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Practical Digital Marketing for BSc (Hons) Business Management with Foundation - BMP3006


Added on  2023/06/18

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This report discusses the meaning of marketing and marketing mix, digital marketing, and social media marketing. It also provides examples of effective social media campaigns and explains why social media content is effective. The subject is Practical Digital Marketing for BSc (Hons) Business Management with Foundation - BMP3006.

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BSc (Hons) Business Management with Foundation
Practical Digital Marketing
Assessment 1
The role of digital marketing and social media marketing – theory and examples
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Introduction 1
Part 1 p-p
Explanation of marketing p
An explanation of what the marketing mix is and where the communications mix fits
An explanation digital marketing p
An explanation of social media marketing p
An explanation of why Digital marketing and social media marketing are important to
contemporary businesses p
Part 2 p-p
Two examples of social media content that really work and justification of why they work
Screen shots of effective campaigns with reference to established models and standards for
digital marketing p
Why social media content is effective? p
Conclusion p
References p
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Digital Marketing is one of the important component pf marketing. It helps to use
online technology and such as computer, mobile and other digital devices. The aim is to
promote the organization and promote the products and services of organization (Deepak and
Jeyakumar, 2019). This report is based on understanding the meaning of marketing and
marketing mix that helps the organization to communicate effectively. There is discussion
related to social media marketing and its importance in contemporary business. Also, there
are examples of social media and explanation related to its benefits. In the end there is
discussion related to effectiveness of social media content.
Part 1
Explanation of marketing
Marketing is one of the essential function of management. The aim is to persuade
buyers to purchase goods and services of business. Each and every business organisation uses
marketing as it helps to increase the sales of organisation (Mothersbaugh and, 2020).
Marketing supports communication of organisation and spreads information related to
company. There are various strategies that are formulated by the organisation to spread
awareness about the products served by the company. The sales of company can be enhanced
with the help of using effective marketing tools.
An explanation of what the marketing mix is and where the communications mix fits
Marketing mix of an organization includes the set of actions, tactics that are used by
an organization to promote its brand. It helps to differentiate their products from that of
others. A company use all the 4P's of marketing form strong strategies that are important for
the growth and success of business organization. The 4P's include discussion related product,
price, place and promotion.
Product: This includes goods and services in which the organization deals. The
product of an organization is designed in such a manner that it helps to satisfy the needs and
wants of customers (Thabit and Raewf, 2018). A company should understand the product life
cycle of a product so a to make innovation and development in product so that they are able
to satisfy customers.
Price: The pricing strategy of a company plays a vital role in attracting the
customer's. The company must work in such a manner that they are able to achieve
economies of scale (Lim, 2021)(Dost and, 2019)(Bala and Verma, 2018)(Chaffey and
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Ellis-Chadwick, 2019)(De Pelsmacker, Van Tilburg and Holthof, 2018). This will help to
serve more customers. It is important to provide discounts on regular basis so that the
customers are regular for the organization.
Place: This is the decision related to place where the customers will sell the products.
It is important to choose right channel of distribution as it helps to serve the customers in an
effective way.
Promotion: The strategies that are used by an organization to promote the goods and
services come under the category of promotion. There are various tools of promoting the
product such as advertisement in TV, magazine, hoarding etc. Nowadays the organizations
are switching towards digital platforms as they have wider reach.
By using all these 4P's of marketing the company is able top communicate effectively
with the customers. As a company works to form their products strong and better than
competitors. They also provide the goods at affordable price to the customers and choose a
right place to serve them (Kaur, 2017). With regard to promotion the company is able to
communicate with its customers. As the promotional tools help in spreading information
about the product of company. Nowadays there is option of positive review on the website of
company. There the customers can write both negative and positive comments. The positive
comments are motivating for the company. Also, they take care of negative comments and try
to resolve the problem faced by the customers. This is how the organization is able to
communicate with the customers.
An explanation of digital marketing
Digital marketing can be defined as online marketing. It is a tool used by marketing
team to attract the customers through various platforms such as social media marketing,
content marketing, video marketing, e-mail marketing to achieve the targets of company
(Kannan, 2017). For example, Tesco uses digital marketing and that helps the company to
attract more customers and enhance its sales.
It can also be defined as a platform that allows the company to attract more
customers. It is seen that digital marketing has wider reach and assist company in serving
more customers. To illustrate, Burberry use the digital marketing platforms such as social
media marketing and that helps the company to reach more number of customers.
An explanation of social media marketing
Social media marketing is a technique of digital marketing. It means use of social
media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube that are used to attract the
customer's. For example the AIDA model is used by Coco-Cola through social model

