
Personal Development as a Strategic Leader


Added on  2020-12-10

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Personal Development as aStrategic Leader
Personal Development as a Strategic Leader_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................11.1 Needs, goals and aspirations of people involved in inter-organisational strategies..............11.2 Strategic skills required of the leader to achieve identified strategic leadership ambitions.31.3 Relationship between existing, required and future skills to achieve identified strategicleadership ambitions....................................................................................................................4TASK 2............................................................................................................................................52.1 Opportunities to achieve strategic leadership development..................................................52.2 Personal development plan to achieve strategic leadership development.............................62.3 Execution process for the development plan........................................................................9TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................103.1 Achievement of outcomes of the plan against strategic needs............................................103.2 Impact of the achievement of objectives on strategic leadership ambitions.......................113.3 Review and update the leadership development plan.........................................................12TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................144.1 Strategic needs of organisations involved in inter organisational strategy are met fromcurrent resources.......................................................................................................................144.2 Formulate proposals to develop the strategic leadership resource......................................154.3 Effectiveness of strategic leadership development in achieving advancement ofprofessional leadership practices...............................................................................................16CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................17REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................18.......................................................................................................................................................20
Personal Development as a Strategic Leader_2

INTRODUCTIONPersonal leadership refers to leadership of self. It is an ability to explain direction forleadership and move in a proper direction with clarity and consistency. Personal development isall about acquiring skills, experience and knowledge for purpose of improve the self perceptionas well as individual performance. It is systematic process which has motive to create, determineskills to be improved, action plans and utilise better opportunities and many others. Personaldevelopment involves all those activities or tasks which can increase potential and alsodetermine an individual (Allee, 2012). It is a procedure of improving oneself by some activitiesfor an instance increasing employment skills, buiding wealth and maximising the consciousness.In this present time period, personal development is more imperative as it is planning process bywhich employer acquire the knowledge as well as leadership skills in order to attain the longterm objectives of company. This present report is based on the Sainsbury organisation. It islargest supermarkets chain in United Kingdom with 16.9% share in supermarket sector. Thisorganisation was founded in year 1869 and in 1922 it became largest retailer of groceries. Thiscomp-any is divided in to three different parts such as Sainsbury bank, Sainsbury's Argos andSainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd. It provides the better quality of products and services to people. Personal development is necessary in every organisation and helpful in improving theskills, knowledge and capabilities of an individual. Under this, report will be discuss about goals,aspirations and needs of people which are included in an inter- organisational strategies(Blumenthal and et. al., 2012). Relationship among the current, necessary and also future skillsto attain determined strategic leadership outcomes will be mentioned. Personal development planis helpful in accomplishing the strategic leadership development. There will be discussion aboutstrategic requirements of companies included in an inter- organisational strategy in order to meetfrom existing resources.TASK 11.1 Needs, goals and aspirations of people involved in inter-organisational strategiesAn inter organisational system refers to system among the firms or share information anddata between group of organisations. In the competitive market, I have faced face morecompetition. Numerous issues are faced through enhancing technological requirements and focuson expand business at the large scale. Strategies are helpful in conducting the activities and tasks1
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in a systematic manner. The inter-organisational strategies are helpful to develop the moreflexibility as well as agility. The needs, aspirations and goals of different people are varied fromeach other. Under this, if two organisations work together then in this case their goals andrequirements will be same (Bolden, 2016). Under this, there are two business firms Sainsburyand Morrisons both deal in the retail sector and also a chain of supermarkets. The main focus ofboth organisations is to achieve the common goals with in given time period. They focus onfulfil the requirement and goals of different group of people in develop the inter- organisationalstrategies. Under this, the personal skills are need communication, decision making, timemanagement etc. There are various factors given below which help in analyse goals, aspirationsand needs of various group of people: Political Factor- For conduct business operations, political stability is necessary. Ifgovernment will make changes in policies then in this case company will need to make changesin its exiting policies and same as group of people will also require to make some modifications. Technological factor- It affect on business operations in many different ways. For anexample- Marketing department communicate with its consumers face to face because it does nothave any technology. It is more time taking and expensive. So, company need new