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Communication between Front Office and Other Departments in the Hotel


Added on  2023/01/17

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This report discusses the communication between the front office department and other departments in a hotel, such as housekeeping, marketing, and food and beverages. It emphasizes the importance of effective communication for successful hotel operations and highlights the benefits it brings, including increased efficiency, customer satisfaction, and improved reputation.

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Communication between front office and another department in the hotel...........................3
Effectiveness of communication............................................................................................4
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The communication is the most essential and the important aspect of the business. This is
majorly because of the reason that without communication no work can be done and for the
business to be successful it is very necessary for them to have clear and understandable
communication (Yudha and Seken, 2018). The present report is based on the hotel Hyatt. This is
a multinational company dealing in hospitality industry and has a wide variety of resorts, luxury
hotels and other related properties. The report will outline the communication taking place
between front office department with the other departments. In the end the discussion will
outline the effectiveness of communication for hotel operations.
Communication between front office and another department in the hotel
The communication is defined as the exchange of information, facts and figures from one
person that is the sender to the other person that is the receiver. For the successful running of the
business it is very necessary for the company to have strong communication among all the
department of the company. For the hotel it is more important to have proper and effective
communication. This is majorly because of the fact that if the communication will not be good
among all the department then the services will be delayed and this will dissatisfy the consumers
of the hotel.
Within the hotel the most important department is the front office department. The major
reason underlying this fact is that the front office is the only department which interacts with the
consumers and guest coming to hotel Hyatt. Thus, all the details of the consumers that what are
the needs and requirements of the consumers and how many guests have arrived, how many
rooms are still vacant, maintaining the check- in and check- out of the guests and many other
related tasks is performed by the front office department. Thus, almost all the information
relating to the consumers is with the front office department of Hyatt hotel only. Hence, it is very
necessary for the front office department to have proper and clear communication with the
The communication of the front office department is necessarily to be good with the
housekeeping department. This is majorly because of the reason that front office knows that how
many guests have been allocated what number of rooms and this information needs to be
communicated with the house keeping department (Abbas, Mansour and Elshawarbi, 2018). This
is majorly because of the reason that with this the housekeeping department will know that how
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many basic kits, first aid or medical kits, and accessories need to be kept in the room for the use
of the guest. Now if the communication of this information is not clear with the housekeeping
department then they will not know the exact position of the guest (Chikasha, 2019).
Also, the housekeeping department needs to properly communicate with the front office
department. This is majorly because of the reason that if the housekeeping department has not
cleaned the rooms and has not communicated this information to the front office department and
the front office department allots the room to the guest. Now in this situation the goodwill of the
hotel will degrade as the rooms are not clean and have been allotted to the guest. This will
impact the goodwill of the company and this is majorly because of the lack of communication.
Also, the front office department needs to communicate with the food and beverages
department. This is majorly because of the reason that the food and beverage department want to
know about the number of guests in the hotel. This is mainly because of the reason that the food
and beverage department need to make food in accordance to that requirement only. Otherwise,
the food will be wasted. Thus, the communication between front office and the food and
beverage is very essential. This is majorly because of the reason that the front office knows that
how much guest have come in the hotel and this numbers helps the food and beverage
department in knowing the requirement of the food. Thus, here the communication needs to be
very effective among the front office and the food and beverages department.
Also, the communication among the front office and the marketing of the hotel needs to
be very much effective. This is majorly because of the reason that the marketing plan of Hyatt is
mainly dependent on the front office department. This is mainly because of the reason that the
marketing department relies on the data of the front office to know that which type of consumers
come frequently to the hotels. This is majorly because of the fact that the marketing department
will then focus majorly on that segment of the consumers. This is majorly because of the fact that
the front office department has all the record of the consumers and this record if communicated
to the marketing department will help the marketing department to focus on a particular group of
consumers (Wulandari, 2016).
Effectiveness of communication
For the business to be successful it is very necessary for the hotel to have the effective
communication within all the departments of the communication. This is majorly because of the
reason that if what is communicated to the one department they are not able to understand the

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fact then the communication is useless. For the communication to be effective it is necessary for
the receives of the message to understand the message in the same way as intended by the sender
of the message. This is because of the reason that if the message will not be understood in the
same way then many different things can happen (Austin and Pinkleton, 2015).
Thus, it is very necessary for Hyatt hotel to have effective communication. This is
majorly because of the fact that effective communication leads to the fulfilment of the work with
efficiency and effectiveness. Also, if the communication is on time and is clear then there will be
clarity of the work that is which work is performed by whom is clear then the work will be
accomplished on time. Also, the effective communication can help the hotel in increasing the
goodwill of their company. This is majorly because of the reason that if the communication will
be good then the services of the hotel will be on time. This on time delivery of the services of the
company will attract more of the consumers and this will increase the goodwill of the company.
This effective communication will help the company in making the operations of the
hotel effective. This is majorly because of the reason that if the communication will be proper
then the coordination among all the departments will be good. This will ensure effective
operations within the hotel. Also, for satisfying the consumers it is very necessary for the hotel to
have proper communication. This is majorly because of the reason that with help of the effective
communication the hotel employees will come to know about the needs and demand of the
consumers and this will further help the hotel to make the strategies which will help in catering
and fulfilling the needs of the consumers and the guest. The effective communication helps the
employees build strong relations with the other employees and stakeholder of the hotel. This is
because of the fact that if the employees have good communicating skills then every other
employee will like to work with that employee and this will build a strong relation among them.
Also, if the verbal and non- verbal communication is effective among the employees of
Hyatt hotel then it will be very helpful for the company to have good reputation among the
consumers. This is majorly because of the reason that if the employees of the hotel know that
when they have to use the verbal communication and when the non- verbal communication then
it will be very helpful for the hotel to manage the work of the employees. One more reason
which outlines the effectiveness of communication in managing the operations of the hotel is that
the people coming to the hotel are of different attitude, temperament, perception and different in
nature (Oetzel, 2017). Thus, at time of dealing with the guest of different nature then the
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communication skill will help the employees of the hotel to manage the communication with the
different types of people belonging to different cultures and background.
With the help of the report it was concluded that the communication plays an effective
role in the success of the company. This is majorly because of the reason that if the
communication is not good then the work of the company will not be done on time and this may
result in the decrease in the effectiveness of the company. The present report outlined the
communication of front office department with the different departments of the hotel such as
housekeeping, marketing, and many other. Also, in the end the report highlighted the
effectiveness of communicating in the proper way.
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Books and Journals
Abbas, T., Mansour, N. and Elshawarbi, N., 2018. Examining to what Extent Do Employees
Express Emotional Labor: An Application on Front-office Department in Five-star Hotels
in Cairo. Journal of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels-University of Sadat City. 2(2).
Austin, E.W. and Pinkleton, B.E., 2015. Strategic public relations management: Planning and
managing effective communication campaigns. Routledge.
Chikasha, J., 2019. The sociology of language choice and multilingualism in Zimbabwe:
Reflections on language choices by front office personnel in formal workplace
discourse. South African Journal of African Languages. 39(2). pp.111-118.
Oetzel, J.G., 2017. Effective intercultural workgroup communication theory. The International
Encyclopedia of Intercultural Communication, pp.1-5.
Wulandari, N.D., 2016. The Quality of English Language Used by the Front Office Staff at
Kusuma Sahid Prince Hotel.
Yudha, I.P.C. and Seken, I.K., 2018. An Analysis of Jargon Used by Receptionists in Front
Office at Asa Bali Luxury Villas and Spa Seminyak. Lingua Scientia, 23(1). pp.35-42.
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