
The Role Employee Engagement in the Workplace


Added on  2022-10-04

20 Pages4353 Words120 Views
Leadership ManagementData Science and Big Data
Research in Business
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The Role Employee Engagement in the Workplace_1

The Role Employee Engagement in the Workplace
The survival as well as existence of the corporate industries solely depend upon
maximally the existing resources and the most vital asset towards maximizing profitability is the
organizations workforce. Indeed, employee engagement is a strategic strategy used to drive
improvements and encouraging organizational change (Men & Stacks, 2013). Recent research
has found that staffs who are effectively involved in their work and committed to their
corporations provide organizations with vital competitive advantages such lower employee
turnover, and higher productivity. As a result, it should be a surprise that all corporations ranging
from both small and large they ought to substantially invest in practices as well as policies which
foster engagement and commitment in the workforces (Osborne & Hammoud, 2017). Employee
commitment is the passion of employees, devotion and effective governance skills that have
support from the executive company management downwards to the employees. Human resource
managers are tasked with the responsibility to set the drive as well as statement of belief of their
organization and disseminate the positive morale amongst the employees of an organization.
Organization leaders have the primary task to engage their workforces. Leaders are
continuously supposed to show and make known that they value their employees. The only way
through which good employee engagement will happen is when employees feel strong and
positive regarding their relationship with their managers. However, if employees have a negative
attitude towards their managers or have a feeling that their manager has a negative attitude
toward them, it lowers their morale hence employee engagement may not happen. The
consequences of failure of employee engagement is reduced efficiency, high employee turnover
and increased organizational costs particularly on recruiting new employees. As a result, the
The Role Employee Engagement in the Workplace_2

management together with organizational leaders should provide a conducive working
environment for their employees. This can be through providing employees with opportunities
for career advancement and duty delegation since a majority of the people look forward to new
challenges as well as job titles. For instance, the management can develop goals and objectives
which leads to career advancement in addition to high returns. In order to make and maintain the
profitability of organizations, company leaders are supposed to work round the clock to engage
their employees (Osborne & Hammoud, 2017). According to Farr, Laird, Lamm, and Bensemann
(2019) the use of best practices, modern high-tech, skillful labor as well as education has aided to
improve the efficiencies of many well-known firms and organizations across the globe.
Nevertheless, disengaged employees have negatively impacted the monetary performance of
most organizations. The durability of a company is affected by staff engagement which is an
aspect towards the company’s fiscal performance. The productiveness of any business is
determined by the efforts of their employee engagement. Consequently, organizations need to
build a culture that engage its workforces to increase financial performance and lower
organization expenditures particularly on recruiting new employees.
The structure of this task is as follows: The first section include instruction, problem statement,
and research objectives/questions. The second section consists of justification of the proposal
and the expected outcomes. The third section comprises conceptual framework and research
hypothesis, which is followed by the methodology as the fourth section. The fifth section
consists of organization of the study which covers the timeline, budget and Gantt chart of the
research proposal.
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Problem Statement
Employee engagement is defined as a condition whereby the workforces are completely
captivated in their work and are emotionally attached to their organization (Deci & Ryan, 2012).
Mowbray, Wilkinson, and Tse, (2015) argue that the most critical aspect that drives sustainable
competitive advantages such organizational value and longevity, return on investment (ROI) is
the workforce. Therefore, with the highly competitive business setting of the present world calls
for employees that are highly engage to take an organizational to the next level of productivity.
With regard to Hu and Jiang (2018) employees who are passionate and dedicated to their
organizations leads to increased productivity and higher profits and generally improved
organizational performance. Nonetheless, organizations are being faced by several issues which
are threatening better employee engagement among many of the stagnated and failing business.
Some of the threats to better employee engagement include lack of career advancement, absence
of continued training and lower wages in most workplaces. Indeed, due to lack of continued
training, career advancement and better wages makes the employee to become reluctant in their
service delivery and seeking for alternative place of work. Therefore, due to the absence of
motivational activities in the workplaces results in high employee turnover, reduced productivity
and increased organizational expenses that in the end leads to business closure. In light of this
statement, this paper will discuss the issues that are plunging employee engagement among
organizations with the objective of providing these business enterprises with practical solutions
on how to improve their engagement of employees.
Research Aims and Objective
In a research proposal research and aims are vital components that have to be placed into
consideration prior to commencing the research. The research aim as well as the objectives have
The Role Employee Engagement in the Workplace_4

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