technologyfrom which they can interact with the customers in an easy manner by using Facebook, Twitter,E- mails and many others. The goal of both group of people is to increase its revenue by 5% to8%. Social Factor: It affects on operations and activities of business. Under this, need ofgroup of individuals are not similar. Thus, it impacts on working environment of both firms so itaffect my working attributes and techniques as well. This affects productivity of organisation andthey are not able to achieve their set business goals and targets. The goal of group of people is toproduce the eco- friendly products to consumers so that they can attract more. Environmental Factors: These factors consist of all those elements that are influence bythe surrounding environmental that consists of scarcity of raw materials, carbon footprints andtargets which are set by government bodies. If there are demands of products in the economy,then it will result in growth of the economy as people will be buying the products and there willbe high money flow (Broman and Robèrt, 2017). If there are changes in the climate conditions,then they are directly affecting the production of firms thus they will not be able to achieve theirset targets.2
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Economic Factor:These factors determinates performance of business. The elementsconsist of exchange rates in the economy, rate of inflation, disposable income of customers, therate of employment. These factors are having long term impact on the business operations asthey are affecting purchasing power of the buyers. This in turn will result in changing thedemand and supply models in the economy. It also affects those strategies which are formulatedby firms for selling their goods and services (Brown and May, 2012).1.2 Strategic skills required of the leader to achieve identified strategic leadership ambitionsA strategic leader is one person who make plan and procedures to ensure the long termmission and objectives. Mainly, strategic leadership is the ability to influence other person totake voluntarily and make better decision. This will help in enhancing prospects for businessorganization to maintain long term stability (Bryson, 2018). In addition of this, for achievingstrategic ambitions leaders required good leadership qualities and ideas to implement entireactivities of the business. Leadership play vital role in every business organization to bringsuccess ion market because leaders are responsible for motivating their team workers and alsoencourage the to improve their capabilities for attaining strategic objectives. As leaders areimportant for company to develop corporate strategies, procedures to predicting future plan. Thiswill contribute in measuring time to time performance by meeting strategic ambition. In contextof Sainsbury, leader also required some strategic skills for achieving the determined strategicleadership ambitions are as follows:Vision: It is an ability to focus on the future plan of the company in order to improvetheir performance level. In addition of this, strategic planning is important process forlooking ahead. As the strategic leader needs to define clear future plan and at the sametimer also motivate their workers to follow the same (Cheng, 2013). With the help of this,achieving predetermined goals and objectives. Relationship: In this, leader should maintain better relation with their team members. Forthis, they tries to understand workers issues that occur at workplace. With the help of this,employees of Sainsbury can easily improve their performance and attain positive results.Teamwork: It is important leader to motivate and encourage their team members so thatworkers can easily perform their allotted task. By this skill, strategic leader can improveperformance of the workers in which they can easily attain set target of the company.3
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Intuition and development: Developing others is important for leader in which they giveopportunities to explore their ideas (Cottrell, 2015). In this strategic leader has ability tomake their clear plan and direct to employees so that they put their efforts to attain goalsin appropriate time frame. Strong communication skills: Effective communication is important for leader to interactwith their team members and provide them direction so that they can easily execute theiractivities. With the help of this, leader understand workers issues that arise at workplace.It also contribute in identified strategic ambitions. Decision making: By this skill, strategic leader evaluate the ways and aspects to takeright decision. As leader also include workers in every activities to make their awareabout changes and effectively implement. This will help leader to take right and adequatedecision for attaining strategic leadership ambitions. Time management: It is important for leader to hold and manage the time at workplaceto attain certain goals (Day and et. al., 2014). If workers are effectively perform work asper allotted time. It also help in creating superior work and at the same time also provideright path to leader to attain strategic-leadership ambitions. 1.3 Relationship between existing, required and future skills to achieve identified strategicleadership ambitionsAmbition are refer to the opinion and ideas which relate with the risk. In this strategicleader is responsible for making effective plan and strategies for reducing the negative impact onbusiness organization. If strategies are not appropriate than it affect the overall growth of thecompany at market place. Thus, it is important for strategic leader to identify the strategicambitions to evaluate the overall performance of the company. In context of Sainsbury, theyfocus on their time management skills, decision making skills and ability to take initiatives andso on. All these are important for leader to implement to increase the chances of attainingsuccess. It also help in in attaining competitive advantage from other business organizations. There is relation between the existing a future skills as person who want to seethemselves at the top positions have to show their talent among the workforce so it can bediscovered (Day, Harrison and Halpin, 2012). The most effective key is Management insightwhich helps in knowing the effective skills. The wider gaols and strategies are supported by theplans and policies formulated by business in order to achieve strategic leadership positions. If the4
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