
Literature Review in Health and Social Care


Added on  2020-02-14

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Principles of HSC
Literature Review in Health and Social Care_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................1TASK 1.................................................................................................................................................11. Explaining how principles of support are applied to guarantee that individuals are cared forin health and social care practice.................................................................................................12. Outlining procedures for protecting clients, colleagues, patients from harm..........................23. Analyzing advantage of using person centered approach........................................................24. Ethical dilemmas and conflicts while providing care, support and protection........................3TASK 2.................................................................................................................................................31. Explaining implementation of policies, legislation, regulations and codes of practice that arerelevant to own work in health and social care............................................................................32. Ways in which local policies and procedures can be developed in accordance with nationaland policy requirements...............................................................................................................43. Evaluating the impact of policy, legislation, regulation and code of practice inorganizational policy and practice...............................................................................................5TASK 3.................................................................................................................................................51. Theories that underpin health and social care practice............................................................52. Analysis of how social processes impact users of health and social care services..................63. evaluating the effectiveness of inter professional working.....................................................6TASK 4.................................................................................................................................................71. Explaining own role, responsibilities, accountabilities and duties in context of working withthose within and outside health and social care workplace.........................................................72. Evaluation of own contribution in health and social care workplace practice to develop andimplement health and social care organizational policy..............................................................73. Recommending on how to develop own contribution to meet good practice requirements....7CONCLUSION....................................................................................................................................8REFERENCES.....................................................................................................................................92
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INTRODUCTION Principles of health and social care play a significant role in offering quality care to thepatients in an effectual manner. It is effective in depicting the manner in which the patients aretreated by health care professionals within workplace (Glasby, 2012). The role of health careprinciples is appropriate in ensuring appropriate management of the patients. In the presentstudy, principles of health and social care have been discussed with respect to residential homewhich is situated in East London. The present report entails to understand the ways in whichprinciples of support are being implemented in health and social care practice. Moreover, itinvolves theories that underpin health and social care practices. TASK 11. Explaining how principles of support are applied to guarantee that individuals are cared for inhealth and social care practiceThere is greater requirement to offer support to the patients who are availing services ofresidential care home. This needs to be offered by the staff members working in care home. Inthis regard, several principles of support have been determined. Such can be used by thevolunteers of care home in order to assists the service users. As per my view point, providingrespect and dignity to the patients is regarded as one of the way that can assists in offeringsupport to the patients of residential care home (Glasby, 2012). For instance, dignity of patientscan be maintained by health and social care individuals. They make it by keeping theirinformation confidential and not sharing it with anyone else. It is the responsibility of health careindividual to give respect to the demands and needs of the patients. For instance, there are certaindemands of mentally ill patients that cannot be accomplished by residential care workers(Principle in care home, 2015). Thus, in this situation, it is important to respect the demand ofsuch patients and make efforts towards accomplishment of their wish in an appropriate manner.With the assistance of this approach, satisfaction among patients can be maintained. Anothermajor principle of support is related with independence. It assists in providing greater support tothe patients. For instance, while working at care home, I came across a situation in whichmentally ill patient demanded to get out of the care home. But as a part of my duty andresponsibility, I was not able to comply with their need. However, such need of patients can be1| P a g e
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accomplished in case; I was asked to follow the principle of independence in relation to thesame. Thus, effective support can be offered to patients with the assistance of this approach.2. Outlining procedures for protecting clients, colleagues, patients from harmThere is existence of two types of harm that is; physical and mental through which onecan get affected. Physical harm is one that influence patient's body. However, mental harmpossesses the potential to affect current psychological state of the patients. Several measureshave been determined by residential home in East London for the purpose of protecting theservice users. In order to protect client from harm, suitable precautions needs to be taken inrelation to the medicines. In the present time, there is presence of expiry dates and fakemedicines available in the market that has greater impact on the body of individual. In thisrelation, I have experienced certain situations in which one of my patient died as wrong medicinewas provided to him. For the purpose of avoiding such type of situation, particular procedureneeds to be followed by residential care home (Clark, 2011). It is important to inspect themedicine after their arrival for the sake of protecting the patients from harm. This can be carriedout by expert team and department. Along with this, another major aspect is related withconfidentiality that can assist clients, colleagues as well as patients from mental harm. Forinstance, the patients suffering from HIV and AIDS require their information regarding diseaseto be kept confidential (Sowa, 2013). In such situation, the residential care home does not fulfillsuch and then individual has to suffer from social discrimination which can result in affecting themental condition of the person. 3. Analyzing advantage of using person centered approachPerson centered approach is one that offers preference to demands and needs of theservice users. Such concept is essential as under this, residential care home recruits onecounselor who possesses the duty to address needs and demands of patients related with healthcare in an effective manner (Kemp, Griffiths and Lovell, 2012). In this regard, several changeshave been done by health and social care while offering treatment to the individual. Hugeassistance has been provided by me through person centered approach as this has assisted me inensuring recovery of the patients suffering from psychological illness. For instance, in order tocure individuals with psychological illness, I have adopted this approach. Under this, initialmeeting is being organized with the particular patient. Further, I have tried to gain insight into2
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