


Added on  2022-11-30

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Professional DevelopmentTest Prep
Module: (FY027) Preparing for Success: Self Development and Responsibility
CW1 - Portfolio
Table of Contents
1 Introduction Page No.

2 Mini project workshops attended and how they contributed towards the development of my
Social and Ethical Awareness and Responsibility.
3 Importance and value of the Appendices (12 Documents) that I have compiled and provided as
part of my portfolio
4 Conclusion
5 References
6 12 Appendices for the Portfolio
Appendix 1 Personal Development Plan
Appendix 2 Personal SWOT Analysis
Appendix 3 Reading Log
Appendix 4 Photos or samples of work produced in class (during lessons or workshops) relating
to Social and Ethical Awareness and Responsibility.
Appendix 5 Time Management Skills: Weekly Schedule
Appendix 6 Communication Skills: Identification of the most effective skills
Appendix 7 Social and Ethical Awareness Attributes: Comparison between Good and Bad
Appendix 8 Academic Writing Skills
Appendix 9 Employability Skills
Appendix 10 Notes on Reflection

Appendix 11 Up-to-Date Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Appendix 12 Action Plan on a specific academic or professional goal you aim to achieve
1. Introduction:
Main aim behind this report is to effectively understand the concept of personal skills development and realizes responsibility.
Personal skills of a person will define the quality that a person have and which guide its behaviour and attitude. Personals skill
play an essential role in the growth and development of an individual as it help them to being a good person. There are various
skills which a person needs to develop as it is not useful in its personal life but also helpful in the workplace life. Having good
skills will motivate a person and make them to successfully achieve the goal of organisation.

2. Answer to the question: Specify the mini project workshops that you attended and explain how and why
they contributed towards the development of your social and ethical awareness and responsibility. (500
For efficiently developing my skills and awareness towards the social & ethical work and responsibility, recently I will attend a
mini project workshops, with the help of which I am able to develop my personal skills. I realise that for developing my skills I
need to first analysis what are my strength and weak points, so that I develop my weakness into strength. Then for
effectively analysing my strength & weakness I attend workshop which help in to learn about the personal SWOT analysis.
After attending this workshop I apply this analysis on me and I am able to effectively analysis my strength, weakness,
opportunity and threats. Other than this I learned various books and journals which also assist me in developing my skills.
After that I attend next workshop of time management skills. I realize that for successfully achieving the target and
completing the work on time I require to develop my time management skills. As it is not only useful in my personal life by it
also assist me in achieving the specific goal of organisation on time. For more developing this skill I prepare a time table
which help me in efficiently managing my time. Other than this I realize that I have lack of communication skills and for
developing my skill I attend the mini project workshop. Through it I am able to understand the difference between effective
communication & ineffective communication. From where I am able to understand the importance of communication skills in
my life. After attending this skill I realize that my communication skill will be developed and I efficiently communicate with
everyone without any hesitation. After this I attend the next workshop of social and ethical awareness with the help of which I
am able to differentiate the good and bad attributes, which help me to be a good person.
After this the next mini workshop that I will attend is related to the academic skills. Through this mini workshop I am
able to understand various academic skills such as table of content, summarization, paraphrasing and so on. By attending
this mini workshop I am able to develop my academic skills which is useful in my current and future life. After this I realize
that for my future growth and development I require to develop various employability skills such as team management skills,

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