
Project Management and Leadership Analysis


Added on  2020-10-05

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Project Management
Project Management and Leadership Analysis_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1PART 1............................................................................................................................................1PART 2............................................................................................................................................4PART 3............................................................................................................................................5PART 4............................................................................................................................................6CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................7REFERENCES................................................................................................................................8
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INTRODUCTIONProject management is the process of managing a set of activities such as planning,executing, controlling and directing which are used in completion of a project. This provides aproper framework about principles, techniques, methods and tools which can help the projectmanager to finish each activity of the project within the stimulated time frame. A project ismanaged by a highly productive and efficient members who devote themselves in their job. Inthis report, a case study on Globex Corporation and Virtucon is studied in order to understandthe concept of Project management. Main objective of this assignment is to conduct a projectmanagement by considering given case scenario. A team along with its members is developed todescribe their key individual roles and responsibilities. A learning cycle along withcommunication plan is also prepared in order to develop a reflective experience (Besner andHobbs, 2013).PART 1Project name – This is the tittle of a project management team by which they arerecognised and can have a unique identity among others. For this team, name which isconsidered as suitable is “Project i-Crop Globex and Virtucon”. The reason behind selectingthis tittle is it includes various variables which indicate involved organisations and the newinnovation which is been introduced by these business entities.List of all team members along with their contact details:NameCodeAddressContact no.Chandler Tribianni1235, 1 Avenue street, New South Wales,Australia0421005177Jospeh Green225, Muscle Creek, New South Wales, Australia0421006187Jack Geller3A15, Bowmans Creek, New South Wales,Australia0421007548Phoebhe Mathew4B84, Falbrook, NSW, Australia0421005458Mike Stephen5662, Denman street, NSW, Australia0421007569Monica Bing656, Yarrawa, NSW, Australia0421001256Rose Buffay7B58, Goorangoola street, NSW, Australia0421005658Jennefir Cox81, Kayuga circle, NSW, Australia0421006254Matt Schwimmer96, Wybong circle, NSW, Australia04210011231
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David Perry1025, Sandy Hollow street, NSW, Australia0421005256Overview of the project – Globex Corporation is a business organisation which wasincorporated in 2013 and operates in several locations such as Albury, griffith and WaggaWagga.This case scenario is concerned with the introduction of new application i-Corp which isplanned to be developed by Virtucon, this organisation is known for providing reliable solutionsfor information technology and apps in house. Globex has recently opened an office at Orange sothat they can capture the market of Central West and can fulfil the requirements of Stud farms inthat region. This application is planned to be developed due to bring simplicity and conveniencein getting solutions related to farming. By the way of i-Crop, this organisation is planning toprovide them other services also, some of them includes offers, bids, seasonal sales, procuringmarket information and others. Project description – Globex Corporation is an organisation which provides solutionsfor farming and agriculture that are reliable and cost effective. This organisation is planning tointroduce an online interface by the way of website and application. This application is plannedto named as i-Crop, in order to develop this application organisation has contracted with an ITsolution company named as Virtucon. The main aim of introducing this innovative website is toserve their clients a convenience about ordering crops sample and various kinds of pesticides,this application will also assist farmers to find solutions for their agriculture related queries.Features and functions that are expected by Globex from i-Crop are required to be fulfilled byVirtucon. This organisation wants that i-Crop will enable the clients to be facilitated by thetransactional features such as offers and bids in which they can set the selling price of their grainand sellers can offer them various bids. Another major feature which is needed to beincorporated in this website is the facility to assess information related to market and site.Technological factors which are Globex wants in i-Crop are that the application will be free ofcost and only network charges should be applicable on users. Another important aspect of i-Cropis that users should be able to switch their roles from buyer to grower so that they can get reliablecost estimation and budgeted costs. Grain sales statistics and usage data are also fewcharacteristics of this application.The main aim of Globex is to serve their clients and earn profit by contributing towardsfarmers so that they can get accurate prices against their grains. The objective of selecting this2
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