
Pitching and Negotiation Skills For Marks and Spencer Assignment


Added on  2020-12-30

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Professional DevelopmentDesign and Creativity
Pitching and negotiation
Pitching and Negotiation Skills For Marks and Spencer Assignment_1

Table of Contents
2TASK 1.........................................................................................................................................................................3
1P1 Determining the negotiation process and the key Stakeholder in commerce...................................................3
2M1 Rational negotiation method that essential for information preparation........................................................4
3D1 various type of stages of negotiation process and dealing with the problems...................................................4
4M2 documentation and proposal that cause of breaching agreement....................................................................6
5D2 competitive advantages and contract methodologies.......................................................................................7
6M3 Pitching method used in Marks and Spencer....................................................................................................8
7D3 dynamic and effective pitch..............................................................................................................................9
8P.6. Potential results of effective pitch................................................................................................................10
9M.4. Mark & Spencer organization is fulfilled their post-pitching obligations..................................................10
10M.6 pitch and post pitch results..........................................................................................................................11
Pitching and Negotiation Skills For Marks and Spencer Assignment_2

Pitching and negotiation is a process in which the person can be interact with the another
and with the help of these techniques, it can be easily convince the person. These techniques are
important when two people exchange the information so that it is very beneficial for the people.
These techniques are very important for the organization Negotiation and pitching is a way to
enhance their skills and knowledge through communication. It is the best way to determine the
client requirement and concern with the manager and they have good quality of knowledge to
explore their skills through the pitching (Tse, 2014). It is very important for the organisation in
which they will hire those candidates who have effective pitching skills. Marks and Spencer
(M&S) always focus on their pitching skills because this skill is very important for the firm as
with the help of this technology can be easily interacted with the client. Most of the investors
directly contact to those employees who have a better presentation skills and that are good for the
growth of organisation. M&S is very popular company and located in United Kingdom and they
deal with the retail store. In this report, it determines the negotiation process and how it can be
used in M&S.
P1 Determining the negotiation process and the key Stakeholder in commerce
It is a process when two people communicate to each other and with the help of
negotiation it can be find out the one opinion on a particular topic. It is an effective process to
maintain the stakeholder information for the business process. The manager of organisation can
arrange conference and handle communication between the clients. It is a process to acquire
entire information related product because with the help of this skill, they can easily explain the
product related information to client (Dobbie and Green, 2015). The manager can share
important information to stakeholders. It is very critical situation for the manager to handle all
the terms and conditions of organisation. M&S is focused on their pitching and negotiating
process because they are conducting a better process for the stakeholder.
M&S will always concern about the customer satisfaction because they provide good
quality of product in store and it can be finding the actual need of customer. The main objective
of every company is to provide the best quality of product and they are also taking negative and
positive review so that according to customer, they will change the product information. The
Pitching and Negotiation Skills For Marks and Spencer Assignment_3

sales team plays an important role when they have effective quality of negotiation and pitching
skill so that they provide the information in every effectively.
Employee has specific role to handle the customer and provide the best information and
services. The manager is important person to understand the requirement of customer as well as
employee because they will manage the stakeholder in the firm and they will help the employee
for increasing the skill, power and knowledge (Boccuzzi, 2017). The management is analysing
the whole department and identifying the resources required for the firm. Shareholder is the
special part to the firm with the help of this term, the investor can be providing the funding for
the companies and they also share values in market.
M&S can be arranging the new strategies and changing their quality of product in which
the supplier will supply an effective quality of raw material at very low price and the manager
will handle the whole manufacturing department and identify the best production details. The
production department is stored the information of particular product and supplier will supply the
product in market. In this way, it can say that pitching and negotiating process is important for
the business process because with the help of these skills, the customer is always connected to
the organisation directly and indirectly.
M1 Rational negotiation method that essential for information preparation
The negotiation process is required for any organisation because with the help of this
process, they are taking some important step for the company growth and it is step by step
process when the manager will understand the need of customer and they can be important role
for organisation. They will maintain the employee requirement and their satisfaction as well.
Negotiation is the best approach for the business process when it increasing the level of firm.
The management are always helped to the customer for the product details and information
provided through the effective pitching and it can clear a doubt regarding the purchased
information. M&S are always focused on the pitching and it provides the training session for the
improvement. The employee can be increased their skill through this session and enhance their
skill for the beneficial of organisation.
D1 various type of stages of negotiation process and dealing with the problems
Negotiation is a process to convey the communication from one place to another in which
it is an efficient way to represent their product details. Every steps of company process, pitching
is required for any department that can be play important role in whole business process. It is an
Pitching and Negotiation Skills For Marks and Spencer Assignment_4

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