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platforms. The focus was to make customer's aware about the diet coke offered by company
(El Junusi, 2020).
Social media marketing can be defined as a form of internet marketing that is used by
organisations to attract more customers. It is a form of e-marketing that includes use of social
media platforms to reach more customers and to enhance communication with customers. To
illustrate, Expression Fiber Arts used social media marketing and it helped the company to
generate interest of customers and enhance the annual sales of the company.
An explanation of why Digital marketing and social media marketing are important to
contemporary businesses
It is important to note that now each and every business is switching towards digital
platforms and it is due to digitalisation. The company that uses traditional method of
marketing will be left out. So, it is important to note that a company must use digital
marketing to gain advantage over the competitors. Along with that it helps the company to
enhance loyalty of customers towards the organisation. Also, the use of digital marketing
platforms help top reach more customers.
Social media marketing helps to enhance the sales of organisation. As more people
are available on social media platforms (Social Media Marketing for Businesses, 2020). If
they get attracting post and advertisement related to the products then this will persuade and
will benefit the company. At the same time social media marketing is cost effective way of
attracting customers.
It is analysed that a company that uses digital marketing is able to operate effectively
and also gain lead over competitors. A company must decide the platform as per the neds of
customer. There is need of using updated technology to work effectively in contemporary
Part 2
Two examples of social media contents that really work and justification of why they
Social media marketing is an effective tool that helps the company to enhance the
sales. It is important to note that a company must switch to social media marketing so that
they are able to attract more customers (Saura, Palos-Sanchez and Correia, 2019). There are
huge number of platforms that can be used by an organisation such as Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest etc. All the business organisation are able to enhance
their sales as well as able to reach more customers. It is observed that companies use social
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media campaigns that are helpful for them. Some of the effective campaigns are discussed
Coca-Cola is one of the famous organisation and the one that has gained a lot through
use social media marketing. The company is able to enhance its sales by using effective
campaigns on social media (Lies, 2019). The company spends around $4 Billion in
worldwide advertising. The company used AIDA model to attract the customers towards the
product of organisation. The work to find the problem of customers (Attention). Then try to
find solution (Interest). Then the company checks the desire of customer's. In the end actions
are taken by the organisation to solve the problem of customers and serve them effectively.
Expression fibre Art: The company is has understood the importance of social media
marketing and using effective tools enhances the sales of organisation. The company is able
to grown and earn more than $1 Million in annual sales. The have focused on Facebook and
that helps them to achieve success and attract them (Key, 2017). They were giving
opportunity to download free offer coupons to the Facebook users.
Screen shot of effective campaign with reference to established model and standard for
digital marketing
Diet coke by Coco-Cola:
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Coco-cola understood the need of diet coke and launched the product. It is important
to note that a company should provide the information to its customers. The company used
social media marketing to reach more customers (Ištvanić, Crnjac Milić and Krpić, 2017).
There are social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook that help them to reach
more customers.
Expression Fiber Arts: The started a marketing campaign on Facebook. The
company is able to attract more customers and enhance its reach by operating on social media
platform. The are able to enhance the sales and reach $1 Million annually. The have used new
and updated pattern to the customers (Housley and, 2018). This also helped them to
attract customers. A company that is able to use social media marketing is able to serve
customers in an effective manner.

