
Reading Summary.


Added on  2023-04-08

2 Pages468 Words92 Views
Reading Summary Week _4__
Bibliographic details (include full details – author, year, title, publisher – see the Reading and Resources list for the correct details)
Arjumand Siddiqi, Lori G. Irwin,, & Clyde Hertzman. (2007). Total Environment Assessment Model for Early Child Development.
World Health Organization.
Freeman, R. (2011). Home, school partnerships in family child care: providers’ relationships within their communities. Early Child
Development and Care, 181(6), 827-845. doi:10.1080/03004430.2010.491704
Analysis: What are the key ideas?
Children learn about themselves and create their identities within the context of families and communities. A relational community
is a social structure that inspires and helps one to improve their focus areas through values, norms, and social support. Rational
communities promote the feeling that members matter to each other and the group. Peer culture is an example of a relational
community as it may encourage cognitive development, emotional and physical development. Relational communities offer many
forms of social support to children and their guardians including informational support, emotional support, and instrumental support
(Arjumand Siddiqi, Lori G. Irwin,, & Clyde Hertzman, 2007, p. 47). Relational communities are characterized by elements of
association, union, impact, and fulfillment of needs. However, Strong bonds within rational communities could lead to adverse
effects such as social exclusion and conflict, mainly where a difference in power exists. Relational communities influence gender
norm and gender roles and are therefore crucial for caregivers to enforce gender equality in children at ECD levels.
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