
Reflection of Competencies


Added on  2023-03-17

8 Pages1483 Words30 Views
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Author Note
Reflection of Competencies_1

The respective paper is a reflection of my management competencies which I have
identified, realized and acknowledged during my course work duration. In the respective paper, I
have discussed about the areas of my problems in the arena of core management competencies
during the activities of my last semester, the problems and shortcomings I have faced and also
providing certain self-improvement techniques and mechanisms in order to improve my
competencies and become a capable managerial individual. In this paper, I would critically
evaluate the self-improvement and personality transformation plans which I would be taking
after evaluating my personality and competency in managerial terms.
As a management student, I had been subjected to different kinds of theories, approaches
and perspectives. Throughout the course, not only did I learn about the theories, concepts,
perspectives and dynamics of management, but have also learnt that a student of management is
expected to have certain qualities and competencies. Management skills that are essential for a
management enthusiast or a student who is pursuing management are: Technical skills,
conceptual skills, interpersonal skills and management skills apart from other tertiary skills such
as spontaneity and street-smartness. A management expert is expected to have highly optimized
skills and knowledge synergized with maximum potentiality and efficiency.
Throughout the session, I had to perform different kind of activities, such as group
discussions, demonstration of power point presentations, extempore, interviews and classroom
discussions. Throughout my sessions, in the 6th session of activities, I have come to realize that I
do not have dexterity in persuasive skills. Persuasive skill is an important skill which is needed
for interpersonal communication. Definition of persuasive skill is the communication skill that
influences the environment and the ambience and directly affects the success of the work.
Persuasive communication is any kind of message that is intended to shape, reinforce, and/or
Reflection of Competencies_2

change the responses (Stiff & Mongeau, 2016). Persuasive communication is important and a
necessary requisite of a management professional as through persuasive communication, a
managerial expert would be able to motivate, manipulate and influence a team or the employees
to work for the organization. In the session 6 which was an examination of persuasive
communication, I was given the task to communicate about a particular idea on sustainability in
my group in order to persuade the subordinates to work for it. However, in the session, I had
observed myself and deduced that I had been lacking in the respective field. I was not
comfortable and my lack of knowledge regarding proper verbal as well as non verbal
communication, the phases of persuasive communication such as manipulating others through
proper usage of rhetoric and dictions were lacking in me. To cope with such problem, I have to
be getting into the process of continuous self-improvement by using a perfect amalgamation of
image, logic and emotions in my speeches, be argumentative which would make me a perfect
orator and a manipulator. I can utilize Cialdini’s weapon of influence, which consists of Ethos,
Pathos and Logos in order to develop my persuasive skills to influence the people in the team or
group to work as intended (Cialdini, 2016). Ethos consists of Authority and Liking, Pathos
consists of Social proof, reciprocity and consistency and Logos consists of Scarcity that can be
amalgamated and inculcated in persuasive communication Cialdini’s weapons of influence
diagram are provided hereafter.
Reflection of Competencies_3

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