
The Impact of Physical Activity on Lifestyle


Added on  2020-07-23

37 Pages11956 Words91 Views
Data Science and Big DataHigher EducationDisease and DisordersNutrition and WellnessHealthcare and Research
The Impact of Physical Activity on Lifestyle_1

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................1
1.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the study........................................................................................................1
1.3 Rationale of the study............................................................................................................2
1.4 Research aim..........................................................................................................................2
1.5 Objectives..............................................................................................................................2
1.6 Research Questions................................................................................................................2
1.7 Outline of the dissertation......................................................................................................3
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW.........................................................................................5
2.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................5
2.2 Different types of physical and fitness activities that are applied by adults..........................5
2.3 The impact on lifestyle when health, fitness and physical activities are considered.............7
2.4 Ways used by people above 18 years for remaining healthy and fit...................................10
CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...........................................................................12
3.1 Research outline...................................................................................................................12
3.2 Research philosophy............................................................................................................12
3.3 Research approach...............................................................................................................13
3.4 Research design...................................................................................................................13
3.5 Research strategy.................................................................................................................14
3.6 Sampling..............................................................................................................................14
3.7 Data collection.....................................................................................................................14
3.8 Data Analysis.......................................................................................................................15
3.9 Ethical Considerations.........................................................................................................16
3.10 Research Limitations.........................................................................................................17
3.11 Summary............................................................................................................................17
CHAPTER 4: DATA PRESENTATION ANS ANALYSIS........................................................18
4.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................18
4.2 Thematic analysis................................................................................................................18
Theme 1: Total mile that a person walks...................................................................................18
Theme 2: Regular consumption of fast food has negative impact over health..........................19
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Theme 3: Different types of physical and fitness activities that you prefer..............................20
Theme 4: Think that with physical and fitness activities lifestyle changes...............................21
Theme 5: The major impact of physical and fitness activities on lifestyle...............................21
Theme 6: Factors you need to be considered while getting involved in physical activities......22
Theme 7: Time should be given for physical activities.............................................................23
Theme 8: Type of physical is highly effective..........................................................................24
Theme 9: Physical activities should not be done alone.............................................................25
Theme 10: Become conscious regarding eating habit when you are getting involved in
physical activities.......................................................................................................................26
CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.....................................................28
5.1 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................28
5.2 Recommendation.................................................................................................................29
APPENDIX 1.................................................................................................................................33
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1.1 Introduction
There are different types of changes that have taken place in relation with tastes and
preferences of people. There are many firms that have come up which providing people with
medications or with tools that can make them fit. Further, there are various types of mobile
applications that enable to track down the amount of physical activities performed by them
(Colley and Tremblay, 2011). In order to be fit, there are many considerations that have to be
made. In this context, it includes consumption of healthy food, proper diet, physical exercise, etc.
When these aspects are followed, then it becomes favourable enough for a person to be fit. This
is research is focused on determining the various physical activities, fitness and health standards
considered by Adults (above 18 years)
1.1 Background of the study
Physical fitness is considered to be a state of health in which a person is able to perform
any type of sports, daily activities and occupation (Van Dusen, Kelder and Perry, 2011). In order
to achieve this, sufficient rest is to be taken and vigorous physical exercises are considered with
proper nutrition. When talking about history, during the time of industrial revolution, fitness was
determined to be the capacity to conduct daily activities without undue fatigue. However, it is
identified that with change in lifestyle, fitness is considered to be a measure of body’s ability to
function effectively and efficiently in leisure and work activities. The type of body that male and
female have is different and physical exercise needs to be done as per their capability that each
one has (Ortega, Ruiz and Sjöström, 2008).
In this modern work, fitness means to have something that can be made attractive. As per
the history, it is identified that consciousness for fitness raise after World War II. However, that
time, the craze was very low. With development of entertainment industry, people started
copying the presence that was made by actors so that they will be able to become like them. In
the present research, main focus is made on determining the impact of changes that has taken
place in relation with physical fitness and health (Ortega, Artero and Ciarapica, 2011). Further,
to carry out research in an effective manner, there are aim and objectives set by the investigator.
These are done so that the research topic can be attained in an effective manner.
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1.3 Rationale of the study
In this modern world, there are different type of problems that are being faced by people.
With this respect, main issue is in relation with health related conditions. There are health
problems like obesity faced among young people. Main focus of the research is carried out to
explore the physical activities, fitness and health standards considered by Adults in order to be
healthy and in maintaining strength.
1.4 Research aim
“To explore various physical activities, fitness and health standards considered by Adults: A
study on lifestyle of individuals who are about 18 years”.
1.5 Objectives
To determine different types of physical and fitness activities that are applied by adults
To analyse the impact on lifestyle when health, fitness and physical activities are
To identify the ways used by people above 18 years for remaining healthy and fit
To recommend strategies that improve physical fitness and health conditions
In accordance with the above set aim and objectives, it will be helpful enough to
complete the research in an effective manner. There is various type of aspects that are covered in
a research and when objectives are developed, then it provides directions so that viewers will be
able to understand the main findings that are made. Further, there are changes that can be
identified in terms of workout that is made by people so that they will be able to overcome the
health issues (Rikli and Jones, 2013). In addition to this, there are different types of reasons due
to which people prefer to make efforts so that they can make themselves fit and will be focused
on attaining the goals that they have developed to achieve.
1.6 Research Questions
What are the different types of physical and fitness activities that are applied by adults?
What is the impact on lifestyle when health, fitness and physical activities are
What are the ways used by people above 18 years for remaining healthy and fit?
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1.7 Outline of the dissertation
To carry out the research in an effective manner, there are certain set of steps that have to
be followed. This is done so that the viewers will be able to understand the aspects that are
covered. In this context, below given are the chapters that will be covered in this research:
Chapter 1- Introduction: This is the first chapter in dissertation. It enables to provide
proper information to viewers about the research topic. Apart from this, it also covers aim and
objectives that are set by the researcher so that viewers are able to understand areas that will be
covered. In this way, it becomes helpful to clearly understand the topic and making the goals set
to be achieved.
Chapter 2- Literature Review: This is an important chapter in dissertation. There are
different types of researches that are carried out by individuals on similar topic. These researches
are helpful to make them to develop in depth understanding for the research topic. However, it is
important to make sure that the information gathered from secondary method is not copied as it
increases the rate of plagiarism.
Chapter 3- Research Methodology: There are different types of strategies’, methods or
approaches that are included in the research. These are helpful to conduct the research and
findings that are made in effective direction. In this context, it includes research philosophy,
analysis, data collection, data analysis, etc. When these points are covered, then researcher is
able to take another step for the goals set.
Chapter 4- Data Analysis: When information is gathered, then it requires to have
analysis done so that complete data gathered can be presented and viewers will be able to
understand the same. This is possible when researcher has proper understanding about the type
of strategies that are required to be applied. For making analysis, there are two methods. Both
these are helpful enough to conduct the research in an effective direction.
Chapter 5- Conclusion and Recommendations: This is the part in which all findings are
concluded. This is done for each of the chapters that are covered in dissertation. Further, it is
important for the researcher to make sure that all aspects covered in main areas are concluded so
that appropriate outcome can be determined. Lastly, from the research carried out,
recommendations are made. This is done so that strategies can be applied with the help of which
areas can be improved.
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2.1 Introduction
This is an important chapter that enables to provide adequate information in relation with
the research topic. There are various types of researches that are carried out on similar topic and
all these researches enable to develop in depth understanding. There are different areas that are
required to be covered in this chapter considering the findings that are shown so that viewers will
be able to focus on the aim and objectives of research (Weening-Dijksterhuis, de Greef and van
der Schans, 2011). Physical fitness is important for a person so that all types of diseases that are
caused with age can be eliminated to a high extent. In the process of ageing, there are many
health related problems that are faced. Cells that take care of the health get weaker and with the
help of exercises and various other strategies, it is helpful enough to reduce the rate of risks
involved. In this chapter, all objectives that are set by the researcher are covered.
2.2 Different types of physical and fitness activities that are applied by adults
According to Garber, Blissmer and Swain, (2011) physical activities can be effective for
persons only when they identify the main reason due to which they can reach them. The type of
body that each person has is different and for each of them, it is important to have appropriate
support required so that through the type of exercise that they undergo help them to attain their
goals. In order to consider the physical activities that are included, it can be determined with
various forms of exercises that are used by adults. Hildebrand, Brewer and Wolf, (2012) stated
that different types of reasons are involved due to which people prefer to exercise, for this, one
of the main reasons is that some of the people are health conscious. There are four basic
categories in which activities related with physical exercise fall. Among these, four types of
individuals focus on any one of these exercises (Janssen and LeBlanc, 2010). Only one is
selected, as it becomes difficult for others and this causes individuals to follow various steps that
can be considered in order to follow in effective manner. Below given are some of the types of
exercises performed:
Endurance: This is also known as aerobic that enables to increase the heart and breathing
rate. This enables to make lungs, circulatory system and heart healthy as well as improves the
overall fitness (Janssen and LeBlanc, 2010). When person is able to build up their endurance,
The Impact of Physical Activity on Lifestyle_7

