
Traditional and Contemporary Approaches for Resource Management in Recruitment


Added on  2023-01-03

4 Pages1193 Words73 Views
Resource management
is a very important activity
which is taking place in the
organization so that the
internal factors of the company
can be maintained which is a
very good factor for the
organization. NHS which was
established in 1948, having 1.4
million employees and the
headquarters are in London,
United Kingdom is going to be
discussed in the further report.
The report is going to discuss
the importance of HR
functioning, recruitment
processes and performance
Development of human
resource function
Human resource is the
backbone of all the
departments in the
organization which is going to
help the company be able to
operate effectively and match
the demands and expectations
of the customers even. In a
health care centre it is very
important for the industry to
Traditional and contemporary
approaches for recruitment
Traditionally NHS were
looking for cost friendly employees in
the organization and also who have
social influence as well which is going
to be good for the performance well of
the industry. The company was
investing a lot on recruitment and
making the people aware of the
requirement which the organization
was having and the expectations that
they were suppose to meet so that the
industry will be able to keep up the
trust level and loyalty of the
customers is present. Due to time
restraints the company hired people
and gave little innovation in the
industry as well which was not a good
factor for the organization to be able
to operate effectively and efficiently
in the market as well.
Now NHS has started using
contemporary approaches for
recruitment which is a very cost
friendly method for the organization
but also uses this method since the
people are very active on social media
and smart phones. These methods are
going to get in more workforces from
time to time when and where required
which is going to be good for the
Procedures and practices of
performance management
There are going to be
more experienced and skilled
employees which are going to
be present in the company and
they have to be well
maintained and given tasks
accordingly so that there is
going to be higher satisfaction
of them in the company.
Monitoring the old employees
or skilled employees has to be
done but not without noticing
so that they are going to be
confident in the company but
there has to be no misuse of
any power so that all the
employees are going to feel
equal in the organization. HR
is going to make sure that
there is no discrimination and
all the employees are going to
be given equal opportunities in
the company so that there is
going to be higher
performance in the market of
the organization.
It is also important for
HR department to develop
them and monitor and control
them from time to time so that
Traditional and Contemporary Approaches for Resource Management in Recruitment_1

provide the best facilities and
treatment for the patients who
are coming so that there is
going to be a trust level which
is going to be present and that
is good for a long run. There
has to be good balance of
changes which are coming in
NHS which is going to make
the culture of the employees
and customers be present in the
organization and that is going
to make the two even more
comfortable. Recruitment in a
health care centre has to be
done effectively because it is
going to impact the
organizations reputation which
the company has been working
upon from a long run therefore
it is very important for the
company to be able to maintain
this factor for a long run.
In the beginning of
NHS there was a small team of
HR in the company but as the
organization expanded and
became popular the company
had to expand the HR
department in the market as
well. There is a stability which
is present for the company in
the market now which is good
for a long run and the company
performance level of the organization
as well. The patients are increasing in
NHS because of the cost friendly
measures which the organization has
taken for the people coming in which
is why the organization has expanded
themselves globally which is turning
out to be a great factor for the
organization. Innovation in the
recruitment process is also improve
which is going to make the
satisfaction of the workforce also
improve and that is going to be good
for the brand value and reputation of
the organization in the market as well.
there is going to be higher
productivity and operations
which is going to be present.
Rewards are provided to the
employees of NHS from time
to time to keep them
motivated in the company
which is going to be very good
for the performance and NHS
will be able to give the best to
the patients which trust the
organization as well. The
goals and targets have to be
clearly communicated
accordingly the employees of
the organization in health care
centres like NHS are going to
be giving in their best which is
a great factor for the
expansion and portfolio of the
From the above report
it can be concluded that there
is a need for businesses to
have a good internal
environment and working
which is going to reflect on
the outside of the company as
well. The customers are
suppose to receive the best
from the business so that there
is going to be effective
Traditional and Contemporary Approaches for Resource Management in Recruitment_2

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