
Food Industry Analysis and Strategy


Added on  2020-02-19

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Running head: CASE STUDY OF PRET A MANAGERCase study of Pret A ManagerName of the studentName of the universityAuthor note
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1CASE STUDY OF PRET A MANAGERExecutive SummaryThe purpose of this report is to investigate into the policies of a food chain called “Pret AManager” and discuss the problems that this business is facing. It indulges in an in depth-analysis of this British sandwich chain and provides reasons for its eroding popularity. Thisassignment analyses the background of the case study and the aim of the report is to highlighton the problems being encountered by this food store chain. Finding real estate was provingto be difficult and twin shops were opened to solve the crisis of space. Receiving deliveringfrom a parent shop helped to a great extent in mitigating this crisis. It focuses on consumersatisfaction and the methods and plans that can be implemented that draw the attention of theconsumers. The staff should be trained on proper etiquette and mode of conduct that willendear their brand to the customers. The employees will be able to chart the menu of theirfood store that will bring in a lot of innovation and the consumers will be able to try out newdishes. Training should be provided to the weak employees so that they do not feeldisheartened and discouraged. The customers should be able to write about complaints andrecommend suitable modifications that would help in developing the company. People in themanagement being well-acquainted with the finances of the restaurant can keep track of thecash that will help in illustrating the profit made by the company. Aim of the companyrevolved round producing ‘proper sandwiches’ bereft of any chemicals or preservatives. PretA Manager, a few years after the inauguration opened many shops in Hong Kong and UnitedStates. The interest of McDonald in the shares of Pret A Manager further popularized thischain and spread its market even further. Ethical discrimination is not practiced within theorganization and treatment is meted out impartially irrespective of race, class or gender. Itboasts of being an honest store that provides great quality of service and applicants fromdifferent races are accepted impartially. Pret A Manager faces problem on account of fiveprimary factors. Threat comes from the new entrants in the business, bargaining power of thesuppliers, the competitive rivalry, threat from substitute products and the bargaining power ofbuyers. Psychorheology is a very significant branch of sensory analysis dealing withperception pertaining to the rheological property of food. It specifies the existing relationshipbetween consumer preference and rheological properties in relation to the foods. Sensoryevaluation lays stress on the technical aspects of food that is mainly centred around consumerpsychology. Rheology is a tool that is used to relate to different facets of sensory perceptionand it investigates the whole structure and interplay between the different colloidalcomponents. Marketing audit will lay bare the marketing plan that can play an integral role
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2CASE STUDY OF PRET A MANAGERfor the development of the company. A rigorous study of the various internal factors,anticipation of stakeholders and study of external factors can highlight the future prospects ofthe company. Making profit is the main focus of the company that will drive the organizationin the forward direction. The leftovers are distributed to the poor that has resulted in loss forthe financial situation of the company. Cost-cutting is crucial and the employees are trainedin such a manner that they are able to accomplish more than a single task. There are variousfirms in the market and Pret should highlight the superior quality of their products so thatconsumers can very confidently buy their products. Sustainable farming is the method that ishighlighted by Pret A Manager because consumers are very careful about source of theirfood. Popular ingredient is the coconut milk that is now sold more than soya and dairy freecoconut porridge is hugely popular throughout the United Kingdom. There are manyVegetable options are also available that bring in a lot of profit for the company. The storesshould indulge in sales and offer promos that will be able to entice new consumers to buytheir product. A misconception prevails in the market that the price of the products isextremely high and they should clearly reveal in front of the public that the superior qualityof the products is responsible for the high pricing.
