
Google's Strengths and Weaknesses


Added on  2020-10-22

9 Pages2604 Words285 Views
Business Environment
Google's Strengths and Weaknesses_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3P1 Pestle analysis of GOOGLE..............................................................................................3P2 Internal and external factors of GOOGLE........................................................................5P3 Interrelationship between strength and weakness and macro factor of GOOGLE...........8CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................8REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
Google's Strengths and Weaknesses_2

INTRODUCTIONBusiness environment is a combination of internal and external factors which affectbusiness operations. It a collection of individuals, customers ,management and other factorwhich can be controlled or not controlled by the organisation but can affect the businessperformance, profitability, growth and survival. Google is an American multinational technologycompany which is specialised in organizing the world's information and make it universalavailable for masses (Tayur, Ganeshan and Magazine, 2012). In this report, there is a discussionof positive and negative impacts of micro environment on business along with internal andexternal analysis of Google. It will also discuss about the interrelationship between strength andweaknesses of refereed organisation with outside factors.TASK 1P1 Pestle analysis of GOOGLEEvery business organisation gets affected with internal and external factors. Some factorsare in the control of the organisation while some others factor are not in the control organisationso business have to modify them according to situation. External factors which affect thebusiness of google indirectly are such as below-Political: Political factors have the direct impact on the business. These factors determinea government influence on the economy and industry. Political factors include tax policies, fiscalpolicies, monetary policies, trade tariffs etc. that a government imposed and its affect on thebusiness environment in case of google, globalization increases demand for online advertisingwhich minimizes obstacles to firm's expansionPositive:The stable political environment minimizes obstacles of the business expansion.These factors are generally opportunities through globalization demand of online advertisementto reach global people (Shenkar, Luo and Chi, 2014).Negative: Google is among those company who store cash in foreign bank accounts toavoid high American corporate income tax. The political pressure of the countries to companiesto bring their money back as it effect their economy. It would reduce cash flow. Google was
Google's Strengths and Weaknesses_3

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