Website Quality and Customer Satisfaction
Added on 2020-01-07
15 Pages5886 Words161 Views
Research MethodsLiterature review of the Relationship Between theQuality of Website and Customer Satisfaction
Table of Contents1.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................................21.2 Meaning and significance of customer satisfaction..............................................................21.3 Satisfaction foundation..........................................................................................................31.4 Models of customer satisfaction ...........................................................................................41.5 Defining e-service quality.....................................................................................................51.6 Dimensions of E-service quality...........................................................................................51.2 Different quality factors of ASOS and ZARA websites ......................................................61.3 Quality of websites influencing buying decisions for ASOS and ZARA.............................81.4 Quality factors lead to consumer satisfaction.......................................................................91.5 Relationship between quality of website and purchase intention of buyers.......................101.6 Relationship between quality of website and customer satisfaction 300............................111.7 Factor needs to be consider during the use of website 400.................................................11REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................131
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 IntroductionLiterature review are the secondary sources which consists of views and opinions ofpeople. In dissertation, respective chapter tend to have very important role (Literature review,2016). This is because, it is with the help of this chapter scholar of the study can prepare base forits research. Thus, it can direct its efforts in terms of attaining formulated aim and objectives ofthe study in an effectual manner. Here, in the present study assistance has been taken fromnumber of secondary sources. It consists of books, journals and online articles. These sourceshave played very effectual role in the task to fulfil the objectives of dissertation. 1.2 Meaning and significance of customer satisfactionAccording to the view point of (Chiu and et. al., 2014) Customer satisfaction is thedegree to which buyers feel satisfied with the goods and services which is being purchased andexperience by them. In addition to this, (Edward, 2012) has depicted that customer satisfaction isthe buyers feeling of disappointment and pleasure resulting from outcome of product with his/herexpectation. Furthermore, as per the view point of Flanagin and, (2014) customersatisfaction define as the aspect which entail that whether buyers are happy with the goods andservices which is being given by firm or not. In accordance with the given context, it can be saidthat for any firm it is very essential that it should enhance as well as maintain satisfaction level ofits buyers. In this regard, Hsu, Chang and Chen (2012) have entailed that high level of customersatisfaction will help in enhancing sales and profits of enterprise. In this regard, it has been seenthat buyers will repeatedly purchase the goods and services of enterprise if they feel highlysatisfied with the same. Furthermore, the buyers who will feel highly satisfied will also influencetheir friends and family members with regard to purchase the goods and services from thespecific firm. Overall, it can be said that high level of satisfaction among customers will help inraising the sales and profits of firm. Besides this, Chiu and, (2014) have depicted that customer satisfaction will alsohelp in reducing negative word-of-mouth. Word of mouth is the type of promotional approachwherein a buyer who continuously uses the goods and services of firm will tend to deliver theinformation about the product to other individual. Here, word-of-mouth publicity is done bybuyers on the basis of their experience. For example, if buyers have positive experience from the2
firm at that time they will feel highly satisfied and will communicate positive about firm'sservices as well as product. Thus, it is correct to said that for any firm it is very essential that itshould make efforts in terms of maintaining the satisfaction level of its buyers in an effectualway. This is because, if this is not done then in this situation it will become very difficult forenterprise whether it is manufacturing or service firm with respect to attract large number ofbuyers towards enterprise in an effectual way. 1.3 Satisfaction foundationThere are different theories are examined which are used as a base for customersatisfaction model. The detailed explanation about the theories are depicted in below:Expectation and dis-confirmation According to the view point of Edward (2012) expectation and dis-confirmation theoryentail that the concept such as satisfaction is majorly the function of dis-confirmation which willgradually turn into performance and expectation. Furthermore, the given model also depict thatperceived quality of product tend to confirm or dis-confirm satisfaction. For example, the buyerswill highly satisfy when they get product which is above the level of perceived expectation.However, negative result will be found in reverse circumstances.Value percept disparity theoryAs per the view point of AUTH the given theory consider satisfaction as an emotionalresponse and it is being triggered by cognitive evaluation process (Value percept disparitytheory, 2016). In this context, given theory tend to entail that buyers feel highly satisfied whenfirm fulfils their needs and wants rather than expectation. Thus, the given theory entail that firmshould make efforts in terms of fulfilling the demands of its buyers in an effectual manner. Thisis because, if this is not done then profits of enterprise will be affected in a negative way.Perceived performance theory Achiu and, (2014) have stated that customer feel dissatisfied because of the actualperformance which is being given by the employees who are working within enterprise. Thus,here author have depicted that the thing which buyer's expect from the firm does not cause majoreffect on their level of satisfaction. This thing state that initial expectation as well as actualperformance should be considered independently. Thus, these should not be compared with thepast experience of buyers. Overall, it can be said that these all given models gives different viewsand opinions regarding customer satisfaction (Perceived performance theory , 2016). 3
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