
Professional Identity and Practice: Doc


Added on  2020-11-12

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Professional Identity and Practice: Doc_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1LO1..................................................................................................................................................1Ongoing professional development benefit to both employees and employer in company........1Employer expectations of professional standards and skills........................................................2Importance of ongoing professional development and professional skills requirements in TUI-......................................................................................................................................................3LO2..................................................................................................................................................4SWOT analysis as evaluation methods-......................................................................................4Appropriate development approaches to develop professional and personal skills ...................5LO 3.................................................................................................................................................1Professional development plan ...................................................................................................1LO 4 ................................................................................................................................................6Job interview process ..................................................................................................................6Challenges faced during interview ..............................................................................................9Reflection ....................................................................................................................................9CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................9REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................10
Professional Identity and Practice: Doc_2

INTRODUCTIONIndividual development is one of the most important action that develop person's skillsand knowledge. It refers to those activities that develop or improve person’s potential, talents,consciousness and employability to create wealth and realize dreams (Bayar, 2014). In short, itis what that individual do to improve for themself and prospects in life. The present report isbased on TUI which is a travel and tourism company. This report explain role of ongoingprofessional development and its benefits to workers and employer. It justifies importance ofongoing professional development and professional skills required in company. This studyclarifies appropriate methods for assessing person skills, competence and abilities and alsoexplain range of learning theories and approaches to explain professional and personaldevelopment process. Furthermore, it explains development approach, professional developmentplan and also include job interview process. LO1Ongoing professional development benefit to both employees and employer in companyOne going professional play important role in TUI organization, with the help of thisdevelopment staff consistently develop their skills and knowledge more than nowContinued professional development is essential because it assures a person continue tobe competent in their profession. Ongoing professional development play important role forindividual development and career growth in any company. TUI is a British leisure travel groupin West Sussex which provide its best service to customer and work effectively in Travel andtourism industry. Ongoing professional development and learning attract a lot of attention ofboth employees and employer as well as job seekers. It is very beneficial to workers andemployer in organization, ongoing person's continuous development have many benefits suchas-Continue professional development give benefit to employer in context of hiring newtalents. It allows managers or leaders of TUI to get the better sense of each workers'weakness and talent. But is also been very beneficial to employees, it will help staff todevelop new skills and improve the existing ones.With the help of ongoing professional development, employee maintain engagement andstaff performance as well. It provides many benefits to workers who are seeking for skillsand knowledge, it significantly maximises one's employment opportunities. It also offers1
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the best career opportunity to workers and give chance for higher salary and promotion inTUI. Providing professional development plan shows company's employees that employer orauthority care about their career growth and they are interested in retaining them atorganization for longer term.Ongoing professional development give individual a personal satisfaction, in which theyfeel good to learn more or something new that helps to grow their professional andpersonal career more and more, it is very beneficial for them. Ongoing professional development helps employer to attract people and retain the mosttalented staff members with them for long term period in TUI. With the help of thisprocess, employees can improve their performance which is beneficial for business.Manager or leaders of company encourage staff members to take part in professionaldevelopment because it helps to improve their skills and working styles more than now.Well developed skills and knowledge of workers make them more productive atworkplace where they will be able to help their company to increase bothcompetitiveness and profit.Employer expectations of professional standards and skillsOrganization employer want workers should have good communication skills as theyexpected. Communication is one the best employee skill that make them able to communicatewith other effectively. Nonverbal, verbal, written and oral communication are the types ofcommunication which is very beneficial and useful in person growth. Team work is one the professional skills which employers expected among all the staffmembers. Worker need to work in team, they have to play their role as team player and highlighttheir own success as well as encourage other group members for doing good job. These workersrecognize that growth and success is better achieved by team work as always in organization. Decision making is one of the another professional skills which is required for employeeaccording to employer expectations. It is core skill that all workers will need to used at somelevel in their career. In some positions such as management decision making ability bring thebetter outcomes which is beneficial for business growth as well as person development. 2
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Importance of ongoing professional development and professional skills requirements in TUI-Ongoing professional development is a current procedure and continues end-to-end aprofessionals career. It is very important in career growth and personal or professionaldevelopment. By seminars, conferences and meeting employer provide the better professionaldevelopment training to their workers in TUI which help to improve their skills and creates newones that they will use for accomplishing work effectively. PD raise the level of productivity,every employer needs high rate of productivity from their staff members. TUI company conductongoing professional development plan to their workers that offer the best opportunities to themfor improving their skills more and more. It helps to encourage staff and make employees able togain more knowledge that ultimately lead to maximize stage of productivity for company.Ongoing Professional development and improvement in TUI boost up the morale of staff morethan the other companies does. Employer expects that workers have the best professional skills such as, goodcommunication, decision making, team work, collaboration, team building, problem solving etc.which is important and essential for career growth. All the above professional skills makeperson able to work effectively in TUI and perform well in workplace that helps to increaseprofitability and generate revenue more than another in industry.Skills and competencies of manager to meet employer expectations-Manager is a person who is accountable for organizing and managing company's businessfunctions and activities. I have been working as manager in TUI company within having all the professional skillsand competencies to meet the employer expectations. I will be able to communicate with myteam members effectively which helps in building good relationship and strong connection .Communication skills is important for me because it helps a lot when I need to communicatewith staff and customers. I will be able to motivate others at workplace by offering good pay wages, rewards,appraisal based on their performance. Motivation is one of the most important things which Ineed to do in context of business growth and success. Managing is one of the most difficult thing to do when person does not havemanagement skills. I will be able to manage each task and accomplish it on time which out anydifficulty.3
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Employer expectations of professional standards is higher, employer wants that workershas good collaboration skills that helps to collaborate with other members. But employees inworkplace will not been able to collaborate or work together which show gap between employerexpectations. LO2Skills High Medium Low Communication skillMy communicationskills are good, but Ifeel nervous whileinteracting with other.Team workI worked in team butsome extent I will notbe able to express myideas or thought inteam.Decision making I feel that I am good atmaking decision onthe basis of presentsituation. CreativityI need to improve mycreativity skills.SWOT analysis as evaluation methods-I play job role as HR Manager in TUI company, where I need to develop my skills or knowledgemore and more than now.SWOT analysis is one of the best technique or tool that helps to evaluate person skills,competence and abilities. Strength- I will be able to handle large number of customers in TUI.I can get the better ideas through communicating with other. I will be able to take good decision and make judgements on current situation. 4
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