1.Why do you think that the descriptors listed in quadrant 2 (blind self) were chosen by others and not by you? The reason could be that my own perception about myself is likely to vary than how others perceive me. We generally tend to overestimate ourselves while others might be able to see the flaws more easily. Then again, there could be some hidden qualities that others may not have any idea that one may know about their own selves. 2.Were you surprised by any of the descriptors chosen by others and not yourself? I was surprised to see dreamy and extroverted as one of my qualities. I felt that in this regard people might see me differently than I do. 3.What do these mean in terms of developing your approach to work, life etc and what could you do to incorporate these into your life? The hidden and blind selves that has been revealed now, will help me in planning my future. By developing these aspects I would be able to become much better in my future profession. 4.What do you feel about the descriptors you have hidden from others? I feel that some of them might be present but in a lesser degree. They are not that pronounced and thus others might have not seen that in me. 5.Do you feel these hidden elements hinder or help you in the work place? The hidden aspects are all helpful for my workplace. Being observant, realistic and fair is necessary in workplace though I need to develop them further.