
Recycles Aggregate in The Construction Industry - PDF


Added on  2021-01-02

20 Pages6601 Words237 Views
Materials Science and EngineeringEnvironmental Science
How to improve the consumption of recycled aggregate in
Australian construction industry?
Recycles Aggregate in The Construction Industry - PDF_1

Table of Contents
CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION...............................................................................3
4.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................................3
4.2 Results...................................................................................................................................3
4.3 Discussion...........................................................................................................................12
4.4 Summary.............................................................................................................................14
CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION......................................................................................................15
5.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................15
5.2 Main Conclusions................................................................................................................15
5.3 Recommendations...............................................................................................................15
5.4 Further research...................................................................................................................15
5.5 Summary.............................................................................................................................16
Recycles Aggregate in The Construction Industry - PDF_2

Topic - How to improve the consumption of recycled aggregate in Australian construction
4.1 Introduction
Construction industry drive towards the recycling construction, suitability and demolition
of the waste that has become the paramount. The new construction material is composed from
the demolition and recycled construction waste have added to sustainable practices. Activity
across apartment and housing of Australia construction sectors improved the sharply. Utilization
of the materials in waste construction should be concerned to application of the quality guarantee
system in order to attain the effective product properties (Ajayi and et. al., 2015).
Under this chapter, will be mention about the discussion as well as results of this
investigation. In this, analysis aim to improve construction of the recycles aggregate in the
construction industry in Australia. On the other hand, in result part, researcher will present the
findings in the format of dot point and it is necessary that every point is concerned with the
theme of research. All results of this research will be limited to situation of research topic. This
chosen project is related with consumption of the recycled aggregate in Australian construction
industry. This project should be constructed in Australia country and all measures related to
protection shall be followed through Australia. Under this, it is essential that there should be
detailed explanation of every finding and also think how all findings will extend the knowledge
and skills in filed of construction.
The discussion part of this project will be demonstrate high analysis level about
outcomes. On the other hand, the part of discussion is expected for explored and it will highlight
that in what manner research has to be reinforced that has already known in the area of
construction (Arulrajah and et. al., 2012). The main purpose of discussion is to interpret as well
as explain about importance of findings about the research issue being investigated and then
discuss about the new understanding.
4.2 Results
4.2.1 The importance of Concepts of recycle aggregate is that it decreases the amount of
C&D waste along with consumption of raw material.
Recycles Aggregate in The Construction Industry - PDF_3

Recycle aggregates are those which derived from materials of processing used in
construction or product. The construction materials are enhancing judged through their
ecological characteristics. The recycled aggregate is developed through crushing the concrete
and asphalt and also realm aggregate. The recycled granular material is processes from the
deposits of gravel, rock, sand etc. Aggregates are versatile material that is more suitable for
many applications for an instance use in the asphalt production, concrete and also drainage
projects. In context to enhance the natural rock as well as promote the sustainability of
environment, recycle aggregates are developed from the recycle materials which consist brick,
masonry and concrete. In context to this, concrete recycling gain more importance because it
helps in protecting the natural resources as well as neglect requirement for the wastage. In
recycling of concrete included removing, breaking, crushing the available concrete in to material
with specialized quality and size. The recycle aggregate is helpful in saving money for the
purchases, local government, conserve the reducing resources related to urban aggregates,
developing more business opportunities and also saving the energy after completion of recycling
on site.
On the basis of opinion of Azam and Cameron (2012) it has been stated that use of basis
of the recycled material for construction purpose is sustainable move in the construction sector.
It helps in preventing the materials from having to gathered for building while keep refusing
from enter landfill. The process of recycle aggregate can be done easily at demolition site. In
addition to recycle concrete aggregates, it contains not only original aggregates but includes
hydrated paste of cement. This paste is helpful in minimizing particular gravity along with
enhance porosity compared to the same virgin aggregates. The recycled aggregate is regarded as
abundant and also used the secondary aggregate in the concrete manufacturing, other kinds of the
solid wastage that is being used in the concrete for particular objectives and attain the desired
properties. In this, recycle concrete aggregate impact on properties as well as mix concrete
design at hardened stated.
Importance of recycle aggregate
There is economic and environmental advantages in order to recycling the concrete as
comparison to dumping or burying it in landfill. Concrete is used in develop the materials of
building. It is helpful in minimize the tippage as well as freight charges. For 81%, concrete waste
accounts of Construction and Demolition (C&D) that is main part of C& D waste. It is necessary
Recycles Aggregate in The Construction Industry - PDF_4

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