
Project Management Report 7 Project Management Report


Added on  2021-04-21

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Data Science and Big DataEnvironmental Science
Running head: PROJECT MANGEMENT REPORTProject Management ReportName of the Student:Student ID:Name of the University:Author’s note:
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1PROJECT MANGEMENT REPORTTable of ContentsIntroduction......................................................................................................................................2Organization Background................................................................................................................2Project Overview.............................................................................................................................3Project Scope...................................................................................................................................4Project Management Framework.....................................................................................................5Sustainability Considerations........................................................................................................10Review of management structure, procurement route and type of Contract.................................11Use of nD visualisation in project management............................................................................12Potential risks and their management............................................................................................13Control of changes in the project...................................................................................................17Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................18References......................................................................................................................................20
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2PROJECT MANGEMENT REPORTIntroductionThe role of the project management holds an integral part in the deployment ofconstruction project management and the alignment of the construction activities (Burtonshaw-Gunn 2017). The construction of the buildings has been in large use for the deployment of theimproved functional and operational development. The alignment of the activities of theconstruction management was done for ensuring that the organization had been able to align withthe goals and objectives of the project. The following assignment is a project management report for the project of “ModernSports Building at Southampton Solent University” and it would show the processes of theconstruction of the building for the university. The building development for sports departmentwould be helpful for the management of the improved communication in the organization. Thealignment of the operations had implied for the ease of construction of the buildings and thereport involves the overview of the project, organization background, project managementframework, considerations for the sustainable practices, and the risk control implementation. Organization BackgroundSouthampton Solent University is a British University that had been providing educationbased on the industry and they had been providing education based on the expertise required bythe student. The main pillar of strengths for the Southampton Solent University is their first classfacilities and equipments. They believe in use of improved technology and best equipments forproviding education to the students. The improved education system for Southampton SolentUniversity is dependent on industry led curriculums, skilled teachers, and personalized supportstaff. The study area in the university is not only dependent on the books and journals but also
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3PROJECT MANGEMENT REPORTdependent on media studies, communication, and sports and engineering. The university worksinternationally and the university’s campus and six residences are all located at the heart ofSouthampton Solent University. The building development for sports department would behelpful for the management of the improved communication in the organization. Project OverviewThe project of “Modern Sports Building at Southampton Solent University” is developedfor the construction of the modern sports building with all the facilities at Southampton SolentUniversity. The construction of the building would involve the use of the project managementprinciples and operations. The building development for the sports department would allow theformation of the effective construction of the operations. The development of the building washelpful for the alignment of the successive project management and formation of the operationsand development of the integration management (Saunders et al. 2017). The project plandevelopment, construction of the building, installation of the equipments, and alignment of thefinal project documentation. The development of the modern sports building is the primarydeliverable for the project of Modern Sports Building at Southampton Solent University. Thealignment of the operations was helpful for the management of the construction of the modernbuilding for sports department of Southampton (Sears et al. 2015). The project is deployed forthe alignment of the construction activities and the construction of the sports building for theuniversity. Project ScopeThe scope of the project of Modern Sports Building at Southampton Solent Universitywould involve the management of the operations and the deployment of the operations for the
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4PROJECT MANGEMENT REPORTmanagement of the successive development operations (Walker 2015). The project scope can bedivided into in scope and out of scope items for the project and they have been pointed outbelow,In scope: The in-scope items of the project are those factors that have direct connectionwith the implication and final deliverable of the project. The project plan development,construction of the building, installation of the equipments, and alignment of the final projectdocumentation (Harrison and Lock 2017). The development of the modern sports building is theprimary deliverable for the project of Modern Sports Building at Southampton Solent University.The in scope of the project also includes the monitoring and controlling of the project activitiesand the implementation of the risk assessment plan.Out of scope: The out of scope items of the project are the factors having no directimpact on the operations of the project and they would not form any impact on the operations ofthe project. The out of scope items of the project are the transportation requirements of materials,supply of the raw materials, and the contractor’s work are not a part of the project (Demirkesenand Ozorhon 2017). All these activities are not included in the project work scope for the projectof Modern Sports Building at Southampton Solent University. Project Management FrameworkThe construction projects comprise of a number of activities and operations but they canbe managed with the help of implication of a project management framework (Saunders et al.2017). Prince2 is the advanced project management framework that would be helpful for thecontinuation of the project of Modern Sports Building at Southampton Solent University. ThePrince2 project management framework would form the project in 4 phases namely initiation,
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5PROJECT MANGEMENT REPORTplanning, construction, finalizing. The most specific benefit of using the Prince2 methodology isthat it allows each of the crucial outcomes of construction to be tester before it is completed(Lock 2017). The phases of project management framework have been explained below,Initiating: The initiation phase of the project of Modern Sports Building at SouthamptonSolent University comprise of analysis of requirements, project initiation documentation, charterdocuments are made, tender documentation, submission of the documents, and reviewed andsign off. The phase is characterized by the initial analysis of the requirements for forming thevarious documentation like initial, charter, and tender documents (Mir and Pinnington 2014).The initiating phase is aligned for the deployment of the activities of initiating the project and itis formative in nature. The development of the modern sports building construction at theuniversity is formed for aligning the utilization of the activities.Planning: The planning phase is developed for the outlining of the activities and thedevelopment of a framework programme that would be helpful in completing the project(Martínez-Rojas, Marín and Vila 2015). The plan phase consists of the activities like selection ofplan outline, analysis of constructional activities, listing the critical tasks of project, completingthe project plan, and plan approval. The completion of all these phases would result in formingthe final project plan. The plan phase for the modern sports building construction at theuniversity would help in forming the activities that are helpful for forming the alignment of theoperations.Constructing: The constructing is the major phase of the project managementframework and it would form the deployment of the successive and operative developmentoperations. The building construction requires the development of the site, infrastructure, interior
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