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Role of HR Practices in Strategic Management and Organizational Goals


Added on  2023/01/12

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This document discusses the role of HR practices in strategic management and achieving organizational goals. It explores the importance of talent management and succession planning in both local and global marketplaces. The document also provides insights into the strategies and policies adopted by Marks & Spencer, a multinational retailer, to effectively manage their workforce.

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Task 1 Group presentation.......................................................................................................................4
Covered in PPT.........................................................................................................................................4
Task 2 Individual Report..........................................................................................................................4
LO2 Critically evaluate the contribution of HR practices to strategic management and achieving
organizational goals at global and local marketplace...............................................................................4
Task 3 Reflective Essay.............................................................................................................................8
LO3 Critically explore and evaluate tools for the global talent management and succession planning.. .8
Books and journal..................................................................................................................................11
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Human resource plays very essential role in an organization as they help in attaining
organizational goals and objectives by doing their functions in an effective way. Every business
entity have their own targets for which they hire skilled and capable staff members who can
conduct their functions for the attainment of organizational goals. In addition to this, it is quite
essential for the HR manager to develop effective strategies and policies so that every individual
have enough knowledge about their roles and responsibilities within the workplace. It is required
by the human resource manager to implementall the strategies as well as policies effectively so
that they can gain positive response while doing business operations at national and international
level. In the present report, Marks & Spencer is the organization which is chosen to conduct the
whole project in an effective manner. It is a British multinational retailer organization deals in
clothing, food and home products. The headquarters of Marks and Spencer is located in
Westminster, London. Company was founded in the year 1884 by Michael marks and Thomas
Spencer. It is a report which includes three main section in which first part includes a group
presentation which consist of evaluation ofculture, process and structure while setting strategies
at domestic and international level. Whereas in second section individual report is going to be
developed where contribution to HR practices are examined and described. At last reflective
essay is prepared in which analysis of tools and techniques for global talent management and
succession planning are included.
Task 1 Group presentation
Covered in PPT
Task 2 Individual Report
LO2 Critically evaluate the contribution of HR practices to strategic management and
achieving organizational goals at global and local marketplace.
Human resource practices are the set of human resources management procedures, activities and
actions that works to maintain and manage the workforce within the organizations. Human
resources practices should line up with business strategies for best efficiency. This means human
resource manager have to focus on the needs and wants of both organization as well as on the
employees. The best HR practices and policies support the companies to achieve the competitive
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advantages regardless to the organizational setting. HR practices include developing and creating
a method for measuring and analyzing the effects of a particular employee rewards program.
This also include the creation of a program to reduce work-related issues, and building a
framework to ensure employment laws and norms.HR practices include engaging in taking
competitive surveys to ensure thatcompanies workers are fairly compensated and managing their
overtime and attendance. Main motive behind the development of HR practices is to achieve the
goals of theorganization in efficient, safe and legal ways. HR practices provide proper flow to
the HR activities of the companies. Marks& Spencer effectively use the best HR practices in
order to achieve organizational goals, they create some strategies to improve the performance of
the employees. Some HR practices used by the Marks & Spencer are –
Providing safe and healthy workplace The prior human resource practice is
employee security; every organization try to provide safe and secure working
environment to their employees in order to achieve competitive advantage in global
market. This practice helps in the employee’s retention if employee feel safe and secure,
they can do hard work and retain for long time with the organization. Marks & Spencer
provide happy, safe and familiar working environment to the employees. This will assist
management team in order to create healthy and positive working environment at the
workplace which increases the efficiency of staff members and produce favorable
outcomes to beat the level of competition available at marketplace.
Selective hiring – This practice is for recruiting right and talented people at workplace.
This practice makes sure that organizations influence those people who add value to the
organization. Recruiting right and talented people at work is the key to building
competitive advantage. Marks & Spencer adopt effective recruitment process in order to
attract the talented people within the organization. This will help them in building a
strong team so they can perform their work accordingly and accomplish their predefined
task and goals. Along with this company will be able to hire best and most suitable
candidate for their organization which leads them towards the success of company at the
competitive marketplace.
Manage effective teams – The effective teams always help in achieving the goals and
objectives of the organizations. Effective teams provide value to the organizations
because it consists people who think differently but working on the same goal. People in

