
Wireless Traffic Throughput Optimization


Added on  2019-10-09

2 Pages587 Words341 Views
Question 1Is physical distance relevant when it comes to wireless traffic throughput?Yes, Radio Frequency is used in wireless signals, all clients are accessed using access point. Ifthere is a week signal on network then there is a chance for frame lost on the network channelsthat less the throughput. Facing delays and loss on packets on access point may not be a problemunless it is a long distance transformation. If the wireless card on laptop is disabled and usedwired connection then it connected to wire channel on Red’s network. Whenever a system i.e.laptop connected on wired then there will be a fine work. Some tools are there to find thechannels to check whether the wired and wireless channel is working correctly or not. Wirelesstools can have an information about network channel on which it could passes. Open accesspoint, MAC address, SSID are the information’s that a wireless tools could display. As the red’sEnterprise has a wireless service whenever a laptop connects with wireless cards it could show orlist the wireless channels around their area. Laptop could shows the range signaled wirelessconnection but access point will authenticate to access the channel. Consider that if the installedtool shows some wireless channels around the Red’s Enterprise with its communicationchannels. By analyzing the communication channel one could find on which communicationchannel most the access points is travelling. As all are in surrounding spaces it uses a samephysical channel and by scanning one can find the best secure channel to communicate.Overlapping the access point of frequencies on wireless channel is good one as it has number ofsurrounding access points.
Wireless Traffic Throughput Optimization_1

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