
Effective Talent Management Strategies for Organizational Success: A Study on Argos


Added on  2022-11-29

33 Pages7800 Words167 Views
Professional DevelopmentData Science and Big DataCalculus and Analysis
Effective Talent Management Strategies for Organizational Success: A Study on Argos_1

Table of Contents
TASK 4.......................................................................................................................................................3
Background of organisation.....................................................................................................................3
Main body...............................................................................................................................................7
TASK 1.....................................................................................................................................................20
Literature review...................................................................................................................................20
TASK 2.....................................................................................................................................................21
Proposal and ethical form......................................................................................................................21
TASK 3.....................................................................................................................................................32
Effective Talent Management Strategies for Organizational Success: A Study on Argos_2

The strategic human resource management or planning approach in every organisation will
include talent management which is an essential component and a formulation that is
incorporated in every organisation or a research entity in order to move ahead knowing the
business values and the possible approaches that can be inculcated into the organisation (Pandita
and Ray, 2018). The talent management in with regard to every organisation will deal with the
formulations like that of recruitment training and development processes that are in regard to
employees. Whatever be the field the organisation is working game the major criteria will be
how far the workforce is moving ahead with achieving objectives and goals of the organisation.
A strategic workforce planning is required in order to cope up with the profitable aspects of the
organisation and it is not until when the employees of the organisation perform in a better
possible manner that the organisation can attain a growth prospect.
Background of organisation
Argos company is one of the retailer that is operating in United Kingdom. It is also
expanded into Ireland and the entire Supermarket chain is set to be established in November
1972. The history behind the name Argos is named after the Greek city of Argos. the physical
appearance of our goes is both online as well as offline where there are altogether 29 million
physical shopping customers that will approach the organisation every now and then (Claus,
2019). The online sales are also maintained in a more efficient manner with a stipulated
employees that are being hired into the organisation. The talent management of Argos is
considerable less where the employee is are not so proficient in dealing where the choices of
customers and this has led to one of the downfall criteria in the organisation. This research will
bring forth all the strategies that can be inculcated in company Argos and the study will also
portray approaches that are to be made by recruiting people who are skilled and can perform
tasks accordingly.
This study entirely related to the approach of talent management and the performance that is
inculcated in the organisation Argos. This research will help to bring forth all the ideologies that
can be inculcated in the organisation and can be inhibited in order to move ahead with the
employee satisfaction such that that and can contribute towards the different growth prospects
Effective Talent Management Strategies for Organizational Success: A Study on Argos_3

that are related to the organisation. Policies like that of hiring, training and different amendments
that can be made with regard to employees is portrayed in this research.
“To analyse the effective talent management strategies for making the organization successful. A
study on Argos”
To articulate understanding relating to the concept of talent management.
To evaluate the different strategies for talent management in order to keep the employees
retained and satisfied with respect to Argos.
To identify the different challenges which are being encountered by Argos at time of using
the talent management strategies.
To recommend some of the measures to Argos for overcoming the challenges of using the
talent management strategies.
Research type: usually there are kinds of research types like that of qualitative and quantitative.
If it is a qualitative type of research then different patterns that will revolve around the opinions
and behavioural aspects are being highlighted (Gallardo-Gallardo and et.al, 2020). Coming to the
quantitative type of research different aspects that are related to decision making criteria as well
as a reliable opinion will be gathered. The research in this regard is carry forwarded with the
formulation of effective talent management strategies over the organisation Argos. It is necessary
to move ahead with the process of research that is in regard to talent management such that
strategies that are revolving around the employees and their satisfaction can be known.
Research approach: research approach will be defined as the way that is being chosen in order
to move ahead with the orientation that is to be applied in his approach. in this process the
research is entirely carry forwarded on an outline that is generated in order to induce the different
policies of the management in the company Argos. After analysing the perspective of
Management towards its employees and also deriving the reasons behind the different
misinterpretations that are happening in the organisation steps can be highlighted (McDonnell
and et.al, 2017). The one that is highlighted in this regard with the selected organisation is that
Effective Talent Management Strategies for Organizational Success: A Study on Argos_4

