
Reconstruction in Syria - Assignment


Added on  2021-04-17

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Running head: SOURCES FOR FUTURE RECONSTRUCTION IN SYRIASources for Future Reconstruction in SyriaName of the StudentName of the UniversityAuthor Note
Reconstruction in Syria - Assignment_1

1SOURCES FOR FUTURE RECONSTRUCTION IN SYRIATable of ContentsIntroduction......................................................................................................................................2Sources of Reconstruction: Countries as sources of reconstruction in Syria..................................2Role of the European Union........................................................................................................3Role of Saudi Arabia...................................................................................................................4Role of India................................................................................................................................6Role of China...............................................................................................................................7Role of Iran..................................................................................................................................9Role of Russia............................................................................................................................10Other sources of reconstruction.....................................................................................................11Role of Banks as sources of Syrian reconstruction...................................................................11Role of agencies as sources of Syrian reconstruction................................................................13Impact of foreign aid on people and local areas............................................................................15Coalition of interests of different countries and institutes.............................................................17Challenges and Possibilities in Reconstruction of Syria...............................................................19Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................20References......................................................................................................................................22
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Reconstruction in Syria - Assignment_3

3SOURCES FOR FUTURE RECONSTRUCTION IN SYRIAIntroductionThe continuous period of merciless civil war has left the country in ruins with its adverseand gruesome outcome. The schools, medical and other infrastructures are the most targeted inbombing campaigns, thus, causing a decline in economic output by 60 percent as compared to2010. The physical destruction of the country has a social impact as migration and displacementof millions of people have drastically devastated the social fabric of the country, giving rise toreligious and ethnic intolerance and violence in the country. Such devastating conditions makesreconstruction phase of the country more challenging and intricate in future post-war efforts(Devarajan and Mottaghi 2016). Under such circumstances, it becomes important to recognizeallies that are not only politically willing but also are also practically capable of aiding thecountry with substantial financial resources. However, besides aiding the country with financial resources, it is equally important toreach political compromise to end the conflict in a manner that guarantees a satisfactory politicalstability in the end as stability is the pre-requisite to devise any re-construction plan (Harrowell2016). This paper analyzes the international frameworks that act as sources for reconstructing thenation and its impact of such international assistance on the nationals of the country. It furtherhighlights the challenges that may impede the reconstruction of Syria post-war and thepossibilities to overcome certain challenges. Sources of Reconstruction: Countries as sources of reconstruction in SyriaThe seven-year conflict in Syria remains to be unresolved resulting in displacement ofmillions of Syrians outside the border of the nation, often in refugee camps while war iscontinued all over the country. There are 6.5 million people who have been presently displaced
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4SOURCES FOR FUTURE RECONSTRUCTION IN SYRIAwithin the country and more than 5 million have fled to seek refuge in other countries. Theinfrastructure of the country has been destroyed with an approximate cost to Syria of $226bn.However, there is an international belief that President Bashar al-Assad and its allies shallachieve victory over the conflict and initiate rebuilding of the nation. Russia, Turkey, US, Iran,EU and China has played significant part in the Syrian conflict (Estrada, Khan and Park 2017).The following list provides information concerning the countries planning to aid Syria in itsreconstruction process and gives details about their initiatives and plans for future of Syria.Role of the European UnionIn a conference held in Brussels, European Union Foreign affairs head FedericaMogherini announced the proposals relating to Syria reconstruction plan that includes planningranging from organizing elections to demining. The EU head announced that the EU shouldattempt to encourage parties in Syria to undergo necessary compromises (Howorth 2014).. The foreign policy of EU has obligated the nation to play a significant role in the post-war phase of the country to avert the errors committed during reconstruction if Iraq and Libyawhen the nations were left to act as per their own planning which resulted in devastatingoutcomes. The EU head further declared that EU is ready to initiate measures as soon as there isa genuine political transition from the rule of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in progress(Abuzayan, Whyte and Bell 2015). The conference held in Brussels can be perceived as an opportunity for the parties tocoordinate their efforts to end the conflict and assist the nation in its reconstruction. Mogherinipointed out the significance of obtaining support of regional nations onside such as Saudi Arabia,which stands in opposition to Assad, Iran, which supports the President in rejecting the demand
