
Professional Development and Time Management


Added on  2020-07-22

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Personal and ProfessionalDevelopment
Professional Development and Time Management_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................11.1 Approaches to self-managed learning..............................................................................11.2 Ways in which lifelong learning in PPD context.............................................................21.3 Benefits of self-managed learning....................................................................................34.1 Solutions to work based problems....................................................................................44.2 Communicating in a variety of styles...............................................................................54.3 Effective time management strategies..............................................................................6TASK 2............................................................................................................................................72.1 Own current skills and competencies...............................................................................72.2 Own development needs and activities............................................................................92.3 Development opportunities to meet current and future needs........................................102.4 Develop PPD plan..........................................................................................................113.1 Process and activities required to implement development plan....................................133.2 Undertake and document development activities as planned.........................................143.3 Own learning against original aim and objectives.........................................................163.4 Update development plan...............................................................................................16CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................17REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................19
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INTRODUCTIONPersonal and professional improvement is fundamental for individuals because it aids tokeep up their personality (Hopkinson, 2014). This can be called as staff improvement. Instead ofthis, it is necessary to enhance quality of work of an individual with the help of advancedtechniques and methods (Personal and professional development, 2017). Present report is basedon Royal Green which is an international lodge that is situated in the United Kingdom. They areproviding better services to customers and this will help them to compete with their competitorsin the competitive world. Main purpose of this assignment is to determine self-managedattributes. Manager of company can develop an effective plan for their business and therefore,they can do their entire work in a proper way. It is required to assess own skills and capabilitieswith the help of SWOT analysis. Furthermore, this report is going to describe the solutions ofwork based issues. Along with this, it is necessary to formulate time management strategies sothat everything will get managed within provided time duration. TASK 11.1 Approaches to self-managed learning The various approaches to learning can be defined with the help of VAK. They aredefined to be a simple manner in which learning styles can be understood. This model sates thatthat every person is dominated by a personal style of learning through information gathering canbe enhanced. Brief description of the same is as follows:Visual learning: this style undertakes learning through seen and observed measures. Thetools of diagrams, charts and graphs is encouraged to people who learn through seeing andreading. Auditory learning: this type of learning ensures that information is transferred throughlistening. The tools which employ sounds and noises are helpful in providing information andeducating. Conferences and discussion are major tactics employed to facilitate learning toindividuals. In context of self-managed learning this approach is helpful as person can availinformation through conversation with others. Kinaesthetic learning: this type of learning involves physical experience withinteraction. Simulation and role play are the tactics which can be employed in providinginformation to such people in the self-managed learning. 1
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It is necessary for a person to organise their self-managed learning in an adequate way. Itis needed for them to improve their skills as well as capabilities timely as this will assist them todo their task appropriately (Olsen, 2015). There are some attributes which assist person in theirsuccess and improvement.InterviewMonitoringResearch learningCoachingSeminarTherefore, it is required for an individual to manage it effectively. Self-managed approachesare mentioned as beneath:Internet: With assistance of this, people can enhance their learning and in addition skills inan effective way. They can learn new things through utilizing some methods, like by watchingmotivational videos, post and many more. Person can also learn various languages (Dixon and et.al., 2014).Social media: It is considering as foremost famous method as numerous persons are usingsocial sites. With aid of this, an individual can connect with each other, either at domestic orforeign level. It is not necessary that they belong to same culture, it will be distinctive. If theyinteract with each other then it assists them to improve their learning.Seminars: It people attend these sort of programs then it aids them in their enhancement.Persons will deal with different circumstances adequately which will provide growth to firm.Thus, it has been understood that above described methods will help to enhance learning ofan individual (Bayar, 2014). Along with this, they will grab opportunities at marketplace whichwill cater success to company.1.2 Ways in which lifelong learning in PPD contextEach and every person needs success in their occupation; therefore, they need to learn newskills. As a result, they will accomplish their task in an inventive way. It is fundamental tocommunicate with each other appropriately so that manager can easily monitor performance oftheir staff members (Forte and Flores, 2014). It is required for people to maintain healthyrelations with colleagues as it aids them to accomplish their professional as well as personalgoals together. Some of ways which can motivate for lifelong learning are mentioned as below:2
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Self-directed learning: It is essential for an individual to maintain entire things, for thispurpose they need to take initiative. Therefore, all obligations are linked with that person andthey are only responsible for their work which is done by them. To analyse their abilitiesmanager can test them on various situations, as it can create at any sort of time. As a result, theircapabilities will be improved.Continuing professional development: It is fundamental for an individual to have someskills according to their profession. Thus, they can easily coordinate between all circumstanceswhich can arise at workplace. Person can utilize their life experience also to resolve issues.Apprenticeship: As indicated by this, if any individual can appoint in organisation fortraining purpose; hence, they can enhance their skills, capabilities as well as knowledge (Visser,Evering and Barrett, 2014).Recognition of prior learner: With aid of this methodology, company can analyse their allactivities effectively and efficiently. Manager can examine everything, as it helps theiremployees to increase their skill.1.3 Benefits of self-managed learningAdvantages related to this can be beneficial for both, an individual as well as enterprise. Iflearning is enhancing of an individual then they will do their task in more inventive manner,which help firm to improve their profits (Robertson, 2016). Individual:It caters some chances to people so that they can easily improve their skills and workingeffectively. They can also do some additional efforts as it increases their information.People can combine all duties together, as it assists them in their improvement as well asadvancement. Hence, overall task will accomplish with maximum effectiveness andwithin provided time.For growth and success, persons need to learn extra things. As a result, they can faceupcoming issues properly and resolve them adequately.If people are doing their work in groups, then they can acquire new things which willhelp them in their development.Organisation:In modern days, almost all companies are focusing in improvement of their staffmembers, which can be associated with their personal and professional goals. Therefore,3
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they can deal with different conditions in an effective way (Moss, Gibson and Dollarhide,2014). Along with this, workers will accomplish their entire work in a systematic manner.Firm can utilize distinctive promotional exercises to enhance their sales. This will aidthem to in their revenue improvisation.Manager of Royal Green needs to analyse work of their employees on regular basis;hence, if they found any issues at the time of working they can solve it timely and taskwill complete within period of time.4.1 Solutions to work based problemsSome problems will arise during working; hence, it is required to resolve them at time asit can hamper work either directly or indirectly. There are some issues which were identified bymanager at Royal Green, are stated as below:Bullying and harassment: It is major element which will grow at any kind of firm. Thiscan affect an enterprise in direct or indirect manner (Dixon and et. al., 2014). Hence, superiorneeds to develop discipline at association. If company is engaged in this form of activities thenmanager of that association will get punished. It is required for employer of Royal Green tomake control on this type of exercises. As it can provide impact on their profits and market shareadversely.Discrimination: No firm has a right to discriminate into their employees. If this type ofactivity is there in firm then manager will get admonished. There are several sort of activitieswhich can under this, such as caste, gender, race, religion, culture and many more. In every organisation there are certain issues which are faced by employees. Themanagement have to make sure that certain issue is realised so that there is no disruption inorganisational operations. Problems in organisation test skills and capabilities of employeesworking for the same. After a thorough investigation it has been identified that employees are notable to collaborate in an ideal manner and achieve team oriented results. The solution to such problem arising in the organisation is to form supervisor basedteams. In such teams there are lesser and manageable number of people i.e. 5-6 members. This isdone so that bonding can be improved among team members which will have a direct positiveimpact on the performance outcomes of the team. It is beneficial to organisation in numerous as4
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