1 PRM701 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES Part 1: Project charter ProjectProjectManagement Principles Start Date Name1 July 2019 ProjectPrioritization Manager Owner(s)Scheduled Sunshine Coast CouncilCompletion30 November 2019 Date: PurposeThepurposeoftheprojectistoupgradethe coastal pathway between the Arthur Parkyn peak and the boardwalk. In addition to this, the project will also include upgrading the holiday park for providing better facilities to words the people of that area. ScopeThe scope associated with the project includes developingaproperup-gradationwithcoastal pathway and holiday park so that the services provided towardsthe public can be enhanced. The contract is going to belumpsum contract. ObjectiveThemain reasonbehind upgrading the coastal path way is to increase the seating capacitywithin the two beaches so that maximum people can be
2 PRM701 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES accommodated.Thiswillalsoinclude implementing proper fencing for providing better supportthroughoutthecoastalarea.The upgradation for holiday park will include new amenities, office and residences for the people. This will ensure better way of living. AssumptionsIt is expected that with the help of up-gradation the profit obtained will be double as compared to the funds that is going to be used for renovation. ConstraintsThe major constraints for this projects are: Needs to be completed within the time and budget The holiday park needs to be upgraded with the recent demands Access area for beaches needs to be upgraded BudgetIt is expected that the project will be completed within $20000. Timeline The project will get started at 1stJuly 2019 and will be completed within 30thNovember 2019. Afterthis,theparkwillbeavailableforthe people.