
Impact of Employee Motivation on Organizational Performance: A Case of Amazon


Added on  2023-04-03

21 Pages3806 Words460 Views
Leadership ManagementData Science and Big Data
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Impact of Employee Motivation on Organizational Performance: A Case of Amazon_1

Table of Contents
1.1Research background..............................................................................................................2
1.2Problem Statement..................................................................................................................3
1.3Aim, Objectives and Research questions................................................................................3
1.4Justification and Potential Outputs.........................................................................................4
2.The Conceptual Framework and Hypothesis development..........................................................5
2.1Role of employee motivation in the organizational performance..........................................5
2.2Amazon’s situation and the employee motivation..................................................................9
3.1 Key variables.......................................................................................................................10
3.2 Research philosophy............................................................................................................10
3.3 Research approach...............................................................................................................11
3.4 Research Design..................................................................................................................11
3.5 Data collection methods......................................................................................................11
3.6Organization of the research project.....................................................................................12
3.7Budget and schedule.............................................................................................................12
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Topic: Impact of employee motivation on the organization performance: a case of Amazon
1.1Research background
Motivation of the employees assist an organization in developing the potentials of the
same while operating on the different objectives of growth and expansion. Shahzadi et al. (2014)
stated that the enhanced rate of motivation among the employees of an organization assist the
same in retaining the skilled workforce. Raziq and Maulabakhsh (2015) stated that the
leadership approach assists an organization in continuing with the efficiency of the operations.
Moreover, Dugguh and Dennis (2014) opined that the flexible working times and the
remuneration policies of an organization are the major factors that determines motivation among
the workforce. Employee satisfaction and the increasing rate of employee engagement in the
different processes assists an organization in enhancing the performance of the same.
On the other hand, Cania (2014) argued that the main aspect of the motivation among
the workforce is reliant on the collaborative functioning of the employees with the management
of the venture. Therefore, it might be noted that the development of inter- trust factors through
efficient communication between the management and the workforce assist an organization in
developing the performance. The policies and regulations that are framed by the organizational
management assist a venture in developing the motivation among the workforce for improving
the rate of engagement and productivity.
The research will aim at examining the manner in which motivation assists an
organization through empowering and encouraging the employees for increasing their rate of
involvement through investigation of Amazon’s case. The research will delineate the leadership
structure and the different policies and procedures in Amazon which is reflected through the
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level of motivation of the employees. The research will make use of Maslow’s Hierarchy of
needs with the objective of understanding the needs of the employees and the steps that are
undertaken by the businesses for improving the rate of motivation among the employees.
1.2Problem Statement
The lack of motivation and inter-trust factor between the management and the workforce
affects the capabilities of the organizations in improving the efficiency of the operations. On the
other hand, the organizational culture and sensitivity of the management towards the employees
also influence the potentials of the ventures in improving the rate of inclusiveness. In this
relation, the concerned organization, Amazon, face different issues while keeping the workforce
motivated, which incapacitated the organization in retaining the skilled employees. The issues
relating to unhealthy competition among co-workers, insensitive management, lack of benefits
and expectations of the organizational management affecting the work- life balance of the
employees. The research will identify the different expectations of the employees and the manner
in which the same contradicted with the higher standards and the culture of the aforesaid
1.3Aim, Objectives and Research questions
The aim of undertaking the research is to examine the impact of employee motivation on the
organizational performance through an assessment of the Amazon’s case.
The research objectives will be:
To identify the needs of employee relating to motivation
To investigate the issues that are faced by Amazon in motivating the employees
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To examine the correlation between employee motivation and organizational
To suggest recommended activities for the organization with the objective of motivating
the employees and thereby enhancing the performance of the same
The research questions for the study will be:
What are the needs of an employee relating to motivation?
What are the issues that are faced by Amazon in motivating the employees?
How is employee motivation related to the organizational performance?
What are the recommended activities that might be commenced by the organization with
the objective of motivating the employees and enhancing the performance of the same?
1.4Justification and Potential Outputs
The research is essential as it will identify different psychological, emotional and
beneficiary needs of the employees which might be considered by the organizations in order to
retain the workforce and motivate the same for enhancing the processes. The research will
develop a coherent delineation of the different factors that might be considered by the
organizations while motivating the employees with the aim of improving their performance in
the different markets. The research will assist the future researches through a basic idea on the
different factors that influence the motivational aspects in the workplace.
The research will assist the end users, the managers and the policy makers in developing
a suitable understanding of the manner in which the different activities might be systematically
designed with the purpose of keeping the workforce motivated and focused. The research will
assist the managers in understanding the expectations of the employees. On the other hand, the
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research will assist organizations in developing an appropriate working culture for empowering
the activities of the workforce. Most essentially, the research will assist in developing the
operations of Amazon through delineation of the faults and the manner in which the management
might overcome the challenges with the aim of empowering and motivating the employees.
2.The Conceptual Framework and Hypothesis development
2.1Role of employee motivation in the organizational performance
Employee motivation is one of the crucial steps that are undertaken by the organizations
with the aim of maintaining the efficiency of the performance of the ventures. Cania (2014)
reflected that the enhanced rate of employee commitment in the different processes are reliant on
the efficiency of the organizations in keeping the workforce motivated. The enhanced
functioning of the processes in an organization is reliant on the development of motivation
among the employees. On the other hand, Bedarkar and Pandita (2014) opined that enhanced rate
of motivation among the employees assist an organization in developing the inclusiveness of
the same. The performance of the organizations are reliant on the improvements in the
productivity and the quality of the offerings. In this relation, employee motivation programs
assist an organization in developing the potentials of the same in increasing the involvement of
the members in the different processes.
The enhanced rate of motivation among the employees of an organization assist the
venture in ensuring the commitment and satisfaction while retaining the workforce. Lăzăroiu
(2015) stated that the retention of the skilled workforce in the organizational processes assists an
organization in improving the efficiency of the operations in adherence to the sustenance related
needs of the same. In this relation, the policies and procedures that are planned by the
organizational management affects the capacity of the venture in keeping the workforce
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