then it helps to carry out all activities performed by them in a day becomes easy. For example:
dancing, yard working and jogging.
Balance: In accordance with this type of exercise, it enables to prevent falls and this is
considered to be a common problem in older adults. This can be improved through lower body
strength exercises that enable to have effective balance. It consists of other exercises like Tai
Chi, Heel to toe walk and standing on foot.
Flexibility: According to Biddle and Asare, (2011) flexible people are required to stretch
their muscles as it enables them to make their body to stay limber. When a person makes use of
this exercise, then he/she is able to get the freedom of movement for other exercises and to
perform all type of day to day activities in effective manner (Biddle and Asare, 2011). It includes
exercises that can be followed like yoga, calf and shoulder as well as upper arm stretch.
Strengths: With the help of strength exercise, one is able to raise muscles stronger. Apart
from this, it also enables to be independent and to perform the activities of each day in an
appropriate manner (Hildebrand, Brewer and Wolf, 2012). It consists of activities like carrying
groceries and climbing stairs. These are also known as resistance and strength training.
In all these aspects, it is important to have proper knowledge from the side of individuals
so that they can select the most suitable exercise that can support in physical strength. Further,
there are conditions in which support of government is also important so that all people will
develop consciousness towards their health (Garber, Blissmer and Swain, 2011). Each exercise
mentioned is helpful enough to provide benefits to individual’s physical capabilities. In this
respect, below given are the benefits that individuals get through each exercise:
Control over weight: As per the changes that have taken place in relation with the food,
consumption made by a person is also changed. The rate of consumption for fast food has raised.
In such condition, people who are overweight are increasing tremendously. In this context, with
the help of exercise, individuals are able to maintain their body weight. A person is able to gain
weight when calories are burn and this is possible when there are physical activities done. Fat is
considered to be one of the main aspects due to which weight increases and to burn up fat,
exercise is highly effective (Weening-Dijksterhuis, de Greef and van der Schans, 2011). A
person can focus on either to reduce weight or to maintain it. The amount of consumption that is
taken needs to be used so that proper balance will be maintained. For this respect, it is required to
develop a proper or balanced diet so that weight can be controlled.
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