Project 1: Transition from Home to Care
Added on 2019-09-22
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Question 4The transitioning from the home to care center is a crucial phase for the children. While visitingthe care centers, they need to stay in an unfamiliar environment for long hours. For the children,coping with such changes can be emotionally stressful. In such situations, involving one or twoeducators to take care of the children can be effective. In the initial days, meeting too many newpeople at once can be overwhelming for the children. On the contrary, dealing with one or twoeducators makes the situation easier for the children and helps them to get familiar with the newplace gradually. Generally children grow and learn more in their very first 12 months. About four months onbabies sleep less during the day and babies will start to take a nap through the night from 6–8months. However, the following factors can affect the sleep of a child—TemperatureExposure to light-- Excessive light at the sleeping area can affect sleep of a child (Meltzer &Mindell, 2007).Health status—The sleep pattern of a child changes with the developmental stages. Forinstance, the children can have interrupted sleeping during teething.References:Meltzer, L. J., & Mindell, J. A. (2007). Relationship between child sleep disturbances and maternal sleep,mood, and parenting stress: a pilot study. Journal of Family Psychology, 21(1), 67.Question 10The physical interactions help the children to create emotional bonding with the adults. When the children are hold or patted, they feel cared, safe and secured. It, in turn, creates strong attachment with the adults.
The language skill of a child is developed through social interaction. The physical interaction with adults can be considered as a form of social interaction and so, it can lead to language development.The exploratory experiences make the children familiar with the world and provide them new knowledge. For instance, the 7 month old children can move through crawling. Putting them on floor with a mat and a number of toys can encourage them to reach the toys. It will be a completely new experience for them and will help them to learn more movements.Question 12SIDS or the sudden infant death syndrome can be described as the death of an infant during sleep. The SIDS can also be named as crib death. The SIDS causes death of a significant number of children under the age of 1 year. The SIDS can be caused by several a factors which include—Any hidden health problem such as defects in the brainAge ( especially when the children are in the first six months)Stress due to poor sleep positioning, respiratory issues and secondhand smoke The risk of SIDS can be reduced by incorporating the safe sleep practices. The safe sleep practices can include—Keeping the babies with well-fitting and secured cushion. The children should sleep on a firm surface. Making sure the blanket is not causing respiratory obstacle for the baby. The small wearable blankets can be used as those do not cover face of the baby. Putting the baby on back for sleep can reduce the risk of deathKeeping the children cool and comfortable during sleep can be effective to reduce the risk of death.Question 13The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) focuses on protecting the rights ofchildren across the world and enforcing the rights legally. As per UNCRC, ever child has the economic,cultural, social, health and civil rights (Gillett-Swan & Coppock, 2016). UNCRC includes 54 articles whichdemonstrate the rights of children (Gillett-Swan & Coppock, 2016). UNCRC also described that anyhuman being can be considered as child unless he/she attains the age of 18 or the age of majority as pernational legislation. The fundamental rights of children are described in UNCRC as—the right to life, rightto existence and development and the right to get protected any form of violence, abuse or negligence.The convention also states that the children need special care from the adults along with all other rights.
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