
Developing Employability Skills through Mini Project Workshops


Added on  2022-12-14

21 Pages3373 Words314 Views
Module: (FY027) Preparing for Success: Self Development and Responsibility
CW1 - Portfolio
Student’s Name:
LSST ID Number:
BNU ID Number:
Lecturer’s Name:
Submission Date:
Developing Employability Skills through Mini Project Workshops_1

Table of Contents
Specify the mini project workshops that you attended and explain how and why they contributed towards the development of your
employability skill.....................................................................................................................................................................................4
In a paragraph or two explain the value or usefulness of the Appendices (12 Documents) that you have compiled and provided as
part of your portfolio................................................................................................................................................................................6
12 Appendices for the Portfolio...............................................................................................................................................................9
APPENDIX 1: My Personal Development Plan...................................................................................................................................9
Title of Course I’m Enrolled For:......................................................................................................................................................9
APPENDIX 2: My Personal SWOT Analysis.....................................................................................................................................10
APPENDIX 3: Smart Analysis............................................................................................................................................................12
APPENDIX 4: Time Management Skills: Weekly Schedule..............................................................................................................14
APPENDIX 5: Time Management Skills:...........................................................................................................................................16
APPENDIX 6: Communication Skills: Effective vs Ineffective Communication.................................................................................16
APPENDIX 7: Presentation Skills: Comparison between good and poor practices..........................................................................17
APPENDIX 8: Academic Writing Skills:.............................................................................................................................................17
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APPENDIX 9: Employability Skills:....................................................................................................................................................18
APPENDIX 10: Notes on Reflection..................................................................................................................................................19
APPENDIX 11: Up-to-Date Curriculum Vitae (CV)............................................................................................................................20
APPENDIX 12: An Action Plan for achieving a specific academic or professional...........................................................................20
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This report include the basic reflection and there implication on the society which are applicable to manage a student
performance and work effectively while working within an organisation. To improve the employability skill it is important for the
student to make and manage their contribution in various mini project related workshop which are needed to be attended and
explain their nature to developed effective employability skill (Barauskaite and Streimikiene, 2021). Some of the skills related
information are attached within this project which are helpful for the student to understand and analysis their reflection within
society and improve their skills.
Specify the mini project workshops that you attended and explain how and why they contributed
towards the development of your employability skill.
This mini project is associated with the employability skills which are related to the growth and achievement of employability.
In order to begin with this assignment the SWOT analysis are helpful in managing different analysis factor which may be related to
my own strength and skills which are related to major changes and development of the company ( Malin, 2021). This mini project
workshop are basically related to different sector and explain major contribution towards the development of the employability skills.
At the same time, I have learned different ways to get all my answer which are arises through the model of the employability skills. I
learned how to work and manage teamwork and group work which are basically related to different way to manage and work within
the professional capability. Besides I have learned different way to make time management and associated my task which are
related to their management skills. An employer can decide a person to hire or not is all on their communication skill which they are
understood in the interview round. So I learned effective communication skill through and make effective approaches. Further in the
market when a person try to make more effective approaches then it could be related to CV which make a first view on the
employer and make their mind about yourself and learn different prospective about the personality of a person.
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I have understood that how should a person are able to manage and work as per the benefit of a CV and make sure about the right
skill and qualification are provided on the basis of different sector and growth. As a result of these skills, I have learned that how to
make more attractive CV to the employer and how to present an effective presentation which make a mind of an employer to work
and select you as their employee in their respective organisation. Further I learned effective communication skill that may be
related to team, and most of the employee are make preferences for the people, which make presentation to the team, leaders, and
people of the group. All of these are basically related to major changes and growth of the company to work and manage to present
myself in front of employer. Further efficacy and interpersonal skill is basically related to making negotiation and effective skill to
manage and work as per their own growth and adaptability (Tomlinson, M. and Jackson, D., 2021). These skills are essential and
helpful for me to understand the nature of professional integrity and make some other sense to companies. Which are basically
related to different sources and plan which make me more motivated and comfortable to work as in right need and integrity
behavioural of company.
In a paragraph or two explain the value or usefulness of the Appendices (12 Documents) that you have
compiled and provided as part of your portfolio.
All of these plan are useful and helpful for the students to manage their academic profile and able to work in professional
course which are related to different sources and applicability’s. The updates documents are basically related to major sources and
acceptability of the personal development plan and SOWT analysis which make an effective way to work and manage their time
period to work and able to understand about their career (Qiu and et.al., 2021). Personal time management plan, and reading log
are helpful in updating my own time schedule for my academic work and help myself to improve my career skills. Academic writing
and its integrity help me to stay motivated and make ethical steps to work and respond on the nature of society. After that working
Developing Employability Skills through Mini Project Workshops_5

on reflection report is helpful for me to understand and write about what I have learned during lectures, classes and these mini
Smart analysis, CV and an action plan are helpful for me to work and understand the nature of my skills which I needed to
be improve and work on them to manage my skills and weakness (Vakkala, Jäntti and Sinervo, 2021). All of these are related to
major changes and applicability to work and able to manage different sources to work and make effective communication skill
which is helpful and analysis to represent the nature and make sure to work and manage which are associated to different work
and manage time management skills. Further team management is based on the different skill which are related to different
benchmark for the performance capabilities which are basically related to growth and sector the student to make necessary support
and make integrity which are working in team management.
From the above report I concluded that there are different sources and resource which make a student more attractive and
effective in their performance which are related to the growth and sustainability within society. All of the basic approaches which are
used by me to understand my skills and values. Further some major action are taken to make effective growth and improve my
weakness to make more effective professional profile to manage and work as per their own growth and access. All of the below
mentioned activities are helpful and essential to manage and make appreciate the performance for achieving effective personal
level skills which are needed to be improve by them.
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