
Advertising Effectiveness and Strategies


Added on  2020-02-05

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Advertisement and Promotion
Advertising Effectiveness and Strategies_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 2............................................................................................................................................12.1 Role of advertisement in an integrated promotional strategy...............................................12.2 Branding and its importance to organization........................................................................22.3 Creative aspect of advertisement..........................................................................................32.4 Ways of working with advertising agency............................................................................43.1 Primary techniques of below-the-line promotion.................................................................53.2 Other techniques used in Below the line promotion.............................................................5TASK 3............................................................................................................................................64.1 Developing a promotional plan.............................................................................................64.2 Integration of promotional technique for promoting a product............................................74.3 Techniques for measuring campaign effectiveness...............................................................84.4 Appropriate process for formulation of a budget for promotional campaign.......................9CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................10REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................11
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INTRODUCTIONAdvertisement can be determined as a process through which organizations provideinformation regarding the product or services delivered to the customers. On the other hand,promotion is a way through which customers are attracted. Both are essential for deliveringgoods and facilities effectively to services users (Ward, Hancock and Macrae, 2014). In order togrow and gain profit, both advertisement and promotion are very important. It is theresponsibility of marketing manager to make use of all promotional tools so-as-to attractscustomers (Knapp and Vanderhook, 2014). Present report is about Kellogg's which is a foodmanufacturing firm. It has established its business around 18 countries and has been marketed toaround 180 countries. This report covers the importance and role of advertisement in theorganization. Further, it includes use of below-the-line techniques and its importance by the citedorganization. Lastly, it also includes integrated promotional strategies which can be used by thefirm in order to promote its products or services.TASK 22.1 Role of advertisement in an integrated promotional strategyThere are many tools which are used by organizations in order to attract customers. Inthis context, tools include direct marketing, public relation, personal selling, etc. (Freitas,Conneely, and Oakes, 2013). All these techniques are very essential for gaining profits andgrowth of the organization. Following are the roles of advertisement in an integrated promotionalstrategy:Providing information: This is one of the main reasons because of which advertisement areplanned for particular goods or services. When a product is developed, it is very important forthe firm to provide adequate information regarding the same. In accordance with the case,Kellogg's displays their advertisements through posters, cinema, radio, etc. (Aaker andJoachimsthaler, 2012). In addition to this, one of the main tools used by this firm isadvertisement on television. With the use of these types of tools, firm deliver all the associatedinformation about their products and services. As a result, customers’ get to know about theservices or products delivered by the firm. Further, features and benefits are also conveyed whichhelps in developing curiosity among customers towards the product (Gilani and Leon, 2013).With this respect, there are firms which develop attractive advertisements before the product is1
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even released in the market. This is very helpful in developing curiosity among customers and ingaining huge profit (Rezaei and Muntz, 2013). Similarly, whenever Kellogg's develop newproduct, they should make advertisement before the product is actually released in the market.Through this strategy, firm will be able to gain huge profit. Moreover, advertisements will helpin attaining competitive advantage as well. Thus, it can be stated that, it is essential for all the organizations to develop theiradvertisements with the help of which they will be able to attract customers and gain profits(Okazaki, Li and Hirose, 2012). With this respect, it is important for the firm to develop anattractive advertisement which will convey information regarding the product or services. 2.2 Branding and its importance to organizationBranding can be determined as a process which is involved in creating unique identity ofproduct or service by the organization which makes it different from its competitors. There aremany things like logo, name, image, etc. through which branding is done. Through branding,firm aims at developing an exclusive uniqueness of the firm (Ramer, Soroca and Doughty,2013). Further, with the help of same, people get to recognize about the firm easily. Thus, it canbe stated that organization should focus on developing their brand image so that people knowabout the product.In this context, following are the importance to organization through branding:Loyalty and recognition: One of the main benefits of branding is that people will be ablerecognizing the product in more effective manner. In addition to this, with strong brandlogo or image, it will help the firm as it would develop an image among potentialcustomers. There are many ways like shape, packaging, logo, etc. through which peopleidentify the product (Shaw, Howell and Genskow, 2014). Further, people can also knowthrough the name of the company, when they get to hear it on radio, advertisement orwhen other people talk about the firm. On the other hand, customers who buy the productof particular brand frequently are more likely to be brand loyal. Develops brand equity: When firm has strong brand, then it has high financial advantagewith the help of brand equity (Importance of Branding, 2011). Product positioning: When a company comes up with a new product, then it becomeseasy for the organization to promote it due to existence of its brand image. As customershave good perception regarding the product so they trust the new product as well2
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