
Job Description - Supervisor


Added on  2023-01-17

37 Pages12133 Words48 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentTeacher Development
Job Description - Supervisor_1

Table of Contents
PORTFOLIO 1.................................................................................................................................3
Job Description.......................................................................................................................3
Draft Learning Outcomes.......................................................................................................4
Final Learning Outcomes.....................................................................................................17
Job Description - Supervisor_2

Job Description
Company Name: My Cookie Dough Retail Trading Ltd
Job Title: Supervisor
Reporting To: Angie Gewargis , Operations Director
Responsible for: Managing Team and Operation.
Location: My Cookie Dough, Lower Middle Mall, Westfield Stratford, London,
Main purpose of the Job:
I was interned as supervisor in My Cookie Dough Retail Trading Ltd where I have to
perform several roles and responsibilities in order to achieve business goal and objectives in an
effective and efficient manner. The main purpose of supervisor is responsible for actions as well
as productivity of business. Their main role is controlling and orchestrating than performing it.
Being the supervisor in respective organisation have to focus on various work and perform it in
best manner for positive results. The working movements of products, raw materials from one to
another has to be supervised by me in most appropriate way for better outcomes. I have to rotate
around administration department and provide reports to top level management so that they can
make decisions regarding business. They exhibit, provide directions, participations and
assistance to perform so that they can improve themselves. I also use key performance indicators
for measuring each and every performance in an effectual manner. The attendance of working
force has to be taken by me. I am liable for preparing various types of records so that I can
handle all types of tasks and utilised it for survey. This is my first internship where duties has to
be performed by me in best possible way so that set goals are achieved.
I have to run store when my store manager is not present by fulfilling need and demand
of consumers so that they get best products. Each and every customers has to be served through
available products of bakery, confectionery items. I have to perform managerial duties in terms
of ordering, rota, hiring and firing, stock count and so on. Moreover, I have to provide training to
all new and fresher employers so that they can learn culture of organisation and work
accordingly, mainly I have to provide training related with closing, opening and general duties. I
have to handle team and provide them feedback on regular basis so that they can inform
Job Description - Supervisor_3

themselves and perform in more better and effective manner. Supervisor works mainly for
handling of store and helping others whenever required in best possible manner. I have to handle
queries of customers and serve them in best possible manner so that they can get solution of their
problems. Whenever staffs working in organisation face issues which has to be solved be me
from time to time so that they survive and sustain at business.
Key Duties:
Operating store whenever store manager is not present or absent
Helping as well as serving each and every consumers with baking products of
Assisting management by performing managerial duties like stock count, hiring, firing,
ordering, Rota and so on.
Providing training to old staff for making them perfect and new staff related with closing,
opening and general duties and responsibilities.
Providing coaching as well as feedback on regular basis to team members
Helping to other stores whenever they required
Assisting and supervising customer queue in order to ensure about services that are
provided to them in smooth manner and during busy periods
Helping store manager during issues
Draft Learning Outcomes
1. Leadership
Box 1
It is a Learning Journal Entry which is for the first month i.e. for December which I have to
submit while I was performing my internship.
Name of the Company: My Cookie Dough Retail Trading Ltd
My Internship Job title: Supervisor
Location of the workplace
Street – My Cookie Dough, Westfield Stratford, Lower Middle Mall
Town- London
Country- UK (United Kingdom)
Supervisors Name and Contact Details- Angie Gewargis,
Your current home address
Job Description - Supervisor_4

The present address where I was conducting my whole process of Internship, Flat No.:– 71, 30
Barking Road, Canningtown, London (E161GQ). UK
Box 2
MONTH December January February March April May June July
SKILL Leadership
1. Skill Reflecting
In this learning journal, I am reflecting on leadership skill entry.
2. Experience of Skill
In this I have to perform leadership skill which is very clear to me and concise. I have done my
internship in a retail store which is known as My Cookie Dough as a Supervisor. My role in this
whole internship is to manage all the function within the store as well as formulate all the orders
from top management team to the staff members and interact with employees and customers in
a physical manner. While performing business function in the organization I have to develop
my thinking, enhance my knowledge which help me in order to attain my goals in an effective
manner. While doing this Internship I will be able to enhance my leadership skill which assist
me in my near future in both personal as well as professional life. For example, respective
organization has faced issues in terms of staff training for new employees so I helped them to
conduct training as well as development programs so that they can develop in effective and
efficient manner.
3. Summarise Literature
Leadership skill is very important for me to work as store supervisor in order to achieve goal
and objectives in best possible manner. There are some key elements which helps in defining
effective leadership skills such as ability to delegate tasks, excellent communication,
confidence, honesty and creativity. In order to work as leadership, I have to delegate each and
every work to team members for completing work within given time period. This is my
internship period which I have to learn many things in order to build my career in respective
field. With such skills, I can easily communicate or do interaction with my people so that they
Job Description - Supervisor_5

