
Barriers and Strategies for Effective Communication


Added on  2023-01-18

1 Pages624 Words40 Views
Poster about Sri Lanka
Communication refer to exchanging and imparting of information by
writing, speaking or using some other medium. The present study is based on
communication barriers and challenges, it justifies strategies for overcoming
barriers of effective communication and culture awareness influence on
negotiation and communication.
Strategies for overcoming communication barriers
Learn different languages-
While operating business in Sir Lanka, company and their workers
must understand and learn more about different languages that helps to
communicate with consumers in nation where they operate business. Staff
of business, should use plain and simple language without using jumble
words which make it easy for other to understand what they are trying to
Work towards accommodating cultural differences-
In context of business in order to reduce culture barriers that impact
on effective communication, firm offered special courses at orientation
level that let its staff know about other cultures and how to be tolerant and
courteous of others, it creates positive environment.
Control emotions-
By controlling emotions in workplace or normal life people can
communicate with others effectively and it helps to build strong connection
to other people living around individual. A person who are able to control
their emotions and behave ethically they con communicate efficiently
Barriers and challenges to effective communication
The procedure of communication have multiple barriers or challenges that
impact on relations between two or more parties. Language barriers-
This is the main barriers of effective communication while operating
business into new market place, which limit good communication activity.
Language is the play vital role in interaction, lack of understanding different
languages in context of business people will not capable to build strong
connection or relationships to others.
Emotional barriers-
Emotional IQ of individual identify ease and comfort with which they
interact with others. Due to lack of emotional maturity person will not be able to
communicate effectively, is it the second barrier of effective communication.
Cultural barriers of communication-
As Hilton hotel open their new branch in Sri Lanka where they hire more
people from several parts of economy. Different cultures have several meaning for
many basic values of community. Lack of food, general behaviour and religious
will change drastically from one culture to another. It is must that person take
these different cultures into account during communication. People belong to
different cultures as it bring challenges for them to understand this while work
together, it is one of the biggest barrier that impact on effective communication
because understanding other culture applicant will not be able to interact with new
candidates in new workplace.
Djahel, S and et.al., 2014. A communications-oriented perspective on traffic
management systems for smart cities: Challenges and innovative
approaches. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials. 17(1). pp.125-
Awareness of cultural influence on negotiation ad communication
Culture influence how people communicate, think and behave, it
also impacts kinds of transactions they make and term they negotiate
others. Awareness of culture make positive influence on negotiation as well
as communication. For example, by understanding different culture leader
or manager in firm into new place able to provide proper guidance to its
workers by considering their culture and it will allow people to
communicate effectively without abusing each other.
From above, it has been summarized that different types of barriers
impact on communication, but with the help of applying effective strategies
it is easy to overcome challenges and barriers of effective communication.
Furthermore, culture awareness helps to build strong relationship and
reduce barriers of interaction effectively.
Barriers and Strategies for Effective Communication_1

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