
Personal & Professional Development Assignment PDF


Added on  2021-02-20

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Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentLanguages and Culture
Personal & Professional Development Assignment PDF_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1LO 1.................................................................................................................................................11.1. Evaluation of approaches to self-managed learning............................................................11.2. Ways in which lifelong learning in personal and professional contexts could beencouraged..................................................................................................................................21.3. Evaluation of benefits of self-managed learning.................................................................3LO 2.................................................................................................................................................42.1. Evaluation of own current skills and competencies against professional standards andorganisational objectives.............................................................................................................42.2. Identification of own development needs and the activities required to meet them............72.3. Identification of development opportunities to meet current and future defined needs.......72.4. Devising a personal and professional development plan based on identified needs............7TASK 2............................................................................................................................................8LO 3.................................................................................................................................................83.1. Discussion of processes and activities required to implement the development plan........83.2. Undertake and document development activities as planned..............................................93.3. Critical reflection on own learning against original aims and objectives set in thedevelopment plan......................................................................................................................103.4. Update the development plan based on feedback and evaluation......................................12LO 4...............................................................................................................................................134.1. Selection of solutions to work based problems..................................................................134.2. Communication in a variety of styles and appropriate manner at various levels...............144.3. Evaluation and use effective time management strategies.................................................14CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................15REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................16APPENDICES...............................................................................................................................18Appendix 1................................................................................................................................18Appendix 2................................................................................................................................18
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Personal & Professional Development Assignment PDF_3

INTRODUCTIONPersonal and Professional Development refers to the area of practice, wherein the focusof an individual is regarding achieving effective and essential improvisation within theirperformance in their respective job roles (Wald and et. al., 2015). The report below is based on apractical, personal self-assessment and development, which covers understanding how self-managed learning can enhance lifelong development. Moreover, the report also coversresponsibility for own personal and development could be undertaken. In addition to this,implementation and continuous review of own personal and professional development plan isalso undertaken. Furthermore, the report also demonstrates acquired interpersonal andtransferable skills.TASK 1LO 11.1. Evaluation of approaches to self-managed learningLifelong learning, also known as Continuous Professional Development, refers to acontinuous process of individuals to gain appropriate knowledge, The agenda behind thisimprovement is to ensure enhancement in skills as well as experience which provides a personeffective structure in their personal as well as professional career. Furthermore, within ahospitality organisation like Intercontinental Hotel Group, self-managed learning couldappropriately be effective in context of enhancing the competence of an individual who either arepursuing or wish to pursue their career as a manager,For Continuous Professional Development, there are several methods that could be usedappropriately in order to achieve the same. Some of these methods are evaluated below:Online Communities: With rise in digitalisation, one of the best methods through whichSelf-managed learning could be acquired, is through online communities. This includesseveral interactive virtual conferences, which allows aspiring managers to enhance theirlearning by getting knowledge from experts in the same field, along with their effectiveparticipation. The major advantage of this method is that it allows individuals to ensurereal-time training, as well as get spontaneous feedback. However, one inappropriateaspect related to this method is that it requires effective internet connection, as well asaccess to influential training experts to ensure improvement.1
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Level Specific Training: This method is related to acquiring effective and essentialtraining regarding the level in which individuals would like to pursue their career from.For instance, an individual wishing to be manager, would be acquiring appropriatetraining related to that level. Advantage with this method for self-managed learning isthat it would allow the person to specifically acquire knowledge that would lead toimprovisation in competence regarding the certain job role. However, its disadvantage isthat it refrains the individual to enhance its knowledge in relation to the wider segmentsof the careers within hospitality, which could be disadvantageous for their future.Conferences and Meetings: Another method leading to Continuous professionaldevelopment is that individuals must indulge in conferences and meetings which wouldhelp them in acquiring knowledge that would enhance their familiarity with theexpectations and general guidelines of the job role. It is very much advantageous as itwould allow individuals to seek advice and guidelines through managers or otherpersonnels within the hospitality sector, which would further expand their spectrumtowards the job role. However, this method does not contribute in enhancing overallskills, knowledge and experiences of a person, which is a prime requirement for self-managed learning and continuous professional development.1.2. Ways in which lifelong learning in personal and professional contexts could be encouragedContinuous Professional Development contributes appropriately in lifelong learning,which develops a lifestyle within an individual to ensure improvisation within their knowledge,attributes and effective experiences (Vangrieken and et. al., 2017). However, to achieve thesame, there are certain effective ways through this lifelong learning could be encouraged inpersonal as well as professional contexts. These ways are discussed below:Enhancing Learning Ownership: One of the most crucial ways through which life longlearning could appropriately be encouraged is through promoting ownership withinlearners in context with being responsible for one's own learning. In addition to this, oneappropriate method through which it can be achieved is through engaging learners in self-directed learning, along with ensuring rewards in case of improvisation within the same.Setting up Objectives: Another appropriate method through which lifelong learning couldbe encouraged is through setting up continuous objectives to be achieved in a specifictime period. This would keep the motivation in individuals intact, enabling them to2
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appropriately and effectively direct themselves towards gaining more effectiveknowledge, which contributes in their personal and professional development.1.3. Evaluation of benefits of self-managed learningThere are several benefits of self-managed learning for both employers as well asemployees, which are required to be understood in order to implement continuous professionaldevelopment in both personal as well as professional context. Benefits to both these elements arediscussed below:Benefits to Individuals:Gaining Effective Skills: One of the major benefits to individuals in context with self-managed learning is that they could effectively acquire necessary skills that would allowthem to excel in their job roles, as well as appropriately and effectively gain personal andprofessional satisfaction.Managed Speed: Self-managed learning could be appropriate for individuals as theywould not feel any pressure or a strict schedule to manage their learning. This would helpthem in regulating their speeds, which would further motivate to learn different aspectsappropriately.Appropriate Access: Another benefit for individuals is that they would be free to accessdifferent sources, which they feel comfortable with. This would make their learning moreflexible, which would keep them encouraged throughout their career (Roberts, 2016).Benefits to Employers:For employers within Intercontinental Hotel Group, there are several benefits associatedwith self-managed learning that are described below:Reduction in training costs: This benefit of self-managed learning is associated withreduction in training costs of the company. This is due to self-directed learning which isbeing implemented by the individuals within the organisation. With essential knowledgeand competence which is being gained by employees on their own, the firm would bealmost free from the costs related to regular training and development programmes.Improvisation in Culture: Another benefit associated with this type of learning is that itwould allow the firm to build a culture where individuals would consider themselves asresponsible for their learning and development. This would enhance their dedicationtowards their job and development of a harmonious and contributing culture.3
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