
Practitioner Research in Education: Role in Enhancing Teaching and Learning


Added on  2023-06-11

16 Pages5116 Words403 Views
Political Science
Practitioner Research in Education
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Practitioner Research in Education: Role in Enhancing Teaching and Learning_1

Practitioner Research has long-standing tradition in relation to education and it helps
in raising the voices of the teachers in relation to educational research. It helps in the creation
of opportunity for the teachers so that they can understand the complexity in relation to
teaching along with learning. Practitioner Research can play an important role in It helps in
providing vehicle for the teachers that enables them in questioning that of educational status
quo. Its roots can be traced to John Deway in the year 1930. Practitioner Research movement
was able to gain popularity in 1940 on account of work by Kurt Lewin. It was able to garner
attention in 1950 with the help of work done by Stephen Corey. The movement has evolved
in the present age and the reshaping was done on the basis of its relationship to that of the era
within which it existed. The professional context that will be talked about in-length in the
course of this essay relates to that of the classroom where the teacher can make use of the
scientific methods in order to improve the quality of education that will be imparted in the
Part A
Practitioner Research can play an integral role in influencing the policies along with
practices related to education. There are many places within the world where the practices are
divorced from the experience of the teachers within the classroom. Practitioner Research can
help in engaging the teachers so that they can adjust their policy to that of the local context.
The teacher by involving himself in the practice of research enquiry can develop bottom-up-
process that can help in bringing the teachers within the inquiry circles so that different
approaches can be formulated in relation to curriculum pedagogy.
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Practitioner Research involves a single person or more than that who act both as
practitioners and are researching into the arena of practice. Practitioner Research can help in
solving problems and it can help in enhancing the aspect of practice (Kossyvaki, Jones &
Guldberg, 2016). Practitioner Research can provide the teachers with the chance of
investigation so that they can learn from the practices. It can help in the process of enriching
of understanding in relation to the practices.
There are many kinds of variances in relation to practitioner research and they have
been named in different manner. They are called action research, practitioner enquiry, self-
study and teacher enquiry (Wardrip & Herman, 2018). Teacher enquiry along with
practitioner research movement is flourishing in many countries of the world. Scientific
Research plays an important role in the present age in determination of the action along with
the pedagogy pertaining to the teachers. Human interaction in the classroom does not always
unfold in a manner that is predictive. The teachers in the present age needs something that
can balance scientific research along with that of real world pertaining to the schools. The
teachers in the present age need that of practice-based evidence that can help them greatly in
relation to their professional context (Robins, 2015). The practice based evidence can be
produced by taking recourse to practitioner research that is different in nature from that of
experimental research. Practitioner Research does not lay emphasis on the aspect of
prediction but it provides insight in the arena of teaching that can help in making changes.
Practitioner Research has undergone phenomenal growth in the present age as a kind
of teacher professional learning. The administrators in an institution use it as a practice for
achieving the educational reforms. The world along with the society is undergoing changes
and any kind of practice is hence dynamic and transitory. Practitioner Research will be re-
modelled on the basis of the context within which it exists. The practices are made in
different time along with place and they can be reproduced (Redondo, 2017). Practitioner
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Research is important within the professional climate and practitioner research has become
the main professional learning strategy in the present age.
The under-funding in relation to educational research has resulted in the lack of
research-minded practitioners. The research practitioners can join that of the instructional
workforce in many kinds of guises. This helps in undercutting in relation to field-driven
demand in relation to quality research. The allocation of a large proportion in relation to
educational expenditure and increasing research participation can help in solving many
problems pertaining to education capacity (Hoffman & Novak, 2017). The high quality of
instructional workforce can help in relation to practitioner research. It should be stated that
there are other factors apart from that of “action research” that is needed within the
classroom. Experimental ethos in relation to iterative assessment along with classroom
practice revision can be carried out with the help of collaboration pertaining to the
researchers (Pippin, 2015). The practice-minded researcher should get concomitant
recognition in relation to new ways that can help the researchers in interacting with the
practitioners. The education practice has been found to be localized in relation to student
interactions or that of student group. Any kind of general conclusion should be adapted in
relation to the specific local condition along with capacity before any kind of result
expectation. It necessitates hard work in relation to thinking with the help of options and
evaluates them. It is on the basis of conditions along with resources that can help in arriving
at a path pertaining to action. Localization pertaining to research knowledge needs a lot more
than that of manual along with textbook (McNiff, 2016). Excellence cannot be achieved with
the help of one jump and reflective modulation can pave the path of experimentation that can
lead to optimization in relation to the gains. The graduates in relation to the learning
partnerships can experiment on the basis of demand within that of classroom situation. The
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