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Why social media content is effective?
Social media is effective in today's time. A company that is able to use social media
effectively earns more profitability and revenue (Baum and, 2019). It is necessary for a
company to use good content on social media that helps them to attract customers. The
reasons that show the effectiveness of social media content is as follows:
Consumer in control: The organisation is able to have control over the customers.
As the effective content posted on social media websites keep the customers attracted
towards the organisation. It assist the company to understand the needs of customers and then
provide information and content that is preferred by the company.
Convenience: It enhances the convenience of customers. They are able to satisfy the
needs and wants of customers (Segerberg, 2017). All the information and variety of product
is updated by the company on social media. This helps the customers to choose the best
among them that will satisfy them.
Satisfaction: The customers get satisfied as they are able to get updates about the
company and use them to fulfil their desire. All the customer wish to have knowledge about
the products and services offered by the organisation so that tehey are able to use them in an
effective manner.
Loyalty: As all the queries of customers can be posted on social media. They are able
to interact with the company and can make purchases easily. It is important to note that it
helps to enhance the loyalty of customers towards the brand. At the same time the regular
updates about the company helps to enhance the loyalty.
Reduced cost: Using social media marketing is cost effective for an organisation.
There are so many options that are available in the market related to marketing (Kim, 2020).
Using social marketing is a cost effective method that helps to reach more customer's. So a
company that is able to use social media is a n effective manner is able to serve more
customers at reduced cost.
Builds a brand: The world is turning digitalised. So, it is necessary fior a business
organisation to use digital marketing. One of the effective tool in digital marketing is social
media marketing. So, a company that post effective content is able to establish strong image
in market and serve the customers effectively. By establishing brand the organisation is able
to serve more customers.
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Measurable: The company is able to measure its performance by using social media.
The increase in number of followers as well as increase in number of leads, conversion rate
helps them to to measure the effectiveness of using social media marketing.
From the above report, it is analyzed that it is important to use digital marketing. It is
a form of marketing that helps a company to attract more customers. The use of internet
to promote goods and services of a company is called digital marketing. This report is based
on marketing which is one of the most important function of an organization. The use of
marketing mix helps a company to formulate effective strategies related communication.
Also, there is importance o digital marketing as well as social media marketing in
contemporary business. So that is also evaluated in the report. The next part of report is based
on digital marketing and the social media marketing campaigns uses by different
organizations. In the end there is description related to effectiveness of social media content.
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Books and Journals
Bala, M. and Verma, D., 2018. A critical review of digital marketing. M. Bala, D. Verma
(2018). A Critical Review of Digital Marketing. International Journal of
Management, IT & Engineering, 8(10), pp.321-339.
Baum and, 2019. The impact of social media campaigns on the success of new product
introductions. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 50, pp.289-297.
Chaffey, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F., 2019. Digital marketing. Pearson uk.
De Pelsmacker, P., Van Tilburg, S. and Holthof, C., 2018. Digital marketing strategies,
online reviews and hotel performance. International Journal of Hospitality
Management, 72, pp.47-55.
Deepak, R.K.A. and Jeyakumar, S., 2019. Marketing management. Educreation Publishing.
Dost, and, 2019. Seeding as part of the marketing mix: word-of-mouth program
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perspective. Journal of Digital Marketing and Halal Industry, 2(1), pp.15-28.
Housley and, 2018. Interaction and transformation on social media: The case of Twitter
campaigns. Social Media+ Society, 4(1), p.2056305117750721.
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environment. International journal of electrical and computer engineering
systems, 8(2.), pp.67-75.
Kannan, P.K., 2017. Digital marketing: A framework, review and research
agenda. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 34(1), pp.22-45.
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Social Media Marketing for Businesses, 2020, [Online]. Availabile

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