
Power and Marginalization Assignment PDF


Added on  2021-06-18

7 Pages1439 Words43 Views
Running head: POWER AND MARGINALIZATIONPOWER AND MARGINALIZATIONName of the StudentName of the UniversityAuthor Note
Power and Marginalization Assignment PDF_1

1POWER AND MARGINALIZATIONPart ANow, less than five years later I can still hear the sobs of my 9 year old self waiting forthe torture to cease as every inch of my being shriveled into a state of perpetual numbness.Admittedly, I was unconscious for most of it or maybe it was my mind that blocked out thereality of the incident till it could no longer shield me from the pangs of physical pain as theyperforated the very meaning of humanity that my mind held. Yes, what’s human is almost neverhumane and what’s humane is never ideally human. The acts of my father, repeated through thecourse of many years, can hardly ever be looked at as humane. Yet in the eyes of society it is forsome reason absolutely human. It took me a considerable portion of the last 3 years to trulyunderstand the implications of the incidents that my mind chooses to disregard as real. Societydictates that in case of such incidents the victim must approach appropriate authorities to ensurethe same is reported and resolved. However, when the same figure who is bound to protect andshield you from the darkness of reality engulfs you with the same spite that you are to beshielded from the value system and faith of a person are broken down into what can only beunderstood as melancholy. So I shut myself up, bottled it all up till I could understand what hadreally happened, and when I did I was engorged by enough shame to shake the very foundationsof my being. Public disclosure was never an option, I would go on for the next 4 years withouteven conveying the same to my mother and other relatives as sympathy can never really remedysuch a situation. It was only after I entered the care of my Social Worker that I completelyopened up about the trauma that I held inside like a blade that cut a little deeper every day.
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2POWER AND MARGINALIZATIONPart BWhen I first encountered Alice I could hardly fathom the horrifying encounters shemust’ve had and the helplessness she faced at every turn. She was sexually abused by her stepfather till the age of 9 in repeated incidents yet there was an undeniable glimmer in her eye thatstill believed in humanity. She could never go into the details of the incident without breakingdown and conversing about the same required me to gain her trust. Skepticism was now aninherent part of her mental state and that was the wall that needed to be broken (Body-Gendrot &Martiniello, 2016). Through various sessions with her where she remained silent and I explainedthe extent to which I could help her I finally got through one day. Maybe it was the idea that theperpetrator could be punished without her state becoming a public spectacle was what gotthrough to her. Over the course of more conversant sessions I came to the conclusion that shesuffered from serious post traumatic stress disorder (Yehuda et al., 2015). This was clear fromthe symptoms she displayed such as anxiety towards any discussion that inclined towardspaternal heritage or value systems, her inability to comprehend logical inferences that supportedher cause but were new to her and her constant state of mental turmoil from the time of theincident (Trimble, 2013). The best treatment for such a condition was psychotherapy which Ireferred her to immediately. The results of her Rorschach test revealed that she also sufferedfrom clinical depression which explains why she was unable to communicate the details of theincident to any individual or institution (Rorschach, 2013). She was asked to attend a residentialtreatment centre which would aid in the elimination of the depression and the PTSD (Armour etal., 2014). Alice however did not agree to the same as she still significantly feared the unknown.I suggested a non-residential treatment method to the psychiatrist who agreed to undertake thesame. After 6 months of weekly therapy Alice can now leave the house by herself and has even
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