perform in better manner. With such skills, I can develop particular vision and drive myself and
staff for reaching their vision in best manner. I am possessing such skills so I am considered as
backbone of organisation having confident as well as strong. This also assist employees
working in organisation to develop myself that will help in building their level of confidence. I
should follow the path of honesty so that employees can trust me and work in better manner for
best results. Each elements are performed by setting standard and working on those in accurate
way so that goal and objectives are accomplished.
4. Develop Literature
There are five types of elements of leadership style such as delegating tasks, communication,
confidence, honesty and creativity. These skills are judged through achievement of goal and
objectives. In order to accomplish set elements of leadership skills, I have to set framework and
standards so that I can work accordingly and attain positive outcomes. For delegating task,
firstly, I need to analyse skills and knowledge of working force and assign accordingly so that
they can perform in best manner. I have to interact with each and every employees to know
about their issues and problems and provide them with best solutions. For building confidence
and creativity, training should be provided so that they can enhance themselves and
performance work in organisation. For honesty, I have to be very honest first with employees
and working force so that trust and loyalty can be created within themselves in best possible
manner. This framework set clear standard through which performance can be judged for
supervisor. I have to supervise whole store of My Cookie Dough so that work of business can
be carried out in positive manner and accomplish set goal and objectives. It is very important
for me to enhance myself with change in time and situation so that I can provide right direction
to organisation.
5. Use Framework
I have developed framework in above part to reflect and judge own performance. Out of five
key elements of leadership skill, I am good at delegating task, confidence and honest and need
to improve communication as well as creativity. In order to work as store supervisor, I have to
interact with each and every individuals working in an organisation. The communication skill
has to be improved through involving in various activities and participations so that I can
improve myself. For creativity, I have to think out of box as store supervisor need to perform
Job Description - Supervisor_6

various roles and responsibilities with creative style. During my internship I have to improve
my lacked areas so that if further same problems arises in front of me then I can perform it
easily and accomplish set goal and objectives. Store supervisor has to perform various roles,
responsibilities and duties which is required most and achieve desired results. Therefore, the
elements in which I am good should be enhance more and lack areas has to be improved by
taking various classes, coaching and so on.
6. References
Books and Journals
Conger, J., 2015. Charismatic leadership. Wiley encyclopedia of management, pp.1-2.
Johansen, R., 2012. Leaders make the future: Ten new leadership skills for an uncertain world.
Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Smith, W. K. and Lewis, M. W., 2012. Leadership skills for managing paradoxes. Industrial
and Organizational Psychology. 5(2). pp.227-231.
Smith, W. K. and et. al., 2012. A paradoxical leadership model for social entrepreneurs:
Challenges, leadership skills, and pedagogical tools for managing social and
commercial demands. Academy of Management Learning & Education. 11(3).
Yeung, J. H. and et. al., 2012. Factors affecting team leadership skills and their relationship
with quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Critical care medicine. 40(9).
5 Key Elements that Define Effective Leadership. 2016. [Online]. Available through:
2. Problem Solving
Box 1
It is a Learning Journal Entry which is for the second month i.e. for January which I have to
submit while I was performing my internship.
Name of the Company: My Cookie Dough Retail Trading Ltd
My Internship Job title: Supervisor
Location of the workplace
Street – My Cookie Dough, Westfield Stratford, Lower Middle Mall
Town- London
Country- UK (United Kingdom)
Job Description - Supervisor_7

Supervisors Name and Contact Details- Angie Gewargis,
Your current home address
The present address where I was conducting my whole process of Internship, Flat No.:– 71, 30
Barking Road, Canningtown, London (E161GQ). UK
Box 2
MONTH December January February March April May June July
SKILL Leadership Problem
1. Skill Reflecting
In this learning journal, I am reflecting on problem solving skill entry.
2. Experience of Skill
Problem solving skill is very important for organisation in order to resolve issues and problems
at workplace. This skill is very clear and concise to me as I focused on solving various issues
and problems arise at business place. Problem solving skills helped me a lot to come out of
issues arise in enterprise. My experience is good for respective skill as during my internship I
have analyse various issue arise at organisation. The management issues faced by respective
organisation was in terms of conflict among cleaning staff and chefs who are working under it.
As cleaning staff does not clean premises in better manner which create problem for chef to
prepare products and supply them to consumer in given time period that hamper their visitors
and organisation. This also make loss to business to perform work in appropriate manner. In this
context, I have to play role of problem solver for both parties so that they can perform their
work in proper way and accomplish set goal and objectives. This was the experience that has
faced by me while performing internship as a store supervisor.
3. Summarise Literature
Problem solving skill is regarded as most important for each and every business in order to
perform work so that set results are achieved. For respective skill, I have to follow all key
elements in appropriate manner. It start from identifying issues, understanding everyone's
interests, listing possible outcomes, evaluating options, selecting options, documenting
Job Description - Supervisor_8

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