
Impact of Factors of Motivation on Employees Productivity and Business Performance: A Study on Premier Inn Hotel


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LT6P19GN: Research Methods and Project
PROGRAMME TITLE: BA (Hons) Hospitality Management (Top Up)
MODULE TITLE: Research Methods and Projects
ASSESSMENT TITLE: Research Project Proposal
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Research Proposal (HM Top-Up)- Autumn 2021
Impact of Factors of Motivation on Employees Productivity and Business Performance: A Study on Premier Inn Hotel_1

LT6P19GN: Research Methods and Project
Research Topic:
To examine the impact of factors of motivation on employees productivity and business
performance. A study on Premier Inn Hotel
Research Background:
The current research is based on analysing factors of motivation which are helping working
employees to maximise their performance and productivity as well. The research is significant as
for an organisation their major asset is their employees so this is significant for the organisation
that to motivate their employees so that they may give their optimal performance within
organisational activities (Robescu and Iancu, 2016). The main purpose of this research is to
recognise such factors those are leading motivation to employees. The hospitality industry is
associated with various dimensions and employees are playing prominent role within the industry
and this research is examining such factors by which employees can be motivated.
Aims & Objectives
To examine the impact of factors of motivation on employees productivity and business
performance. A study on Premier Inn Hotel.
I. To investigate the factors of employee motivation existing within an organisation.
II. To identify the impact of employee motivation on employee's productivity and
business performance.
III. To discern the challenges faced by Premier Inn hotel in motivating and encouraging
employees towards organisational goals.
IV. To recommend the ways that could be used by Premier Inn hotel for motivating and
encouraging employees towards organisational goals.
Research Questions
i. Explain the factors of employee motivation existing within an organisation?
ii. What is the impact of employee motivation on employee's productivity and business
iii. What are challenges faced by Premier Inn hotel in motivating and encouraging
employees towards organisational goals?
iv. What are the recommendation that can be adopted by Premier Inn hotel for motivating
and encouraging their employees?
Research Rationale:
The main rationale behind selecting this topic is my personal interest as I am planning to make my
career in the industry of hospitality. With the help of gathered information through this research I
can recognise such factors those are related with motivating employees so that to maximise their
productivity and performance. The beneficiary within this research is hospitality and employees as
they may get to know about the concept of employee motivation so that significant contribution
can be received by employees which help the business to grow. The research gap analysed is that
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Impact of Factors of Motivation on Employees Productivity and Business Performance: A Study on Premier Inn Hotel_2

LT6P19GN: Research Methods and Project
in previous studies factors of motivation are entailed but their impact is not mentioned. Using the
current research, the research gap is fulfilled so that information is gathered regrading the impact
of motivation over employee productivity and business performance.
Scope of Research Study
The research is undertaken on Premier Inn hotel which is regarded as one of the renowned hotel
chain headquartered in UK. The research is made on hospitality industry so that with the help of
outcomes of this research objectives within research can be attained (Heffernan and et al., 2016).
The research is going to include various factors which are leading employees to be motivated and
helps in attaining market edge as well. The current research is helpful for businesses as in context
of developing such aspects by which business productivity can be enhanced. On the other hand,
the information from the existing research can be used by businesses so that to manage business
functions in optimal manner.
Introduction: Literature review is defined as collection of such articles which were
published earlier and would be helpful in gaining information related with research topic.
Explain the factors of employee motivation existing within an organisation?
According to Sanyal and Hisam, (2018), there are various factors of motivation for employees
those are exerted within organisation such as:
Leadership style: Supervisors, managers, and other firm leaders have a big influence on their
employees' motivation. Appropriate leadership styles empower people to set objectives and goals
for themselves in their jobs, work toward those objectives, and keep that motivation going
throughout their time with the company. Leadership style is the aspect which is associated with
playing the role of developing employee motivation. This is being analysed that when an
organisation is having prominent leadership style then employees will be able to perform their
working in desired manner.
Recognition and appreciation: Appreciation and recognition are two important components of
motivation within an organization. Offering recognition and praise not only makes employees feel
accomplished and appreciated, but it also reinforces good performance and encourages employees
to continue repeating the actions that led to the performance. With the help of recognition and
appreciation, employees can be motivated as appreciation is a force that helps employees to stay
positive and enhance their involvement.
Positive company culture: Employee motivation in the workplace is heavily influenced by the
company's culture. When there is a strong business culture that encourages employees and brings
them together on a regular basis, many people feel more valued and love their work. When an
organisation is having positive working culture then this will lead employees to stay motivated at
workplace and resultantly overall productivity can be increased.
What is the impact of employee motivation on employee's productivity and business
According to Berberoglu, (2018), Employee motivation in the workplace is heavily influenced by
the company's culture. When there is a strong business culture that encourages employees and
brings them together on a regular basis, many people feel more valued and love their work.
Motivation occupies a crucial area and function with inside the complete control process. This
approach may be used fruitfully for encouraging people to make wonderful contribution for
attaining organizational objectives. Motivation is vital as human nature desires a few type of
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Impact of Factors of Motivation on Employees Productivity and Business Performance: A Study on Premier Inn Hotel_3

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