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Unit 3 Personal Development for Pharmacy Technicians


Added on  2023/06/17

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This article discusses the governance and standards that govern the role of pharmacy technicians, including the General Pharmaceutical Council standards. It also emphasizes the importance of professionalism in their work. The subject is Personal Development for Pharmacy Technicians, and the course code is not mentioned. The content is relevant to students studying pharmacy technician courses in any college or university.

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Unit 3 personal Development for
pharmacy technicians

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Table of Contents
How the role of the pharmacy technician is governed.....................................................................1
Professionalism within the role of a pharmacy technician..............................................................3
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How the role of the pharmacy technician is governed
The role of the pharmacy technician is to supply medication via prescription, production
and provision of the aseptically prepared medicines. Another role of the pharmacy
technician is extemporaneous medicines preparation and supply of medicines for
clinical trials. Below is the explanation that how the pharmaceutical technician is
governed (Hosney, M., and et. al., 2021) .
(a)Account upon how the role of pharmacy technician governed
Satisfactory regulation in the pharmacy services governed the role of pharmaceutical
technicians, such as The General pharmaceutical council is an organisation, regulates
pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in the UK. This organically sets the standards, hold
register, quality assurance education and investigate complaints.
The pharmaceutical technician must be registered to the GphC based on Medicines Act
1986 regulated by the GphC. This regulation services organization standards govern the role of a
pharmaceutical technician by impacting the pharmaceutical premises because based on that
pharmacy can not be operated without the presence of the responsible pharmacist for the safe
running of the pharmacy. Based on GphC standards pharmacists must be accountable for all
work and tasks of the pharmacy done by the staff. Pharmaceutical technicians govern by the RP,
without the Rp, pharmaceutical technicians can not work. A responsible pharmacist can leave the
pharmacy for 2 hours only (Nancarrow, S. and Borthwick, A., 2021).
Individual pharmacy professionals must work according to the standards of the GphC,
such as they have to make sure revalidation of their registration with GphC . Pharmacy
professionals individual must have to make sure work-related continuous professional
That is the responsibility of the pharmacy technician to comply with statutory standards
like the Data Protection Act 2018 to assure public data safety and protection. They also have to
follow the General data, protection regulation along with the assurance of safe storage of the
medication. The pharmaceutical technician has to be skilled in the safe storage of the patient data
and when to disclose that.
NHS Code of Practice standards must be followed by each staff of the pharmacy along
with the pharmacy technician how to work at the National health services, to manage patient
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confidentiality. Health acre organizational must be registered with the Care Quality Commission
(CQC), should comply with the Duty of Candour. Which must be followed by the pharmacy
technician based on surrounding situations.
(b) discussion on that how the legislation and standards govern the role of the pharmacy
There are multiple legislation and standards which must be followed by the pharmacy to
govern the role of pharmacy technicians, such as The medicine Act1968, Human medicines
regulation 2012, environment and waste regulation and European medicines agency along with
the standards like organisational policies and procedures and labelling and packaging of
The medicine Act1968- This is the legislation based on which pharmacy technicians
have to manufacture and supply medication based on key guidelines. Based on this legislation
pharmacy technicians must complete adequate and appropriate training on what medication and
devices they may need to administer in task and job roles (Khalil, H. and Schliephake, K., 2017).
Human medicines regulation 2012- This is another key legislation that has to be
followed by the pharmacy technician, such as based on that PT have to manufacture, import,
distribution, sale and supply medical products after proper authorization and with proper
Environment and waste regulation- Based on this legislation pharmacy technicians
have to make sure the supply and disposal f the waste is according to the legal guidelines, such
as mechanical waste store in yellow packaging. Based on the Environmental Protection Act,
1990, every producer of the waste is responsible for the disposal of their waste and what happens
to their waste. In context to the storage and disposal of the medication waste, the pharmacy must
apply for the examination under the Waste management licensing regulation 1994. based on this
measure under the examination waste or patient returns can store for a maximum of 6 months.
Based on The NHS (Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2005 pharmacy should make sure that
pharmaceutical bins should store waste separately and based on Hazardous Waste Regulations
2005 every type of waste should be labelled clearly.
European medicines agency – Based on this legislation pharmacy technicians must
justify any deviations. This is the type of legislation that aid in the access and development of

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both human and animal medication throughout the European Union. This legislation manages the
larger population of the marketing authorisation application at the national level to focus on the
safety guidance and information to the pharmacy professionals like a pharmacy technician. This
support the role of PT in the counselling of the patient.
Organisational policies
PTCB (Pharmacy technician certification board) is the organisational policy govern the
role of pharmacy technician by maintaining, certifying and promoting pharmacy technician
based on their skills and qualities. This is the standard based on which environment should be
protracted from the release of the polychlorinated biphenyls to the environment. A pharmacy
technician must be registered to the state board of the pharmacy and with the certification of
required qualification. Pharmacy technicians attain national certification and are licensed to
perform certain duties.
Procedures and labelling and packaging of substances
This is the legal standard based on that pharmacy technicians have to make the safe
storage and disposal of the medication waste and products by the appropriate labelling of the
chemical components and waste materials (Suzuki1, W., 2021). Based on European Regulation,
calcification, labelling and packaging of the substances and mixtures came into force in 2009 In
the European Union member states including the UK. Based on that standard the main duties of
the pharmacy technician must classify and each activity of the pharmacy such as label and
packaging are done with detail, clear and right information.
Professionalism within the role of a pharmacy technician
Importance of the general pharmaceutical council standards for pharmacy professionals
towards pharmacy technicians.
The key importance of the GphC standards is that it provides an appropriate framework
for managing the professional task and making judgements. This is involving the 9 standards of
safe delivery and effective care. These standards are important because they provide the
structure and guidance to the pharmacy professional to work safe and provide effective care. Key
standards are person-centred care, effective leadership, partnership working, effective
communication, speaking about concerns, professional skills and behaviour along
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confidentiality. All these standards collectively help the pharmaceutical technician to manage
the effective work and task for the safe and appropriate care of the patient without any risk and
challenge to service users (Kellar & Austin, (2021).
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Books and Journals
Hosney, M., and et. al., 2021. Culture of care enhancement in Egypt: The impact of Laboratory
Animal Science training on participants’ attitudes. Alternatives to Laboratory Animals,
Nancarrow, S. and Borthwick, A., 2021. The allied health professions: a sociological
perspective. Policy Press.
Khalil, H. and Schliephake, K., 2017. Design of an online medication safety module for
clinicians. International journal of evidence-based healthcare, 15(2), pp.63-68.
Suzuki1, W., 2021. Improvising care: Managing experimental animals at a Japanese laboratory.
Social Studies of Science, p.03063127211010223.
Swaithes, L., and et. al., 2021. Experience of implementing and delivering group consultations
in UK general practice: a qualitative study. British Journal of General Practice, 71(707),
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