there are no proper skilled employees in the organisation and the management will have to go on
opting for hiring good employees with top-notch skills.
Research philosophy: Research philosophy will include all the considerations that are been
taken into account while implementing the choices that are to be derived in quantitative as well
as qualitative research method. The approaches in this regard to talent management research
methodology will include the strategies that are being taken by the organisation in order to move
ahead with a good employment approach and also their satisfaction. The human resource
management in this organisation and with regard to research philosophy is more towards
enhancing the organisational policies by recruiting people who are skilled and are more
dedicated towards the workforce (Taylor, 2018). The second step that is to be taken by the
organisation is that the existing employees will have to be trained with all the aspects of the
organisation such that they can be prepared in terms of meeting the needs of their organisation.
Third step in this regard is to satisfy their work belief by rewarding them and also motivating
them through reward base or an intrinsic kind of motivation at times such that their stay with the
same zeal and enthusiasm for over a long run.
Research Design: Research Design will include every plan and criteria that will have to be put
forth in order to move ahead the policies that are to be amended in the organisation. The plan
with regard to the company for the organisation that is chosen in this regard which is Argos
retailer in United Kingdom will start with recruiting the efficient workforce into the organisation
such that they can meet with the word policies as well as imbibing all the strategies that are being
mentioned by the management. The human resource management of the organisation will then
proceed with the training and development processes such that they will inculcate all that is
being thought and they will implement the same while working for the aims and objectives of the
organisation. By taking into consideration of all the retailing challenges and developing a scope
of being the best among the lot is being derived by the organisation through this research
methodology (Colling and et.al, 2019).
Data collection: Data Collection is derived to be that reliable approach where the necessary
amendments that are to be made in order to inculcate the policies of talent management write
from all the strategies that are to be implemented in the organisation will therefore be collected.
It is always necessary to portray information as well as together the valuable points from various
sources such that the right ones can therefore be implemented in the organisation. The data
Effective Talent Management Strategies for Organizational Success: A Study on Argos_5

collection in this regard for talent management practices and the research that is to be carry
forwarded will therefore include the entire employees count in the organisation as well as the
objectives of the organisation. When the employee is as well as the objectives are collected from
the different sources of the organisation and when compared to the other forms that are in regard
to the organisation that and the similarity can be derived and accessible measures can be put
forth in order to analyse the different techniques for the part that is to be chosen whether to hire
or to train people in the organisation.
Sampling: in order to move ahead with the strategies of talent management that are to be
inherited in the organisation it is first necessary to go with the sample format such that the
management or the research can get to inculcate ideologies in a more practical approach. In this
process the sampling techniques that are used by the organisation in this regard is to select 30
employees in the organisation as a part of talent management research (Crane and Hartwell,
2019). The employees of the organisation will go through the strategies of hiring training as well
as the development processes that are in the organisation and they will be given task which are
oriented to different sections of the organisation which will include the production, marketing
and different areas of the organisation and based on the task that is being allotted to the
employees that performance level will be identified. After achieving a good and a generalized
result than the same technique with the right amount of people can be carry forwarded.
Data analysis: the criteria data analysis is important for every research methodology in order to
find the techniques that are incorporated in the research project. There are types of data analysis
which include thematic and statistical analysis. Statistic data analysis is derived by the different
approaches that are made in order to approach people and to interpret the strategic formulations
onto them. In the statistical analysis the different formulations like that of approaches tools and
any software that are put forth into moving ahead with the talent management processes can be
derived (Narayanan and et.al, 2019).
Ethical considerations: ethical considerations are the different approaches that are made by the
research team where it involve and informed consent. When a research is being carried by
different members of the team then every person of the team will have to understand the entire
entity of the report. The different parts of the report will have to be categorised and have to be
divided between the members of the team and their approach towards dealing with the strategies
Effective Talent Management Strategies for Organizational Success: A Study on Argos_6

of physical physiological and emotional ethical policies that are in regard to the opinions of the
Main body
Theme 1- Yes, there is awareness relating to the concept of talent management and its
different strategies.
Particular Respondent % of Respondent
Yes 25 83.33
No 5 16.67
Total 30 100
% of Respondent
% of Respondent
Interpretation- On the basis of the data gathered with help of primary research it was evaluated
that talent management is a concept which has a wider Venice within the corporate sector.
Majority of the respondents that is 83.33% agreed to the fact that the employees and the
company is doing away with the concept of talent management strategies. The reason underlying
this fact is that the company cannot work without the employees and employees will not be
happy then they will leave the organisation. Hence, Argos is having proper awareness relating to
the management and its significance. In against of this the remaining respondent does not agree
to this fact and states that there is not much awareness relating to the concept of talent
management. In the views of Hughes (2018) it is very essential that there is awareness related to
the concept of talent management. The reason underlying this fact is that if the employees are not
being aware of the talent management then there a possibility is that they are lacking behind the
Effective Talent Management Strategies for Organizational Success: A Study on Argos_7

other competitors. This is particularly because of the reason that talent management is a concept
which is for the benefit of the employees and of employees is not aware that this is a lost for
them. It is very essential that the company time to time create some workshop or event in order
to acknowledge the employees relating to the various talent management concept and strategies.
Theme 2- Majority agrees that the company is complying with the various talent management
% of
Strongly agree 2.00 6.67
Agree 15.00 50.00
Neutral 3.00 10.00
Disagree 4.00 13.33
disagree 6.00 20.00
Total 30.00 100.00
% of Respondent
% of Respondent
Interpretation- in addition to this with help of the analysis of the primary data gathered it was
evaluated that company is complying with all the different talent management strategies. With
the views of 50% of the respondent it was analysed that they agree to the fact that company is
referring to all the talent management strategies. In against of this some of the respondent was
agreed to this and some for neutral. With help of the views of Savanevičienė and Vilčiauskaitė
(2017) the use of talent management strategies is very essential for the company as this will
Effective Talent Management Strategies for Organizational Success: A Study on Argos_8

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