problems of workplace
Analysis of the issues is an activity accomplished by the mangers to resolve the problems
which are faced by the employees and has a negative impact. In this scenario, there some
solutions which are determined to resolve the problems such as:
Identification of problem: In TESCO, there are some common problems arise regarding
the coordination among employees. Pay scale of employees working at same level is not
equal which is an identified work based problem causes conflict. Individual who have
better performance will be provided more which an issue.
Solutions of these issues: To resolve these problems, some solutions are developed by
the managers such as development of team and assigning the group which requires
coordination. Conducting activities which improves the communication of employees
with each other. Improving the performance of employees and providing the similar pay
4.2 Implementation of learning styles
For resolving the problems, some learning style are considered which are beneficial for
the organization such as:
Controller style: Suitable for person working at strategic level in the organization.
Individuals at key positions clarify goals and assigned the task (Zepeda , 2012). They will
resolve this problem through effective communication and in style of controller.
Promoter style: Employees at middle level in the firm have direct connection with
employees and communicate directly are considered as promoters. This style is
appropriate as it will remove the barriers of communication between employees and
Supporter style: In this, problems of employees are resolved by providing the proper
support and equality at workplace. Employees at operational level in the firm will
communicate in the supportive style. Hence, these are some styles which can be helpful
in resolving problems.
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4.3 Strategies for time management
For the personal development of individual, it is significant to manage the time for each
and every activity at workplace. In this, strategies are described which will be helpful individuals
in managing time such as:
Set priorities: It is an activity in which employees should set the priorities and they will perform
task in a sequence (Reeves, 2012). Clearly define the time for the activities while making the
Preparing a plan: Employees will prepare the plan which helps to accomplish the activities on
time. They will follow the process through which they can easily accomplish the work.
Preparing schedules: Activities must be scheduled by the employees on the basis priorities and
plan. It must be changed if there will some changes in the priority or time (Stenberg , 2010). It is
beneficial for the employees to improve their skills and also develop an positive image in the
mind of superiors. Thus, these are effective strategies which will be beneficial for individual in
managing time at workplace.
In this report, It has been summarized that individuals can enhance his knowledge through self
managed learning and it is also beneficial for their personal and professional development. Self
managed learning is also beneficial for the business firms to increase the skills of their
employees at workplace. Individuals can develop personal development plan which is suitable
for achievement of personal goals and objectives. Evaluation of own development needs has
determined the skills and knowledge which is beneficial in development of personality as well as
achievement of set targets. For the professional development an individual is required to make
proper planning reading career. Time management strategies are also beneficial for employees
for accomplishing scheduled task.
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Books and Journals
Bauer, W.I., 2010. Your personal learning network: Professional development on demand.
Music Educators Journal.97(2). pp.37-42.
Brody, D. and Hadar, L., 2011. “I speak prose and I now know it.” Personal development
trajectories among teacher educators in a professional development community. Teaching
and Teacher Education. 27(8). pp.1223-1234.
Busse, H., Aboneh, E.A. and Tefera, G., 2014. Learning from developing countries in
strengthening health systems: an evaluation of personal and professional impact among

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global health volunteers at Addis Ababa University’s Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital
(Ethiopia). Globalization and health.10(1), p.64.
Desimone, L.M., 2011. A primer on effective professional development. Phi delta kappan. 92(6).
Gibson, D.M., Dollarhide, C.T. and Moss, J.M., 2010. Professional identity development: A
grounded theory of transformational tasks of new counselors. Counselor Education and
Supervision.50(1). pp.21-38.
Hadar, L.L. and Brody, D.L., 2013. The interaction between group processes and personal
professional trajectories in a professional development community for teacher educators.
Journal of Teacher Education.64(2). pp.145-161.
Hamza, A., 2010. International experience: An opportunity for professional development in
higher education. Journal of Studies in International Education.14(1). pp.50-69.
Hopkinson, C., 2014. Personal and professional development. Becoming a Nurse: A Textbook
for Professional Practice. p.383.
Lago, C., 2010. On developing our empathic capacities to work inter‐culturally and inter‐
ethnically: attempting a map for personal and professional development. Psychotherapy and
politics international. 8(1). pp.73-85.
Maskit, D., 2011. Teachers’ attitudes toward pedagogical changes during various stages of
professional development. Teaching and Teacher Education. 27(5). pp.851-860.
McNiff, J., 2010.Action research for professional development: Concise advice for new action
researchers. Dorset: September books.
Moon, J.A., 2013. Reflection in learning and professional development: Theory and practice.
Nofziger and, 2010. Impact of peer assessment on the professional development of medical
students: a qualitative study. Academic Medicine. 85(1). pp.140-147.
Olsen, B., 2015. Teaching what they learn, learning what they live: How teachers' personal
histories shape their professional development. Routledge.
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Reeves, D.B., 2012. Transforming professional development into student results. Ascd.
Shortland, S., 2010. Feedback within peer observation: continuing professional development and
unexpected consequences. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. 47(3).
Stenberg, K., 2010. Identity work as a tool for promoting the professional development of
student teachers. Reflective Practice.11(3). pp.331-346.
Zepeda, S.J., 2012. Professional development: What works. Eye on education.
Personal Development and Human Potential, 2017. [Online] Available through: < > [ Accessed on 24 August 2017]
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