
Psychology of Behaviour: Understanding Trauma-Informed Practice in UK Justice System


Added on  2023-06-13

12 Pages3729 Words414 Views
Psychology of Behaviour
Psychology of Behaviour: Understanding Trauma-Informed Practice in UK Justice System_1

MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................1
Ascertaining psychological perspective and ways in which they influence behaviour..............1
Explaining the similarities and difference between these theories in the way of describing
human behaviour.........................................................................................................................3
Explaining theory of criminal behaviour and causal factors & link between trauma and
criminal behaviour .....................................................................................................................4
Explaining the trauma informed practice implemented in justice system of UK.......................6
Psychology of Behaviour: Understanding Trauma-Informed Practice in UK Justice System_2

Trauma is one of the emotional feeling that occur in a person due to any fear or bad
experience. In the current era, people are suffering form several issues which are required to be
highlighted in order to understand its depth impact. The present report is based on
understanding the justice system approach that recognizes the impact which is basically offered
by the trauma practice. The particular system is helpful in gaining the information regarding
Justice system approach that is basically focused by tribunals, police, prisons, courts and youth
offering service. Human behavior get influenced by number of factors so paying attention on
identifying the factor that has impact on their way of conducting practices. The current study
will emphasize on investigating psychological perspective and how they get affected.
For this purpose two psychological theories and evaluation of human behavior will be
involved in study. The similarities & differentiation prevailing in both the theories will be
involved in the present report for gaining depth understanding. It will investigate theories of
criminal behavior and its causes factors which pay attention on explaining the link between
trauma and this kind of practice. In order to offer the accurate & significant understanding about
the highlighted subject matter current study will concentrate on selecting on n trauma informed
practice that is executed in UK justice systems. It's working pattern and effectiveness will be
assessed in the present investigation so that understanding psychological behavior can become
Ascertaining psychological perspective and ways in which they influence behaviour
Psychological theories are concerned with that helps to explain the ideas which has
certain aspects of human thoughts, behaviors and emotions. There are different kinds of theory
of psychology which are helpful in understanding the behavior human so that accurate action
can be identified to coordinate with prevailing circumstances. In order to study the human
behavior the theories which can be applied includes behavioral and cognitive.
Behavioral theory
This is one of the significant theory that is helpful in understanding that behaviors are
acquired through conditioning. According to this approach, it can be interpreted that behaviors
are influenced and shaped by environmental stimuli (Darby and et.al., 2018). This particular
approach is largely taken into consideration for evaluating the behavior of human on the basis of
Psychology of Behaviour: Understanding Trauma-Informed Practice in UK Justice System_3

conducting observation. There is classical & ope-rant conditioning and reinforcement &
punishment notion that are available in the scenario that play role of affecting the person
(Jenkins, 2019). As per this approach the much emphasis is given on having factors such as
strengthening of original response can play h a role in how quickly extinction occurs. From the
evaluation of the given theory it can be recognized that trauma influence behavior by paying
attention on prevailing environment. There are different kinds of scenarios that results in
creating the trauma situation which includes different kinds of factors that are sleep disorder,
nightmare, persistent fatigue, anxiety, depression, avoiding of human emotions, etc. on the basis
of this it can be interpreted that prevailing psychology of the human which is occurring in these
mentions scenarios can get negatively affected.
Cognitive theory
It is an approach to psychology that concentrates on explaining the behavior of human
by understanding the thought processes (Nwosu and et.al., 2022). This is basically concerned
with focusing on evaluating the human mental process that goes on inside people mind,
including perception, attention, language, memory, consciousness and thinking. As per this
theory there is particular process in which the e idea of information processes that helps in
understand that how human brain works. In this information is made available from the external
environment through systems such as attention, perception, short term, memory, etc. These
processing system transforms information into systematic way and aim to specify underlie
cognitive performance. There are basically four stages of cognitive development that highly play
role of influencing behavior that includes sensorimotor, preperatonal, concrete and formal
operational stage. On the basis of this presented theory it can be recognized that human behavior
so that relevant information can be obtained to understand human behavior.
From the evaluation it can be mentioned that there are several factors which influences
the human behavior in both positive and negative pattern. Trauma is one of the adverse situation
that has negative impact on the human behavior as it result in impacting the sleep and emotional
feeling of people. It is important to emphasize that trauma is basically stressed reaction that has
different level of impact differing from person to person (Walters, 2022). Its impact can be
subtle, outright destruction and insidious which completely depends on the number of factors
possessed by individual. This involves characteristics of events, development processes, features
of human, socio cultural factors. On the basis of presented theories and information can be
Psychology of Behaviour: Understanding Trauma-Informed Practice in UK Justice System_4

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