
Online Business and International Relations


Added on  2020-02-03

11 Pages3138 Words357 Views
Online Business and International Relations_1

Marketing is a process where goods and services are serve to their customers in whichsystematic coordination is needed by the service provider and service receiver. In whichcustomer evaluates products quality and than select the best products (Ormrod, Henneberg andO’Shaughnessy, 2013). Every company want to develop in which marketing manager determineprice structure before launching in the market so that product having stability to stand in themarket and not.Today is a era of online business in which its refers to a power tool between customerand company. Various methodology has been adopted by the company for promotional andservices with the help of online activities. Most of the companies use unfiltered relationship inthere working practises (Perreault Jr, Cannon and McCarthy, 2013). In addition to that everycompany wants to maintain a systematic relationship for that they need to evaluate customersneeds and want to decide about products. To create a new product various things must beevaluated by the marketing manager in which a very broad concept must be effective for theproduct design. In which innovative ideas and concept can be use by the companies'. Productdesign is based on customers point of view because it is very conceptual that is interdependentactivities which reflects with customers satisfaction towards the products. Online business isassists for the potential growth because customer get a wide range of products. So that customerhaving a choice to choose the products (Ramaseshan, Ishak and Rabbanee, 2013).Internet is a source for how to expand the business in which company invest less in thebusiness. For example Amazon is online site that deals in the wide variety of products in theform of online. Amazon use internet as a source for selling their products and services in theglobal market. If a business man think about the opening a new venture so it is essential for thebusiness that person wants a specific amount that should be investment in the business. Incontrary in the form of online business not wants a high amount so it will assists as a sources forsmall business also. It is a reasonable way for any initial stage of the business. In addition to thatcompany develop a website that is a way for the customer to purchase the products. In whichcompany develop a official site for buying and selling their products. For that company may alsouse various advertisement process that will assist for the promotion of the business. Moreoverinternet is a one of the best sources for the business that will develop the various business skills.Company uses various new innovations, technologies and much more for enhancing theirbusiness versatility (Schlegelmilch, 2016). It is totally new way of business where consumer1
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have no time to spent on shopping so that they go for the online business. Various multi-complexalso use internet as a sources. UK based movie shows companies that can use online ticketsbooking to save their consumer time. Various international brands also develop their web site fordealing their products such as Rebook, puma and so on.In addition to that online companies use various discount coupons, voucher and gifthampers to became a centre of attract in the online business. All that type of companies mostlywork in the global market so that they always focuses on religion of the company and on thebasis of that festive religion company develop their products in the market place. It will alsohelpful for build up a endless bond with their customers. Customer always wants some creativityand innovates in the online businesses. McDonald's is a one of the well known business that isalso develop their online sites (Stahlberg and Maila, 2013). By which company set categorisedmenu in a combo form. Combos are also for the family, for friends and so on. In this companyalso use day wise discount so the attractive structure can be assist for invitation of customerstowards the products. One more company is pizza hut that develop a strong strategy that is 30minutes delivery or a cash back. With the help of this single strategy leads the company on apotential growth. All above strategies and offers are the best way for the attraction towards theproducts or a potential growth.In online business products creation is also one of the crucial part. “Just think withcustomer thinking” online companies use different creations with their products. For examplemanagement use different themes, online activities and use the survey options also. With the helpof set questionnaires will be assists for the customers point of view. Recently domino's use ainnovative strategy with its productivity (Malhotra and Berger, 2016). Customer set their mindthat domino's is a company who only deals in various types of pizza products. To change theirperception towards the company they launch a new product that is pizza burger. It is a burgerthat is filled with pizza topping. So that the create innovation is assists for standing in acompetitive market in a long term.Every business person person want that customer fall in love with their business and its isa new approach so it will assists for the handle customer in a effective way. In online business allkinds of clients will purchase products and all having their unique requirement. In that caseonline companies use different kind of products with their services. If a company use singlescript for the business so it will leads to the negative effects towards the companies products.2
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When company use various approaches so that will assists for handling any kind of customerwith different circumstances and also gets good customer feedback. All online company is alsofocusing that why customer go with their products and which kind of potential that they have thatothers don't have (Yang and et.al., 2014). This evaluation is assist for maintaining its potentialtowards its client and maintain a quite and standard relationship with their loyal once.In addition to that global market is also play vital role in the enhancing in the sales. Whena company deals in global market at that situation company tries to understand target market. Itwill assists for learning about new culture, norms and so on. For example MacDonald's is a UKbased company but when entity comes into the global business a depth study is necessary inwhich researcher of the company used survey option to find out the test and culture of thecompanies. According to the research company was launching various food products accordingto the respective country (Malhotra and Berger, 2016). It is also assists for the enhancing in saleand turnover. When companies turnover and its sale is increased it positively impacted on theincrement in profitability.Now a days online companies use various way to deal with their customer. In addition tothat companies considered that why customer go with their products so according to that dealswith their clients. It is not easy to dealing with the customers so that online company use variousstrategies to deal with their customers in various ways at the time of difficulties. Customer is acrucial part for the company so that all companies have to know that how to deals with thecustomers (Stahlberg and Maila, 2013). Online companies use a chat box in there website inwhich representatives ask to customer that how can they help about the products and related tothe company. Customer feel that the importance of themselves. Marketing manger of today'scompany also adopted lightning policies in which they carefully listen their problem and try tosolve them. Company is use to hire those capable person who ever focuses on careful listeningand they are trying to solve their problem in a quick and effective manner. In this entities usedouble check system top solve the matter in a perfect accuracy (Lee and Palakurthi, 2013). If customer show them urgency in that case representatives must act in a quick manner.To deal with customer in a better way it is necessary to show them they are important fororganization. By this customers loyalty will be increase towards the company products. Everycustomer want a satisfaction after purchasing in which company use strategic solution that mustbe in a less consuming and solve it as soon as possible (Online Marketing. 2016). Company's3
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