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3CASE STUDY OF PRET A MANAGERTable of Contents1.1 Case study background........................................................................................................41.2 Aim of Research...................................................................................................................51.3. Objective of Research.........................................................................................................61.4. Research Structure..............................................................................................................61.5 Research Questions..............................................................................................................62. Description of the situation....................................................................................................63. Sources of data and theories that has been used....................................................................94. Findings from Critical Analysis...........................................................................................125. Solutions to the problems and recommendations and business plan...................................16Business Plan...................................................................................................................18References:...............................................................................................................................22Appendices:..............................................................................................................................24Appendix A..........................................................................................................................24
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4CASE STUDY OF PRET A MANAGER1.1 Case study backgroundClive Schlee who is the CEO of the British sandwich chain called Pret A Managerfaced disappointment after walking into a Starbucks shop at London. He saw that theconsumers had to face problem on account of the factor that they had to wait a long time atthe queue for buying their sandwich. The sell date printed was an earlier one which suggestedthe essential fact that the sandwiches were sale and the business would not be able to profitfrom such a bad experience. Schlee was wondering about the future of his company.According to him, the market of Pret A Manager was not at all saturated and it was provingto be really difficult to find the appropriate real estate that would be able to satisfy therequirement of street visibility and kitchen space. They opened twin shops to solve theproblem of space because the store was proving to be too small to include a kitchen. Theywere receiving deliveries from a parent shop that was situated a block away (Mohamed,2013). Some employees were in favour of the strategy of opening twin shops because theyfelt that by adopting this method they would be able to expand their business in the regionalsphere. There were others who wanted to do away with this system as this would jeopardisethe growth of their business. Prêt had opened 16 shops under Andrew Rolfe within the city ofNew York but the US customers preferred drip coffee and they used to produce espressosalong with lattes which proved to be an important factor for their unpopularity. Pret’scompetition was increasing with the emergence of powerful supermarkets and food retailerlike Waitrose and that of Marks and Spenser. Facilities should be made for the training of customer service which would be able toequip them with the proper skill-set and dedication so that they would be able to providegood service to the customers. Employees are empowered to decide the menu of their storewhich though empowers the employees also carries a drawback that the menu of differentsores will be different thus creating inconvenience for the consumer. The Mystery Shopperprogram is laudable however due care should be taken to select the shopper who hasprofessional experience and is a distinguished member of an association. The results broughtout by such a person will hence be trustworthy and can be relied upon in order to bring aboutchanges in the organization. The Mystery bonuses offered would surely embolden theemployees and inspire them to work hard however it can also increase the competition amongemployees and destroy the relationship between them. Due care should be taken to providetraining to the weak employees so that they do not get disheartened. Parties will no doubt
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5CASE STUDY OF PRET A MANAGERprovide relaxation however they should be well administered and the frequency should bekept in check so that they do not interfere with the work schedule. The facility of twin shops carries with it a lot of advantages however in this case boththe parent shop and where the sandwiches were sold needed to be looked after thus creatingconfusion among the store manager. Disputes will arise in regard to the allocation of dutiesand confusion will prevail in this kind of scenario. An article that was published in The SunNewspaper reported the fact that the trolley is carried for greater than half mile before theyfinally arrive at the store thus revealing the essential fact that the sandwiches were not freshand would be detrimental for the health of the customers. The signs and labels were found tobe misleading and were not authentic. The small print on wrappers made it clear that the foodwas not produced from within the house (Pret, Carter & Shaw, 2016). The tabloid, The Sunbrought out the fact that how the dishes were fetched from a mass-production kitchen. Inorder to match up to the increasing sale, more stores should be opened in different places sothat the customers do not have to travel for a long time to get to their favourite store. There should be a facility online so that customers can write about their complaintsand recommend modifications which would surely prove to be of great boon in bringingabout positive changes in the company. They would be able to think about the minute flawsin service and report them to the operations manager who would take note of theshortcomings and introduce changes that would profit the organization in the long run. Theadvertising should be done in a clever manner and since the young people tend to go forsandwiches they should be promoted on various youth platform like Face book and Instagramthat would help in furthering the business. More people would get to know and that wouldsurely increase the sales. The people who are involved in the management should be well-acquainted with the fundamental concept in relation to the finances of the restaurant so thatthey can very easily keep track of the cash that they are earning from the business and thecash that is going out on a daily basis that would help them to track the profit made by thecompany (Zenk et al., 2015).1.2 Aim of ResearchThe key aim of the research is to analyze the marketing techniques of the Britishsandwich store Pret A Manager. It intends to evaluate the operations management of the storeand the theories and methods that can be used for the successful running of the organization.
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