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team generate various ideas in order to achieve the goal of the organization. Marks &
Spencer manage and maintain effective teams to accomplish the tasks in effective and
efficient manner.
Fair and performance-based compensation – Compensation is also the best human
resource practice, if company recruit skillful and talented people then they have to
compensate more than average. These are the people that will add the most value to the
company so company want to retain them and compensate them fairly.Marks & Spencer
pay fair remuneration to their employees according to the ability, knowledge and
capability of the employees and this helps Marks & Spencer in employee’s retention.
Training – This HR practice show that companies need to invest in the employees
training to develop the competitive advantage in the market, well trained employees help
the organization to increase the productivity and performance level of employees. Marks
& Spencer provide effective training to their new employees to increase the profitability
and productivity of the company. They also provide training to their old employees due
to dynamic market changes taking place in the market regularly so Marks & Spencer
need to train their workforce according to the changes.
Creating equitable organization – Each and every employee are the valuable asset of
the organization and should be treated equally. In the organization every employee
deserves equal respect.Marks & Spencer create equitable and fair working environment,
they treat their employees equally and also involve each and every employee in decision
making. They always take care that employees never feel unfair and bias in the
360-degree feedback system - This system is the systematic collection and feedback of
performance data on individuals and teams derived from a number of the contributors in
their performance. 360-degree feedback become popular recently due to changes in
what organizations expect of their employees, increasing emphasis on performance
measurement, changing management concepts and more respective attitude. Through
360- degree feedback the employees have the chance to review the manager and
superior. Marks & Spencer use this tool to analyze the performance of their workforce
and enhance the performance in order to achieve the goals.
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Above mentioned are some of the most essential HR practices which need to adopt by
every human resource manager in order to gain advantages at the competitive marketplace.
Along with this, managers are required to adopt most suitable and appropriate human resource
policies according to the changing environment as they expand their business functions at
international marketplace. Managers need to examine the whole market before implementing
strategies and policies so that they can produce positive and favorable outcome and avoid any
kind of adverse situation. Therefore, it is very essential for the HR manager to have effective
skills and knowledge related to human resources policies and its implementation at the
workplace according to the changing situations of the market.
Critical evaluation of HR practices at local and international level –
For every organization it is simple or easy to operate local market but on the other hand it
hard to operate business at international level. Marks & Spencer easily operate and control the
business in their local area but they need more practices and support to operate business at global
level. At local level it is not that much hard but when it comes to international level customers,
talent, and supply chains, each local labor market has very different dynamics. Marks & Spencer
first established their business in UK so it is easy to develop some HR practices but after get
success they expand their business at international level so it is bit hard to operate business same
as the local market. But Marks& Spencer create and develop best HR strategies and practices to
operate business at local as well as international level. They always try to provide comfortable
and secure working environment to their employees at national as well as international level
according to the culture and environment of the countries. Marks & Spencer also manage
effective teams at local and international level and they try to make coordination between teams
at different level in order to accomplish tasks on time and achieve goals together. Marks &
Spencer provide fair and equal compensation to employees at local and international level which
help the company in order to retain their employees for long period of time. Company also use
various performance appraisal technique to analyze and examine the performance of employees
at local and international level to achieve the organizational goals globally.
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Task 3 Reflective Essay
LO3 Critically explore and evaluate tools for the global talent management and
succession planning.
Accordingto my overall views and thoughts, it has been concluded by me that Succession
planning help an organization in order to create a new leader who can effectively take place of
the older one who are going to retire soon in future. Onthe basis of my overall evaluation as a
HR manager, I have observed that Succession planning is one of the most important function as
it help in motivating staff members to perform their business functions in effective manner. It is
a process which is also known as replacement planning assist me in identifying that in order to
retain potential and capable staff members, succession planning plays very essential role. This
will assist me in order to examine the skills, behavior, attitude as well as capability of the
employees which will improve my learning about the human needs and requirements. As a HR
manager, it has been identified by me that if strategies and policies regarding succession
planning isimplementedin an effective manner within the workplace it will create positive impact
on the performance of staff members. On a personal note, Succession planning help me in order
to enhance my own learning skills which will assist me in near future. It has also been analysed
by me that the requirements of succession planning in both local and global marketplace are
similar as every organization wants to retain their best staff members and for this they provide
them appropriate opportunity to gain the position within the workplace in an effective manner.
As a HR manager in an organization, it has been learned by me that while taking any sort of
decision regarding succession planning it is very important to identify the current needs,
requirements, wants, situation, strength as well as weakness of the business organization. Once I
have identified all these things it becomes easy for me to examine what kind of a person fits the
position so that company will gain positive response rather than gaining negative impact.
Alongwith this a these stages help me in improving my skills and knowledge about the behavior
and attitude of an individual who is working in the organization. All these leads to assist me in
near future in a positive manner as I have enough knowledge and experience to analyze the skills
and capabilities of a person.
Apart from succession planning, talent management is another essential strategy which assist me
in improving my skills and capabilities regarding human perceptions, needs of the organization,

