


Added on  2023-01-16

11 Pages3969 Words24 Views

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................1
Child Labour................................................................................................................................1
Current Situation on Topic...........................................................................................................3
Conditions of Children in this situation.......................................................................................4
Current, Past and Future Issues in Child Labour.........................................................................4
Current policies For Child Labour...............................................................................................4
Role of Legislation in Preventing Child Labour..........................................................................5
Ethical implication of global issues surrounding childhood to child labour...............................6
Ways to Break Down Barriers.....................................................................................................7

Childhood is age span that starts form birth and completed on adolescence. “It is also
considered as the time for children to be at school and play in order to grow strong and confident
with encouragement and love in family and community that consists of caring adults”. This is
mainly the stage of life form birth to attainment of adulthood (Hindman, 2016.). This the period
of learning where children learn about the world and develop better understanding for further
survival. This can be considering as a stage which is shape the mind set and mental growth of
child. There are different positive and negative things are there which can affect the child
emotionally and mentally. This stage is more crucial for both parents and children because the
future of children is depended on this period. This report is briefly discussing the topic child
labour and the negative impact of child labour on the develop and growth of individual child.
There are different things will be considered in this report to justify the impact of child labour on
children. Different type of childhood crisis will be considered in the report to evaluate the
importance of avoiding the issues like child labour. Brief discussion of various literature will be
developed to known the current scenario on the topic. On the basis of this discussion various
ideas also created in order to provide better opportunities to children in childhood for bright
Child Labour
The concept of child labour can be understand as work that deprive the children form
their childhood, their capability, dignity and also cause harm to children mentally along with
physical harm. This thing create resistance in the mental and physical development of the
children. Child labour is considered as a work that mentally, physically, morally, socially
dangerous for children and also affect them emotionally. “Child labour is neither ethically nor
legal. In many countries children still facing this issue and it is affecting their childhood,
education and efficient development” (De Almeida and Kassouf, 2016). There are different
issues are associated with this bad practice that affects the childhood of many children. This
topic need to be considered in the process discussion to develop better ideas that can help the
different organization to avoid the practices that are associated with child labour. There are
different type of work are performed by children and all of that can not be considered as child
labour. The work that can not affect their mental or physical health can not be included in the

category of child labour. There are different tasks are performed by children in schools and
communities that can not affect their personal development and mental development. This kind
of work can help the children to attain growth and development properly. Only those kinds of
work are included in child labour that can affect the mental and physical development.
Categories that can be consider as physical or mentally harmful for children need to be included
in the child labour. There are different issues and problems are associated with child labour that
are important to know. There are two main categories of child labour. “First type of child labour
is known as labour for which children are paid and other one, where the children are kept as
slaves and forced to complete certain work that is not good for their health and development”
(Manacorda, 2019). The second type of child labour is more dangerous for children and it can
more emotionally and physically affect the individual child who is suffering this condition. There
are some issues are faced by the children in child labour which can makes the conditions more
critical for children. Some of the main issues in child labour are- the main issues are associated
with the development and growth of children. For example exploitation, dangerous working
conditions, family pressure, financial, lack of education. These are main issues in situation of
child labour.
Children who come from financially weak background can be exploited by people who
are forcing to children to performs the tasks that are physically and mentally dangerous for
children. They can misuse their needs by make them to perform those activities that can affect
their mental and physical development. “These activities also can harm them physically or
emotionally” (Rodriguez and Costa, 2018). There are some works in which children are forced to
work are too dangerous for them. For example factories that are performing construction work,
glass mills, sugar mills, manufacturing plants and iron extraction companies are most dangerous
condition for the children. This can affect their health. The main reason behind the child labour
are poor family background and extreme responsibilities in small age. This thing force them to
perform those activities that are included in child labour these things are most dangerous issue
for children. In the minority and majority worlds level of child labour conditions are different. In
the minority communities situations like lack of education and poor financial condition are main
reasons of child labour. Parents are not that much educated to prevent their child to perform the
work that is dangerous for them. In most of the conditions poor financial condition and
background lead the children to the child labour situations. In the majority world the main reason

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