
Workplace Health & Safety at Synergy Health


Added on  2020-02-12

6 Pages1389 Words30 Views
Health and Safety in thesocial care workplace
Workplace Health & Safety at Synergy Health_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................31.1................................................................................................................................................31.2................................................................................................................................................41.3................................................................................................................................................5CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................6REFERENCES................................................................................................................................6
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INTRODUCTIONHealth and safety in the social care work place signifies the importance of health andsafety safeguards to be taken into account to ensure the sustainability of the organisation in thelong run because today's world is getting aware and becoming health and social conscious.This report gives the general scenario of the policies and procedures that Synergy Healthorganisation need to follow as per the various legislatures framed and declared by the UKgovernment and assess the responsibilities of every organisation towards health and social carein work place.TASK 11.1In today,s world government of UK is seriously working on the social and health safetyin the work place and thus framed and declared various policies to ensure their freedomregarding their religion, ethnicity, political beliefs etc. As per Data protection Act 1998, everyemployee of Synergy Health Organisation are free to have their own beliefs and culture and thusorganisation do not have right to compel the employees to disclose their personal informationregarding their beliefs and ethnicity and do not face inferiority in front of others. Synergy HealthOrganisation is responsible to keep all the personal information secure and confidential until theemployee himself gives consent to disclose. As per Health and Safety Act 1981, the managementis responsible to give primary first aid to its employees , thus Synergy health organisation shouldhave effective provisions of equipments and resting rooms to give the basic medical facilities toall their employees and every employee should be well known of these arrangements andfacilities. Management of the health and safety regulation 1999, enforce the Synergy Healthorganisation to ensure theco-operation and co-ordination between employers and the selfemployed sharing a workplace so that no disharmony occurs in the work place which wouldaffect the patients and the attendants who are already in worried and tense situation. This act alsoensures that every employee should get their task as per their competence and physicalcapabilities. No one should be forced to work beyond their competence which would affect theirhealth and demoralise them mentally. They should be properly trained for the extra work theyneed to perform. Thus, Synergy Health Organisation need to ensure that all the necessarylegislatures regarding health and safety has been enforced in the organisation because in today'
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