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situation analysis and many more. Talent management refers to a procedure with the help of
which I can effectively manage the skilled and talented staff members within the organization for
a long period of time. By managing the talented staff members effectively, I can help my
organization in order to achieve their targets and objectives in an appropriate manner. This will
help me in staying at workplace for longer period as well as assist me in grabbing ample number
of opportunities at the competitive marketplace. According to me, talent management is a
process which will aid in attracting more and more candidates towards the organization.
Providing training and development session to the capable staff members help them in
motivating to perform their task more effectively and efficiently. Talent management at global
and local marketplace are quite similar as its main aim is to retain the potential and capable staff
members. It has also been identified by me that by adopting effective talent management
strategies, managers of an organization can easily retain theirstaff members for a longer period of
Talent management and succession planning aretwo most critical elementof human resource
management processes at workplace according to my overall analysis. An individual work
tirelessly in order to recruit, selectas well as hire right people at right place at right time. For this
lot of time, cost, redesigning arerequired which is quite lengthy process according to my opinion.
Apart from this, it is essential by me as a HR manager to take effective decisions so that whole
work can be done in an appropriate and effective manner. Therefore, it is essential to have
effective skills and knowledge about both the topics which is succession planning and talent
management so that best and positive outcome will be produced. This will assist me in enhancing
my skills, knowledge and capabilities about how succession planning and talent management
work in an organization and grab opportunities available at the marketplace.
As per my observation and learning, I have identified that there are various types of tool and
drivers available which help aHR manager in succession planning and talent management. While
doing succession planning it is required by me as a Human resource manager to adopt best and
most suitable strategies after examining all the situations and circumstances arise at the
workplace as well as at the marketplace. These tools have their own strength and weakness
which has been identified by me while doing this process by my own.As per my overall learning
it can be said by me that there must be experience, knowledge and capabilities within a HR
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manager so that they can conduct such process in most effective and appropriate manner. Along
with this, managers are required according to my opinion that they must modify their strategies
and policies as per the changing environment so they can gain best and suitable outcomes in an
effective manner. By doing such modifications in strategies and policies related to talent
management and succession planning it has been identified by me that various advantages can be
gained by the management team of the company at both local and global marketplace. Also my
learning has been increased which gives me benefits in order to gain future opportunities at both
personal and professional level.
With the aid of above mention report, it has been concluded that HRM pl ays very essential
role in the attainment of organizational goals and objectives. HRM play vital role in enhancing
and improving progress as well as performance level of business. Process, structure, culture and
strategies are essential for maintaining the continuity of business. At global and domestic
setting, firm operates in different way and events occur accordingly.Effective implementation of
HRM practices assists in fulfilling all the requirements of the business entity in an effective and
appropriate manner. It has also been identified that managers need to develop effective strategies and
policies so that every individual will perform their task effectively and produce favorable results. By
implementing systematic strategies at workplace according to the current market situation, managers can
easily gain profitability at global as well as local marketplace. Every country have their own culture,
process and way of doing functions which need to be considered by the higher authorities of company so
they can reduce the negative impact. Furthermore, by examining the contribution of HR practices at
workplace it has been identified that the company accomplish all there goals and objectives in an
effective manner as they aid them in doing their business functions in an appropriate way.Moreover, it
has also been examined that succession planning and talent management help an organization in order to
retain their potential staff members for a longer duration of time frame. This as a result company can
perform their task in more effective and efficient manner and attain their goals and objectives within
given period of time.
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Books and journal
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