
Positive and Negative Use of Internet to Business and Society Doc


Added on  2021-02-19

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Positive and Negative Use of Internet to Business and Society Doc_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................31. Compare and contrast the positive and negative use of internet to business and society.......32. Discuss the threat faced by the organization when using internet. Also identify the measureof security and privacy that should be used by the organization at the time of using internet.. .53. Select any two unified communication provider and compare and contrast in between them.....................................................................................................................................................7CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................10REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................112
Positive and Negative Use of Internet to Business and Society Doc_2

INTRODUCTIONInternet can be defined as a global computer network which provides a variety ofinformation and communication facilities with the help of interconnected networks that usesstandardized communication protocols. It can be determined as a world wide web which is a partof internet, this supports hypertext documents by allowing its users to view and navigate varioustypes of data. Present study is based on Gmail and Skype. Gmail is a free email services which isdeveloped by google, whereas Skype is a telecommunications application which specializes inproviding facilities like video chat and voice calls between various devices. This report includesa comparison and contrast between the various positive and negative uses of internet to both thebusinesses and society. Further this study consists of several threats that are being faced bybusinesses and society when using internet. Lastly, this study comprises two different unifiedcommunications provider which are being compared by their features and applications with theirsuitability for a business.MAIN BODY1. Compare and contrast the positive and negative use of internet to business and society.Internet is a word used to describe a global computer network which provides a variety ofinformation and communication facilities which is used by organization and society to simplifytheir operation (Wortmann and Flüchter, 2015). There are many ways through which internet canbe used in the organization and society such as for the purpose of communication, marketresearch and web browsing.Positive Use of InternetInformation: It is one of the most positive way in which the organization and society hasused Internet as Internet has helped the business in providing variety of the information whichwas difficult to gather in post internet era. Internet has also helped the business in understandingthe customer in better way as Internet has provided the different information regarding consumerbehaviour, needs and wants in the market.Accessible: Another positive way in which internet is used by the organization is toreduce the gap between the customer and the organization as Internet has also helped thebusiness in understanding the customer in better way as Internet has provided the differentinformation regarding consumer behaviour, needs and wants in the market. On the basis of the3
Positive and Negative Use of Internet to Business and Society Doc_3

same information organization used to develop the product which can satisfy the need of thecustomer in the market in efficient way (Rice and et.al., 2017).Investing: It is another best way in which internet has helped the organization andconsumer of society also as investing has become a relatively easy task for the organization andindividual to perform as compared to the past. As now, it is easy to track the profit of thebusiness and also internet has improved the research factor which has helped the business andconsumer in getting more relevant investing platform.Internet has also brought many benefits for the citizen of the society such as it hasprovided effective communication tool like emailing and instant messaging services to any partof the world. It has also helped the society in finding out the better career opportunity to growtheir career as with the help of the internet citizen of the society can find better job opportunity.Negative Use of InternetMarketing Complexity: It is the main negative impact which can be brought in theorganization due to the usage of the internet. As due to the use of the internet organization hasbeen offered the variety of the opportunity for the affordable communication. As all the side areflooded with the variety of the advertisement it gets difficult for the business to standout, whicheventually has created marketing complexity.Negative Feedback: It is another big negative aspect of the internet as taking businessonline has provided the opportunity for the consumer to post the criticism about the organizationvery easily. This eventually affects the goodwill of the business in the market. When consumersshare negative brand messages on Twitter or Facebook, the potential for viral sharing of gossipand complaints is a real threat.When looking at the negative impact of Internet on the Society it has been found thatinternet has made the easy availability of illegal or inappropriate materials online that isn’t age-suitable which is damaging the citizen of the society and increasing the cases of thebrainstorming and terrorism in the society. It has also increased the situation of hacking for thepurpose of suspicious activities including stealing data or banking information (Tarp andFuertes-Olivera, 2016).COMPARISONInternet is used as an information platform for the business so that organization is able togather different information which helps them in improving the efficiency of work in the4
Positive and Negative Use of Internet to Business and Society Doc_4

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