
Poverty and Housing - Assignment


Added on  2021-04-22

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Running head: POVERTY AND HOUSINGPoverty and Housing Name of the Student:Name of the University:Author’s Note:
Poverty and Housing - Assignment_1

2POVERTY AND HOUSINGIntroductionPoverty and homelessness are two major problems of the global world that need toreduce. Poverty can destroy the growth of a country. Therefore, lack of education influencespoverty in a country (Townsend 2014). In UK many people belong to low-income group. In therecent years, numbers of lone parents are increasing rapidly in UK, which is a big reason ofrising poverty in this country. On the other hand, unequal distribution is another big factor inpoverty. This study deals with the causes of poverty and homelessness and its impact on humanlife.Discussion:1.1 Critical explanation of the term povertyPoverty refers to the condition when people are not able to meet their basic needs such asfood, clothing, and shelters (Hagenaars 2017). According to Paugam (2016), poverty occurswhen individuals fail to acquire the adequate resources. This is also called absolute poverty. Onthe other hand, relative poverty focuses on the condition of people while they are not able toenjoy the minimum level of living standard that is identified the government. People who aresuffering from poverty are not able to participate in recreational activities. Maximum peoplesupport that lack of money is the major reason of poverty. However, if people are living inpoverty then they feel insecure, inferior and unhappy. However, lack of money is not one onlyreason of poverty as lack of shelters also facilitates poverty. In UK lack of shelter and lowemployment rate are the two major reasons that influence poverty in this country. In UK, relativepoverty is common rather than absolute poverty. As argued by Townsend (2014), lack of
Poverty and Housing - Assignment_2

3POVERTY AND HOUSINGeducation and housing are another reason that makes a clear sense of the term poverty. Thus,poverty can be defined through various ways based on its different factors. The advantages of absolute poverty lay in providing a clearer measure that provides easiermeans in conducting research. It also enables in undertaking comparisons over time for aparticular society. Some of the disadvantages of absolute poverty include its limitation in thecontext of global use since poverty in UK is not comparable to the economically deprived areasof Africa where poverty implies an economic struggle compared to the UK where the concept ofpoverty refers to struggling and surviving as a part of the wider society. Absolute poverty alsohas another disadvantage since it relies on the assumption that the basic needs are the same foreveryone in the society. The absolute poverty also follows a budget standard approach thatimplies too much dependency on the judgment of the researchers. Further, in absolute povertythe concept of poverty changes with time and is explained through the example of Televisionthat was once a luxury but now it not since owned by almost everyone. However, the advantages of relative poverty include broadening of the concept of povertythat represents the lacking of the other needs that is not physical necessity. It also supports theMarxist views on the impossibility of eradicating poverty since some people like the Proletariat,will remain in a state which is worse than the others and therefore in a state of relative poverty.Ensures poverty line agreed international measures, which is applicable throughout the EuropeanUnion. The disadvantages of relative poverty are that it is culturally restricted and used withina single society since the people in different cultures have different living standards. The relativepoverty portrays there will always be existence of inequality in a capitalist society. The conceptof relative poverty does not ideally hold for United Kingdom as most of the people have a highliving standard. Moreover, the definition of the relative poverty does not remain fixed.
Poverty and Housing - Assignment_3

4POVERTY AND HOUSING2. Causes of poverty by applying the contrasting theories such as New right and MarxismAmong the major theories of poverty, the new right theory is an effective theory, whichanalyzes the causes of poverty clearly. According to this theory, a capitalist is able to make thestability of a country and to secure the wealth. From, this theory it has been received that singleparenthood is a major factor of poverty in a country (Ansell 2016). This also affects the welfaresystem in a country. In the recent years, the numbers of single parents are increasing rapidly inthe world and such parents are dependent on the state. Therefore, illegitimacy rate is alsoincreasing rapidly. However, statistics show that the numbers of single mothers are increasingrapidly in UK. According to the statistics in 2017, there were 1.6 million lone mothers who haddependent children (Statista.com 2018). This is due to the lack of support from the fathers, whichresults in the increased numbers of poorer mother and poorer children. However, it is difficult forthe lone mothers to meet the weekly cost of a child without their fathers. This theory highlightsthat there are many lone mothers who are dependent on Welfare State. Such unemploymentcauses poverty.
Poverty and Housing - Assignment_4

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