
Psychology Chapterwise Reflection Assignment 2022


Added on  2022-08-28

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Psychology Chapterwise Reflection Assignment 2022_1

e- book: Culture and Psychology
Chapter 1
Chapter 1 talks about the significance of cultural diversity in a nation and how the mass
as well as individual psychology grows and enhances (of course, with a set of challenges) in a
diverse environment. Chapter 1 explicitly describes what cultural psychology is, which is the
study of human behavior and thought process which is influenced by culture, norms and
traditions. As a student of psychology, I feel that the chapter is important for me. The chapter has
an in depth significance in my professional and personal life because, as it is known that human
beings are social animals, it has to be remembered that every action and reaction in human
society is more or less guided by the set of thoughts, beliefs and traditions they follow. With
every generation, culture shifts as culture is a volatile aspect. Therefore, culture influences
psychology to a greater extent. This chapter is important for psychology students because it gives
them a clear idea about the dimensions behind a man/woman’s thought process and behavior.
The chapter talks about how psychology influences cultural diversity in a nation and vice versa.
The chapter is interesting for me because it shows me the importance of psychology, which is
intervening in the lives of the people to make it better through a cultural bent of mind, where I,
as an aspiring psychologist would seek to understand varieties of culture without being
prejudiced and try to find solutions for culture influenced psychological distress.
Chapter 2
Chapter 2 talks in details about cross cultural research methods in the discipline of
psychology. The aim of this chapter is to make students and researchers understand the
importance and significance of cross cultural research methods in psychology, which means
Psychology Chapterwise Reflection Assignment 2022_2

initial testing of psychological differences in a given demography or population. The chapter is
important to be because I am an aspiring psychologist and for me, while carrying out
psychological research and experiments, such research methodologies would be of utmost
importance. Individualism versus collectivism is one of the approaches of cross cultural research
methodology in the discipline of psychology and by following such approach, my upcoming
researches would receive a different edge in the world of investigation and acadmicia. By
empirically applying those approaches to find out the outcomes of the research, I would be able
to approximately receive what I expect out of a research. Therefore, this chapter is of utmost
importance for me. The contents of the chapter clearly describes three stages or phases of cross
cultural psychological research, which are: method validation studies, indigenous cultural studies
and cross cultural comparisons. All the three types of approaches involve variable cultures and
then, with permutation and combination, try to find out a conclusion regarding the research
questions or statement. Learning these approaches would make my understanding of psychology
easy. As a psychology student, I have to learn to validate and respect all cultures and intensely
evaluate each culture to find out the inherent positive and negative aspects in them for a desired
outcome for the society.
Chapter 3
The name of chapter 3 in the book is “enculturation” where the authors have studied how
human beings are unique from the other animals in the mammal kingdom because they have the
unique ability of “cultural learning” (which is also known as enculturation in anthropological or
psychological terminologies). Chapter 3 has given me a clear idea about how human beings, with
their outstandingly unique capabilities, learn, unlearn and relearn behaviors and mannerisms
through cultural interaction in a society. It has helped me understand the difference between the
animals and humans, where I learnt that human beings have always been social animals and they
Psychology Chapterwise Reflection Assignment 2022_3

derive or inculcate thoughts, mentality and mindset with the help of the cultural atmosphere they
receive internally and externally. While carrying out my job as a psychologist, I would be able to
understand the origin of behaviors or behavioral patterns of my clients by studying about what
kind of cultural environment they are born and brought up with. Cultural learning is a two way
process where humans learn their as well as other’s thought process to come into a conclusion or
a statement, as the chapter states. The chapter has talked about how childhood cultural settings
act as an important part in a person’s life. Through the chapter, I have learnt certain aspects
about childhood psychology too. Therefore, I believe that this chapter is quite enriched with
good information that would help me to pursue and be successful in my career as a psychologist.
Chapter 4
Chapter 4 in this book is based on a much debated yet talked about topic in psychology,
which is none other than “cultural and developmental processes” in human beings. A human
being is shaped by his/her culture and it has to be remembered that as the development of
humans are continuous and not sporadic, similarly, culture is not stagnant but an ever evolving
developmental aspect of our life. Chapter 4 delves deep into the factors that cause developmental
processes that are fueled, accelerated and catalyzed by culture. The chapter brings about
debatable ideas in me where I question often a time that what makes human beings different
from each other? Is it their inherent biological disposition or is it the environment in which
he/she is brought up? The chapter gives me knowledge about how culture brings developmental
differences in a human’s life from birth, infancy to childhood ranging up to adulthood and old
age. Every stages in a man’s life brings in different psychological changes in him, which means
that every person understands the way of the world differently as they have different mindset. At
the same time, the different mindset of every individual is brought about by cultural differences
and contradictions, apart from the biological changes and disposition he has. Humans are shaped
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