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5SOURCES FOR FUTURE RECONSTRUCTION IN SYRIAfor him to step down (Crawley and Skleparis 2018). The EU head announced that among thesmall steps that EU could undertake to reconstruct Syria includes colleting fund to support there-building expenses including assistance provided to the country in the form of monitoring,security and demining the conflict in the nation. Further, she announced that the EU has already assembled approximately €9.4 millionwhere a significant amount having been spent on humanitarian missions within Syria. The EUalso may assist the country to restore its basic services like health, education and water to exhibitthat it is advantageous to end the war and maintain peace. The EU may also assist Syria indrafting a new Constitution and develop election organizations with the assistance of electionmanagement and the EU electoral observation mission. In order to bring an end to the ongoing conflict in Syria, which cost around 320000 livesand displaced millions since 2011 during the Assad protests that turned into civil war, the Unionhas consistently provided support to the attempts made by the UN to resolve the conflict(Asseburg and Oweis 2017). The future of Assad is the main determinant to decide thereconstruction of the nation post-war. While several rebel-groups supported by Turkey andUnited States have demanded Assad to step down in a settlement, Russia being a long-time allyto Syria has supported as well as aided the nation in terms of military to fight against such rebelgroups. The rationale behind EU’s ambitious plan to aid Syria in its reconstruction process is thatit perceives the reconstruction as a ‘dividend’ for peace that would encourage the parties in Syriato make indispensable compromises.
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6SOURCES FOR FUTURE RECONSTRUCTION IN SYRIARole of Saudi ArabiaSaudi Arabia expressed willingness to play fundamental role in the reconstruction effortsof Syria under the appropriate conditions, referring to the condition of anonymity. King Salmaninformed Vladimir Putin, the Russian President about its disapproval of investing funds that wasrequired to serve Iran and its militias owing to the presence of the countries in the war-zonecountry. Syria lacks two essential elements like lack of natural resources and high tariffs. The oilreserve of the country has been declining due to depleting reserves amounting to only 0.2 percentof global production. Due to high tariffs, Syrian products have become less competitivecompared to imports from nations with which Syria has free trade agreements (Buchanan 2015).Saudi Arabia is willing to assist in reconstructing Syria and shall engage in any relatedplanning only when the Syrian people would come to a political solution without resorting to anypolitical intrusion. King Salman of Saudi Arabia also contended that Iran must cease interferingwith the internal affairs of the countries located in that region and must refrain from continuingany activities that is responsible for destabilizing the particular region (Diansaee and Yurtaev2017). Saudi Arabia has stated that it will contribute in the reconstruction process only when thenation has a new government and a new regime that aims at achieving stability. This would onlyassist in achieving stability and developing a means of understanding with all the componentspresent within the Syrian society. This would not only help Syria in its rebuilding process butwill also restore its relations with Saudi Arabia (Devarajan and Mottaghi 2016). Saudi Arabia plans to work together with Russia in the reconstruction process of Syriaand bring together its fragmented position, leading it to political process as asserted by the
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7SOURCES FOR FUTURE RECONSTRUCTION IN SYRIAForeign Minister of Saudi Arabia, Adel al-Jubeir (Devarajan and Mottaghi 2016). The alignmentof both the countries to restore Syria is evident from the fact that both the countries have agreedto safeguard the territorial integrity of Syria and state institutions. Both the countries have alsoagreed to the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries and they haveaffirmed the principle of territorial integrity. Saudi Arabia is said to have planned to restore thecountry beyond financial assistance (more detail). Role of IndiaIndia has reported to be willing to dealing with significant reconstruction projects inSyria, which is evident from the fact that it has hosted senior Syrian officials to discuss about itsproposals to assist the country in its reconstruction process. India has already renewed itscommitment towards its pre-war projects, particularly the Tishreen Power plant project that canbe perceived as the premier developmental undertaking of India in Syria. India has expressed itswillingness to commence the project only if the Syria regime is willing to provide securityguarantees for Indian people and the Indian companies. In fact, the security scenarios have beensubjected to review to determine whether the project could be initiated any time in the future.India had already extended credit line to Syria for $100 million prior to the war but the projecthauled when the war escalated (Chan and Lee 2016). Syria and India have always maintained friendly ties throughout the war period and theofficials from both the countries have been travelling to each nation on business purpose. TheAssad regime has invited India to take part in the reconstruction process though there are noimmediate projects that could be commenced between both the countries. Syria has also soughtlarger role for the Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa (BRICS) in negotiations pertaining to
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